Animal Love Symbolism

In the animal world, it is normally the female that picks the males. We can learn a lot about animals when it comes to our own love life as human beings. There are beautiful songs, dancing, and looks that all go into animal mating, and seeing an animal can represent love and changes in your love life. Lovebirds, for instance, are the ultimate symbol of love. These birds represent a crucial connection and the vulnerability of acting in love. There are certain animals that represent love in all shapes and sizes.
- A White Dove
- A Ladybug
- A Horse
- A Starfish
- Swans
- Birds and Lizards
- Geese
- Gorillas
- Grasshopper
- Robins
- Beavers
- Gray Wolves
- Cows
- Bear
- Deer
- Ducks
- Bees (in the home)
- Hares
- Mice
Try to pay attention to those animals you see in your home or out and about. There are spiritual symbols everywhere. When you see for instance horses in a field it can indicate that you will have some hot passionate relations and meet someone new, especially if the horse was white. The animals represent love and there is no better teacher of love than the animals that we see in our daily life. In each area of life, we often come across symbols that can tell us what will happen in our love life. Animals are colorful examples of how we can gain our inner knowledge and signs that we are falling in love, or are in love. Historically, there have been animals that have been symbols of love and lust. There are animals that also denote a strong attraction and I will run through these so you can understand the symbols that may appear when you are about to meet a soul mate.
Where are you in your love life?
Love insulates and brings us comfort and youth, sometimes we can go through life and never find the right person. Love is much like the sun. It can shine and move forward and philosophers such as Zoroaster declared that love is the law. Love can be lust, requited or even unrequited, secret, or commitment. In life, we might be going through all different kinds of love. Painfully or even ecstatic, however here I am going to list some animals which will help you understand where you are in the love game.
How can animals help us understand our love lives?
Totem animals related to love can be represented in many ways. The meaning of love signs comes in various forms. Most of the time, animals that we encounter in life provide a door to communicate with them. Here we outline those animals that have a special affiliation with compassion and tenderness. An animal that comes your way may be predicting a love message for you! Animal love symbols may also hold other meanings for you, read on for more insight into animal love symbols.
Animal love symbol may bring messages such as
- New love interest.
- Pregnancy/Newborn.
- Your loved ones desire more attention from you.
- It’s the moment for you to do things of your interest or passion.
- You need to love yourself more.
- Dolphin is a messenger of love
This creature is a messenger of love. Aside from being associated with Delphi and Aphrodite (Goddess of Love in Greek Mythology), dolphin drawings found on an anchor or with a trident symbolizes a church that is guided by Christ’s love.
Dove is a symbol of love
Aside from a peace symbol, a dove is considered a carrier of symbolic love. According to Slavic legends, a dove is a transformed soul of the dead. In Hinduism, the dove is a spirit and holds's capacity for love. Greco-Roman mythologists believe that the Dove is a holy creature to the goddess of love (Venus/Aphrodite). Ancient Jews sacrificed doves to purify mothers after giving birth. Western people believe that doves including turtledoves signify love and are often used in wedding celebrations. (Read about Dove symbolism).
Horse represents abundance
This is a symbol of practicality and love as seen in the Chinese zodiac sign of the horse. Celts associated it with Epona (horse goddess), who is also attributed to love, fertility, and abundance. Mesopotamia legend told that a horse had drawn the sun and that the horse embodies love for the earth for its light and warmth give life to all creatures.
Ladybug is known as a love symbol
Known as a lucky charm and as a love symbol, it is believed that when you catch a ladybug and then free it, you will be its master and it will continuously whisper your name in your lover’s ears. The effect of this is that your love one will promptly rush to you. Farmers of old times consider the ladybug as a lucky sign for aphid populations will surely be controlled. Ladybug’s spots determine how long will your wish for love will be realized. Read also Ladybug symbolism.
Starfish symbolize divine love
Christians consider starfish as a representation of Virgin Mary (Stella Maris), guide for safe travel against big waves and as a symbol of salvation during hard times. Starfish are considered as celestial beings and are symbols of infinite divine love.
Swans Symbolize everlasting love
It is attributed to love, sincerity, purity, grace and chastity. Celts legend stated that swan were made into silver medallions as protection. Hinduism in regards to a swan called this a Hamsa bird which symbolizes divine thought and breadth of spirit. It is also considered a symbol for Virgin Mary, love, and purity.
Birds and Lizards represent a love cycle
Some animals seem to symbolize love and the primality of Eden, for example, two kittens can indicate new children are coming according to Paul Gauguin who wrote a book on animal imagery in 1884. Gaugin was interested in Polynesian myth and art and he believed that for instance a lizard symbolizes family lineage and extending the family. In his writings, he believed various animals symbolized the end of a love cycle when seen together such as a bird and a lizard.
Geese and swans symbolize twin flames
The goose is also supposed to be associated with happiness, fidelity, twin flames, freedom, and love. Geese link to the seasons in life. The domestic goose was connected to the Sumerian Goddess of the farmland but much literature is written about how foolish the swan/geese could be. The goose was also the Egyptian earth god and the feathers are supposed to represent the soul. Especially if we think about the golden egg. If you see geese flying in the sky it is supposed to symbolize new love will come to you. The goose was also linked to Apollo, Hermes, and Priapus in Greek mythology, and to see a goose attack was supposed to be connected to an argument between two people. To see seven geese or swans represents a soul connection with a loved one. For example in Indian culture, the seven geese pulled Braham's chariot and represented seven worlds. If you're out walking with a potential lover and you do in fact see geese and swans then know that love may come to you. The Chinese geese mate for life, and they are symbols of marital faithfulness. In fact, live geese were given to young women as engagement gifts.
