

Uncover Hidden Flowers meanings

Its Native American origin described Petunia as tobacco that cannot be smoked from the root word petun - derived in the Tupian Languages.

This is not surprising since it shares the family of Solanaceae where tobacco belongs to.

In the language of flowers, Petunia are also associated with feelings of anger and resentment but also signifies not losing hope.

  • Name: Petunia
  • Color: Purple, White, Salmon, Dark Crimson, Pink, yellow and some are combinations of these colors like the Red Piroutte, Ultra Crimson Star, Merlin Blue Morn and Wave Purple.
  • Shape: Single and forms an upside-down trumpet-like figure.


Petunia is part of the Solanaceae (tobacco, tomatoes and chilli peppers) family and is a genus of 35 different species of flowering plants that originated in the South American region. Petunia species are categorized into four:

  1. Grandiflora – This type of Petunia have numerous arrays of forms and colors - however they can easily be hurt by strong rains. This specie also produces the biggest flower size in diameter which can reach up to four inches.
  2. Multiflora – In comparison to Grandiflora, this type is 50% its size reaching only up to 2 inches in diameter - however they are the resilient ones and can endure the challenges of heavy rain and are more tolerant to the sun. 
  3. Hergiflora – They are naturally small in height but to make up for this lack of stature, they thrive on bigger spaces that reach up to 3-4 ft. And because of these, they are commonly called the spreading Petunias.
  4. Milliflora – They are the smallest group of species of Petunia. But being little has its advantage. Although this Petunia is the David among the Goliaths, it can withstand a bad rain better than any other Multiflora or Grandiflora.

There are numerous hybrids of the Petunia and it is actually used as a capable model for genetics and development of Pollination Syndromes.

In the state of Illinois, the city of Dixon is referred to as the “Petunia City”. This is due to the thousands of pink Petunias planted along its two mile highway. This sight adds a touch of paint from early May until late fall into its street. This planting was spearheaded by the Dixon Men’s Garden Club and was taken up by the city - hence the nickname.

  • Poisonous: No
  • Number of Petals: 5 Fused Petals
  • Victorian Interpretation: In Victorian Weddings, a Petunia flower means “Your presence suits me”.
  • Blossom Time: Annual, cannot survive the frost months.
  • Superstitions: Petunias are associated with the sign of Capricorn. And in pagan tradition, it is believed to be a tallish protection.
  • The Shape: It resembles a trumpet turned upside down.
  • Petals: It has soft petals with jagged edges. 
  • Color: It comes in multiple colors but it’s more known as a pink flower.


Petunia holds a destiny number of 5 which signify freedom to unearth once own fulfilment. To fulfil your path, one must not be afraid to accept change and not rely on familiarity. However, it does not mean that you rush to uncertainty every time. By finding your balance and keeping an open door for changes, one can realize opportunities and achieve ultimate happiness.

Herbalism and Medicine:

Petunia is used as a hallucinogen that can cause a profound twist into a person’s perception of reality. It has been used for centuries on entheogen ritual to invoke a state of mind that spawn a feeling of “divine within”. It alters once consciousness into believing celestial manifestation and vision. Shamans then can easily control the mind of their subject into accepting alterations of reality.

In modern times, it use as a healing agent for a 12-step program of drug addicts to induce a different state of mind. In Ecuador, it was used by the Indians to induce the feeling of travelling on a plane. It contains the basic Nitrogen atoms of an alkaloid. Alkaloid containing floras have been utilized by humans in the early time for therapeutic and recreational use.

By Florance Saul
Aug 21, 2012