
Uncover Hidden Herbs meanings
Wintegreen does not imply a single plant, but rather, a large number of plants.
In the past, the name was used for plants that continued making food or simply had green leaves all through the winter season. However, the classification was advanced and the name no longer means that. A large number of a shrub belonging to genus Gaultheria have the characteristic and are locally called wintergreens by the North Americans.
Notably, a prominent example is the Eastern Teaberry. The wintergreen berries of the species Gaultheria Procumbens have various uses among the North Americans.
The entire of Gaultheria species produce wintergreen oil. The oil is colored light yellow and at times pink and produces a sweet woody-like odor. There are cases where people have reacted to the oil, getting asthma like complications. This is caused by element methyl salicylate in the oil. The oil is obtained from the leaves of wintergreen through fractional distillation or with cold stone presses.
The Americans use wintergreen to flavor many of their products, such products includes smokeless tobacco, candies, chewing gum and mints. It is also is an essential flavoring for toothpastes and mouthwash formulas as well. The oil is also used in the printing industry to transfer images. In another use, methyl salicate, a component of the oil is used in microscopy.
Wintergreen will help to
- Eliminate symptoms of rheumatism.
- Remedy muscle discomfort.
- Clear skin of rashes and other diseases.
- To aid in the healing process.
- To relieve indigestion and nausea.
- To heal dry skin, excema, and itchiness.
- For revitalization of the spirit.
- To cleanse the blood.
Medical uses
Not all the wintergreen berries are medicinal. In fact, only the ones from Gaultheria procumbens are. The former Americans made a tea from the leaves of wintergreen and used it in alleviation of rheumatic symptoms including pains, sore throat, fever, aches and headache. When the American Revolution was underway, there was attempt to substitute tea leaves, although rare.
Wintergreen oil, which is obtained form the leaves of the tree, have various medicinal uses including reduction of pains in muscle and joints, edema, psoriasis, gout, poor circulation, obesity, arthritis, bruised bones, cramps, cellulite, inflammation, , hypertension,, headache, tendinitis, eczema, heart rheumatism, broken bones, hair care, and ulcers. The oil has id salicylate, which dissolves and results in cure.
Magical Uses
Wintergreen has long been prized for it's energy inducing properties. For aroma therapy, it is used to revitalize the mind. It is also used to help people heal from both phyisical and psychic ailments. Wintergreen is an invitational plant used to attract both health and wellness. The smoke that is produced from burning the plant can be used much like a sage smudge. It is a wonderful tool to cleanse areas of healing such as doctor's offices, in a home where there has been illness, or in retirement homes. Because of the financial attraction properties of wintergreen it is also said to aid in financial risks such as playing stocks or gambling. Wearing a dab of wintergreen oil (if your body can tolerate it - some people it can cause a slight burn) will help to bring money to the wearer. Chewing true wintergreen (not the fake additives used in gum) can promote financial gain as well.
Wintergreen oil, which is obtained form the leaves of the tree, have various medicinal uses including reduction of pains in muscle and joints, edema, psoriasis, gout, poor circulation, obesity, arthritis, bruised bones, cramps, cellulite, inflammation, , hypertension,, headache, tendinitis, eczema, heart rheumatism, broken bones, hair care, and ulcers. The oil has id salicylate, which dissolves and results in cure.
Magical Uses
Wintergreen has long been prized for it's energy inducing properties. For aroma therapy, it is used to revitalize the mind. It is also used to help people heal from both phyisical and psychic ailments. Wintergreen is an invitational plant used to attract both health and wellness. The smoke that is produced from burning the plant can be used much like a sage smudge. It is a wonderful tool to cleanse areas of healing such as doctor's offices, in a home where there has been illness, or in retirement homes. Because of the financial attraction properties of wintergreen it is also said to aid in financial risks such as playing stocks or gambling. Wearing a dab of wintergreen oil (if your body can tolerate it - some people it can cause a slight burn) will help to bring money to the wearer. Chewing true wintergreen (not the fake additives used in gum) can promote financial gain as well.
By Florance Saul
Aug 29, 2012