Green Eyes

What Do Green Eyes Mean?
Green-eyed people love nature and prefer a balanced healthy lifestyle with lots of freshness. Many people wish to have green eyes because they are considered the rarest of eye color, apart from black.
Generally, green-eyed people are found in countries such as Pakistan, Afghanistan, parts of Central Asia, Spain, Brazil, and a few areas of Africa. Some people think of green eyes as magical. People with green eyes are also known to have chameleon eyes, the type that often change color.
I have a confession if you have seen my videos you will know I have green eyes. You may have heard the phrase "Green eyes, old soul" before, but what does it actually mean to have green eyes? Well, having green eyes is an incredibly unique trait that's quite rare in humans. It's estimated that only around 2% of the world's population has green eyes!
What does it mean to have green eyes?
Green eye color is almost exclusively inherited and comes from a combination of genes passed on by both parents. Specifically, it's believed that two variants in the HERC2 gene are responsible for green eye color. In some cases where one parent has brown or hazel eyes and another has blue or gray ones - like a blending of dark browns and blues - their kids may end up with gorgeous green peepers as a result!
Interestingly enough, this trait is more common in populations living near the Mediterranean Sea and throughout the Middle East. Since this region tends to be warmer with less sunlight year-round due to its geographic location, those with lighter pigmentation were able to survive better here than those with darker colors like black hair and brown eyes - making light colors like blonde hair & green eyes much more prevalent here than other parts of the world. So if you're lucky enough to have gorgeous -green eyes like me - congratulations! You've got a beautiful genetic inheritance unlike many others around you which makes you even more unique! Your gaze carries something special: perhaps being seen as wise beyond your years or possessing an “old soul” quality bringing calmness and understanding not easily found elsewhere.
What does it mean to have green eyes?
Eye color depends on our genes, and it is also said to be hereditary. The color of our eyes also gives signs of one’s personality. It has been scientifically proven that almost 16 types of genes are responsible for the color of our eyes. People with green eyes are known to be extremely passionate people, and because of this, they have very long-lasting relationships in their lives. They are noticeably good-looking. It's also a well-known fact that green-eyed people can become quickly jealous, or “green with envy”.
They have a sensitive digestive system, which often troubles them while traveling. They have in the past been labeled as being calculative in nature, cunning, and selfish, and because of these traits, it’s difficult to trust them.
Professionally, green-eyed people are born leaders. They are determined people who are extremely sharp, witty, and capable of doing any task assigned to them. In love, they are a bit over-demanding, never ready to listen to their partner, and also never one to compromise.
With lots of curiosity in mind, they still manage to be great listeners and orators. People who have green-colored eyes are said to have a mystery around them. These people are curious by nature but undoubtedly intelligent.
According to astrology, people with green eyes are said to be gentle people. The green color is also considered to be connected with the mixture of the energy of Venus and Neptune. These eyes look beautiful and generally attract people with their magnetic aura.
I have a confession if you have seen my videos you will know I have green eyes. You may have heard the phrase "Green eyes, old soul" before, but what does it actually mean to have green eyes? Well, having green eyes is an incredibly unique trait that's quite rare in humans. It's estimated that only around 2% of the world population has green eyes!
Green eye color is almost exclusively inherited and comes from a combination of genes passed on by both parents. Specifically, it's believed that two variants in the HERC2 gene are responsible for green eye color. In some cases where one parent has brown or hazel eyes and another has blue or gray ones - like a blending of dark browns and blues - their kids may end up with gorgeous green eyes as a result.
Interestingly enough, this trait is more common in populations living near the Mediterranean Sea and throughout the Middle East. In fact, since this region tends to be warmer with less sunlight year-round due to its geographic location, those with lighter pigmentation were able to survive better here than those with darker colors like black hair and brown eyes - making light colors like blonde hair & green eyes much more prevalent here than other parts of the world.
So if you're lucky enough to have gorgeous -green eyes like me - congratulations! You've got a beautiful genetic inheritance unlike many others around you which makes you even more unique! Your gaze carries something special: perhaps being seen as wise beyond your years or possessing an “old soul” quality bringing calmness and understanding not easily found elsewhere.
What does the literature say about having green eyes and their meaning?
Historically, people with green eyes were said to be mysterious and even alluring—it's no wonder why they've become so iconic in literature. I believe that having a unique eye color can have a strong effect on one’s identity. Green eyes are created by the combination of two pigments when light hits the iris of your eye – melanin and lipochrome. The amount of melanin determines how dark or light the color appears, while lipochrome is responsible for adding yellow or blue hues to the mix. That mixture gives us the wonderful array of greens we see today.
Is Green eyes determined by genetics?
Yes, experts agree that the genetics of green eyes is determined by a combination of factors. Specifically, green eyes are caused by a moderate amount of melanin present in the iris — less than what’s found in brown eyes, but more than what’s found in blue eyes.
This gene-related trait is located on chromosome 15 and is known as OCA2 or “oculocutaneous albinism II.” What this means is that green eye color traits can be inherited from both parents who have either light or dark colors in their own irises; this also accounts for some variation between siblings within the same family.
At its most basic level, it all comes down to DNA and how genetic information gets transferred through generations. The degree to which certain proteins control pigment production determines if someone has brown eyes or blue (or whatever other shade may appear). In green eyes specifically, there is relatively low production of melanin which results in the appearance of a lighter eye color.
So while genetics does play an important role when it comes to eye color and whether someone has green eyes ---- or not, environmental factors such as exposure to sunlight and other types of radiation can also affect pigmentation over time – leading some with naturally darker eyes --- to find themselves with unexpectedly light-colored green eyes later on in life.
What type of personality do people with green eyes have?
People with green eyes, according to many throughout different cultures, have an endearing and mysterious personality. I feel that when it comes to people with green eyes, they possess a strong sense of empathy and care for others. This empathy allows them to easily connect on a deeper emotional level than most other eye colors.
In Chinese face reading, in particular, the color green is associated with someone gentle yet ambitious; someone who is peaceful yet determined; someone who is wise and has admirable virtues despite their naivete. In Buddhism, the color green also carries a significant meaning: one of hope or new beginnings. It stands as a reminder that although darkness may linger in our lives during difficult times - the morning sun will always rise again and give us all another chance at something better.
In Asian culture specifically, individuals with green eyes are seen as brave souls; often taking risks or putting themselves into situations regardless of what others think or say - focusing instead on what they believe will make them happy in life’s journey so far. If you have this eye color then I feel you lucky ---- it means you often inspire those around you because of their willingness to dive headfirst into any situation without fear or hesitation.
Overall then - individuals with beautiful green eyes are passionate yet sensitive beings who thrive off meaningful connections while still pushing through opportunities placed before them despite seemingly impossible odds at times - doing so from immense courage and strength within.
Some examples of famous men with green eyes are --- Charles Mesure, Reggie Miller, Jeff Green, Zac Efron, Derek Jeter, Chris Cornell, and Jon Gosselin.
Famous women with green eyes are: Shania Twain, Drew Barrymore, Lindsay Lohan, Demi Moore, Tyra Banks, Susan Coffey, Hillary Duff, Kate Hudson, and Kristen Stewart.
By Florance Saul
Mar 4, 2013