Gorillas symbolize marital bliss but fighting
The gorilla is supposed to be associated with a stable marriage. In Africa, there were three subspecies including the Mountain Gorilla, the chimpanzee. The Kwele people who lived in the rainforests believed that they are often intimate but there is a force of love and fighting.
Grasshopper symbolizes connecting the human souls and twin flames
In ancient Egypt, the grasshopper was often named a locust and believed a single grasshopper seen is a symbol of the human soul, in fact, the images of the locust were buried with the dead to show that the twin flame would join them in the afterworld. In the old testament, the grasshopper was a symbol of death. The Aztec artists depicted all sorts of insects to love, and there was a painting of two grasshoppers together climbing flower stalks uncovered in New Mexico 1400.
Every lover that we have teaches us something, there are many signs where animals can symbolize love, and meeting the right person is suppose to be the best thing we can experience as human beings. If you have just met someone or you are wondering which animals represent love then I will take you through the signs.
Robins represents true love
To see a robin symbolizes a divine connection, it could be that you feel you have met someone or will in the future that is magnetic, that has been sent by a higher power, this creates a strong bond between you both. Once you meet this person your world will be completely rocked and want to spend all the time with this person.
Beavers equal a mate for life
The beaver only mates with another beaver and loves together. It denotes in folklore to see beavers mean a meaningful, happy, and content relationship. It can also mean you will live with someone with you are completely compatible with. It will feel that your love is put to the test and there could be some attachment to this person. The beaver is all about building a relationship with the right person. If you think about how they live, building, cutting down small trees, and building a home. Beavers normally live in family units and sleep in the day, coming out during the sunset.
Gray wolves symbolism in love
The grey wolf is a threatened species, they are normally killers of livestock, and rather dangerous. They mate for life and live together in a tight-knit family unit. They also adopt orphaned cubs and to see a wolf indicates that you will indeed feel a connection with your soulmate in this life according to Hindu tradition.
Cows, bear, deer and ducks symbolize love
A hose of animals are associated with the Greek goddess Athena these are the bear, cow, bull, deer and duck. These animals are linked to regeneration and farm form animals can represent a twin flame connection. The bear for instance is one of the greatest natural distributions of any mammal and can represent a male that is stable in a relationship.
Bees in the house what does it symbolize
Love is supposed to be a supportive process, we expect our partners to provide strength and comfort. If you notice a bee in the home it can mean that a partner might betray your love or hurt you through words according to old folklore. You might feel confused or angry and overwhelmed. It might be useful for you to identify all the negative aspects associated with your romantic relationships and take a moment to think about what you really want.
Hares and love symbolism
The hare is associated with Artemis as mistress of animals. In Chinese mythology, the white hare was supposed to live on the moon and be associated with immortality. If you see a rabbit or hare in a field it symbols marriage according to old English folklore.
In the animal world it is normally the female that picks the males. We can learn to allot about animals when it comes to our own love life as human beings. There are beautiful songs, dancing, and looks that all go into animals that represent love. In each area of life, we often come across symbols that can tell us what will happen in our love life. Animals are colorful examples of how we can gain our inner knowledge and signs that we are falling in love, or are in love. Historically, there have been animals that have been symbols of love and lust. There are animals that also denote a strong attraction and I will run through these so you can understand the symbols that may appear when you are about to meet a soul mate.
Love insulates and brings us comfort and youth, sometimes we can go through life and never find the right person. Love is much like the sun it can shine and move forward and philosophers such as Zoroaster declared that love is the law. Love can be lust, requited or even unrequited, secret, or commitment. In life, we might be going through all different kinds of love. Painfully or even ecstatic, however here I am going to list some animals which will help you understand where you are in the love game.
Mice symbolise love if found in the home
Mice can indicate that you will have compassion in relationships. If we cannot love ourselves we don't have any hope of loving others. Perhaps you have hooked up with a number of people but none of them actually unlock your heart. By befriending yourself this is what you can achieve. To have mice in the house indicates that it is time to love yourself more. Mice mate together for life. They represent that you need to befriend yourself to have compassion.
List of Animals that mate for life and stick together
To see any of the lists of animals below can indicate that you will find a mate or love for life as they are all monogamous. They bond and mate and stick together throughout their lifetime. The below animals symbolize everlasting love. If you encounter any of the following lists of animals that mate for life it is normal for you to find a profound connection with your soulmate.
- Beavers
- Gray wolves
- Gibbons
- Penguins
- Cranes
- Bald eagles
- Lovebirds
- Mice
- Puffins
- Coyotes
- Seahorse
- Dik-diks
- Albatrosses
- Barn owls
- Geece
- Voles
- Swans
- Titi monkeys
- Pigeons
- Monk parakeets
- Black vultures
- French angelfish
- Grey foxes
- Macaws
- California condors
- Singleback lizards
Conclusion to animals that symbolize love
Many animals are endangered or on the brink of being extinct. If we take the panda for example they are native of China, however, we have seen large numbers drop and the population decrease.
Animal love symbol may bring messages such as
- New love interest.
- Pregnancy/New born.
- Your loved ones desire more attention from you.
- It’s the moment for you to do things of your interest or passion.
- You need to love yourself more.
By Florance Saul
Mar 24, 2013