
What does the name Alison mean?
Alison is a female first name of Greek origin which suggests "light".
It is still deemed a relatively extraordinary and exotic name in the western world. Alison has so many variations. Allyson, Alyson, Allison, Alize, Alyce, Alyse, and Alice. The name is from the German Adelaide. Alison was significant in medical times and at some stage was a boy's name. Alson indicates being noble and the meaning is Alice or little Alice. Alison the meaning can indicate truth in life. There are many references to Alison and Alice in folklore. Alison is not found in the bible but does mean light and that everything in life will spiritually connect.
What is the detailed meaning of Alison?
- Origin: Teutonic
- Quick Meaning: Of Sacred Fame
- Number of letters: 6, Those 5 letters total to 19
- Gender: Girl
- Teutonic: Female Noble.
- Russian: Female Beautiful.
- Polish: Female Beautiful.
- Latin: Female Of the nobility. A variant of Adelina.
- Irish: Female Beautiful.
- Greek: Female Light.
- German: Female Diminutive of Adeline, from the Old German 'athal' meaning noble.
- Gaelic: Female Bright.
- Dutch: Female Alone.
- Celtic: Female Fair.
What does the numerology of Alison mean?
Alison is born under the letter 6, Alison because of this has brilliant ideas, but they are often not practical, financially not that great. Alison needs a strong hand to guide them, as they lack the drive and determination to make their ideas a reality at times so need a strong partner as they are a number 6. Alison is realistic, and they spend their entire lives dreaming about what they are supposed to be in life.
What are the positive traits of Alison?
- Born leader
- Hard worker
- Good at studying for exams
- Sensitive
- Good with people
- Likes peace and quite
What are the negative traits of Alison?
- Has a big ego
- Does not listen to others
- Always wants to be in charge
By Florance Saul
Sep 20, 2012