
Fantails are small birds that are common in Australia and Southeast Asia, they are generally insectivores.
They measures at only 15-18 cm long. This creature is an expert when it comes to hunting insects. The body of this bird is relatively small and its tails are long. Its bills are triangular in shape, perfect for catching insects.
Fantails are teaching us to keep on searching things, and stay curious. Curiosity is a key to inventions and new things. This world needs s to keep on evolving and curious people like fantails are needed. When this animal presented itself to you, there is a possibility that you stopped learning and acquiring new knowledge. It is asking you not to stop and keep on enriching your wisdom and capabilities.
There are times when you need to tone your behavior regarding on the ambience. Find the right kind of behavior that will benefit you, be a chameleon but not a hypocrite. Best example would be, when you are new to a certain environment and you need to fit in.
You do not necessarily hide all your traits, you are just toning them a bit to better suits your surroundings.
When you feel like, you are getting tired of taking the same path over and over again, a fantail can teach you to change path and look for things that will invigorate your spirit. No matter how big you will gain on something if you keep doing it repetitively, time will come that you will be bred on doing it.
Fantails are reminding us that it is ok to switch a road, and start doing new things. Furthermore fantail people can change their directions and adapt with new things quickly.
Summon fantails healing power when there is no smooth relationship with your group mates or office mates. When a conflict is starting to build up, a fantail can help you create an efficient communication that will clear any misunderstandings. A harmonious working relationship can bring out all the best on someone and make work a lot easier.
Fantails are also connected to the water spirits giving him the ability of rejuvenation and new beginning. Fantails are useful when it comes to replenishing your tired and weary souls. It can give us more energy that will help us face the days to come.
Fantails are also advising us to create new beginnings, a new friendship or a deeper relationship to a partner. This creature is a sign that perhaps it is the best time to open the new chapter of your life.
Fantails show as an animal spirit when
- You are searching for things you don’t know.
- You need to adapt on a certain event.
- When you need to change the path you are taking.
- You want to create a smooth flow of communication with your group.
- You need a new beginning and a healing.
Call on Fantails as an animal spirit when
- You are curious in finding out something.
- You need to adjust your behavior depending on the situation.
- When you reach a dead end, and there is no way out.
- When you want to create a better working environment.
- You want your energy to be rejuvenated in order to face a new day.
By Florance Saul
Mar 27, 2013