
Uncover Hidden Herbs meanings
Damiana is a special yet a rare plant. It is an aromatic, shrubby perennial plant.
It has light green leaves and long yellow-orange flowers. It is said to be an aphrodisiac. It is used internally for anxiety, depression, impotence and premature ejaculation. Damiana as a sexual stimulant causes increased blood flow towards on one’s genitals. The increased blood flow causes increased circulation. Thus, it will cause stimulation and excitement in the genital area of the user. This has been the primary use of the herb in many cultures.
Damiana will:
- Bring Love.
- Help Lust.
- Sexual appetite.
Damiana leaves are associated with the Zodiac sign Aries, the planet Pluto, the element of Fire, the deities Pan and Oshun. It is a common ingredient in magic spells to catch a desired lover, increase sexual appetite, or to find a lover. Damiana Leaves are widely-used by many people to bring fortune and luck in one’s quest for love and lust.
Damiana is well-known as the Love Herb because it is claimed to make women more willing to offer love and lust and for men to be more ready to respond to such attentions. It creates a heat-enhancing atmosphere. It is common to hear stories of married couples using Damiana leaves to ensure that one is satisfying the sexual obligations. Sprinkling Damiana leaves in the ground will surge his or her attraction towards you. Other people add it in bath water and use it in bathing to attract one’s desired lover. It is also claimed to bring back to you your straying lover if you carry with you a handful of Damiana leaves in a flannel bag.
By Florance Saul
Aug 29, 2012