Tonka bean ( Love wishing bean)

Uncover Hidden Herbs meanings
For some people, the Tonka bean has been associated with planet Venus or beauty due to its nice smell.
As well, this has been the case for those who use it in money and love magick spells. However, a number have associated it to Jupiter due to its encouraging properties. Despite the Tonka bean being a modern generation herb, its is not common among the European magick styles but has been common as an hoodoo.
The popularity of the Tonka bean is attributed to its nice smell that can be said to include hay smell, cloves, vanilla and some cinnamon, as well as almonds. This is a magick herb that is excellent for sachets and potpourris, simply cut them into small chips that will be added to the other components to make up the lot.
To get a good scent, include only the Tonka bean skins and some white crystals. The scent of the Tonka bean can be used for the musk one especially in the preparation of incense. The scent of Tonka bean will produce the desired results especially when used alongside lavender, citrus peels, patchouli, rose and sandalwood.
The Tonka bean is a native to South America, long time ago, the natives used it to sweeten pipe tobacco. It has been used as replacement for vanilla in cosmetics. The tonka species from Mexico is used to flavor food just like the vanilla.
However, the use of Tonka in foodstuffs has been prohibited in the US due to its dangerous effects on the liver. This has been forgone and some are using it in the flavoring of snacks. You may find coumarin, a white powder on the beans. It has earned various names all over the globe including tonquin bean, tonka bean, cumaru, tonga bean, love wishing bean and Coumarouna odorata,
Tonka bean will help to
- Draw money.
- Make wishes reality.
- Increase love and attraction.
- Draw love.
Magical uses
Tonka bean has found way into the magical world due to its sweet smell that resembles vanilla, hay or almond. These days, it is being used in love and money spells by many herbalists. For instance, it is a common ingredient in mojo bags for attracting money. Tonka beans help to bring wishes to reality especially when thrown into in groups of seven. Generally, in order to make wishes realities; they are used in odd numbers which include three, seven and five. Each of the beans is allocated a wish.
By Florance Saul
Aug 29, 2012