Fruit Fly

It was built for hot places. It was built to fly. It was built to withstand the storms in life and to land on food to make us poorly. The normal fly can transmit at least 65 diseases including poliomyelitis, typhoid fever, and tularemia. This is because they hang about in dirty places. It hangs out on the dead, the dumpster, the fish factor, feces, the Sewer.
They are dirty. They pick up dirty bacteria and transmit them. This fly has come to tell you spiritually you need to escape dirty places. Dirty people. Dirty things in life. Think about it they move around and spreading germs. I consider myself to be blessed, but when the flies come it is about what is the point of the fly.
What does it mean spiritually to see a fruit fly?
I was standing in the mirror doing my hair and standing there and the fruit fly landed on me. Fruit flies are all around us. They are different from normal flies. The fruit fly is oval the fly spreads it's wings and it is something special. If you take a good thing at the wrong time it is not good. When the fruit fly landed on me I knocked it off, but it came back again.
Life often leaves us confused. We ask questions. We look at spiritual signs. Do the fruit fly carry a message? Fruit flies are tiny and annoying but to me, they hold lessons. They appear when we ignore neglect. They teach us about life's cycles and they remind us to clear all that rubbish in the spare room that we leave for another day. To see them is to reflect on neglect, what is messy in your life right now?
Fruit flies show you what we've overlooked. Think about this, they buzz about trying to find rotting food. To see many fruit flies in the home or garden indicates that you need to clear away what is no good for you. Like, you (I am sure you will agree) our homes, like our lives, need care. Imagine a room full of old things, or mess, dust will end up covering everything. That fruit fly lands, and with it, It whispers, "Clean this place." so seeing allot of them is about cleaning. Not just the place your in but your mind also. Are there parts of life holding you back? Are there dreams left to rot? Fruit flies push us to face neglect and we must clean up our lives.
What does it mean for a fruit fly to land on you?
You often wonder what fruit flies mean when one lands near you on on you. In different parts of the world, the fly represents different things, but I am going to go over the fly symbolism and the meaning in different cultures. What they can represent and how you can use this information to forward your spiritual journey.
Flies indicate you are being spoken about by people, especially if one lands near you. There is so much symbolism around the fly, if you ever stare into the eyes you can see so much. It can be annoying if the fly keeps landing on you, spiritually this indicates that things will get better with time if you are going through trauma.
What does it mean for a fruit fly to be your totem animal?
I'm not sure you know much about a totem animal? But in totem symbolism, this small insect holds many meanings. It is a colorful insect associated with characteristics of survival as well as transformation.
Here are some traits associated with the fruit fly:
- Color attraction.
- Rebirth.
- Transformation.
- Ability to see things in different ways.
- Survival.
- Mobility and flight.
Fruit flies suggest an ability to survive even in the most hard of environments. Their capacity to make use of their resources, even what is seemingly invaluable or even trash, make them a good symbol for perseverance. They also reflect an ability to see things differently and in many ways. Their eyes are suited to see and sense more than what is ordinarily possible.
Fruit flies also point to transformation, their growth stages from seemingly unimportant specks and larvae to adult flies reflect the changes that we go through as well. As a totem or guide, the fruit fly may mean many things. They can be viewed as annoyances at first, but they can also be the key to deeper learning.
Fruit flies guide one through the transformations needed in life. Just as the fruit fly emerges from an egg and its different stages in life, so to do we transform from one stage of our lives into another. They can be seen as reflections of the transformations we ourselves are going through.
Survival and Mobility
Fruit flies are adept survivors. They can utilize most of anything they feed on, even though it may be only a scrap of food. As a guide, they can show us how to make the most of what is accessible to us, to be frugal and use what we have sparingly in order to survive. They are also quite mobile and fast, able to fly from one spot to another. This shows us how we too must be able to adapt and move from one environment to another, looking for what we need.
Keen Vision and Insight
The fruit fly has one of the most numerous eyes in the animal kingdom. It offers to us its ability to see things in different angles. With this, we are able to view a situation through different ways, assessing what we see in its entirety.
Fruit flies in different cultures
Flies have long been subjects of ancient texts. In Greek mythology, a fly was sent to bite Pegasus, the winged horse. This caused his rider to fall off before he was able to reach Mount Olympus. In Biblical times, flies were associated with pestilence and decay. They were represented in the fourth plague that hit Egypt. However, some cultures also associate the fly with a mentor figure as well as a messenger. This is apparent in some Native American traditions.
Association with celestial forces
Flies may be associated with symbols of pestilence and decay. They may be seen as heralds of celestial forces when it comes time to teach man to be humble as well as send punishment. But flies are also seen as messengers of heavenly beings. They send important messages as well as teach and guide people. They are also hunters in some lore.
Fruit Flies in Alchemy
Fruit flies are often associated with transformation as well as in putrefaction and decay. These traits are highly desired in completing transmutation processes. While they may be small, fruit flies hold much power in their association in the decaying or breaking down of complex compounds and organisms.
Fruit flies show as a spirit guide when
- Showing humbleness in front of victory.
- You are seeking change.
- Needed to show strength despite of your inabilities.
- You need to send a message, but you have no idea how to relay it.
- You need the ability to sense the hateful behavior of someone.
Call on fruit flies as a spirit guide when
- You need to keep graceful.
- You wanted a new challenge in life.
- You need to stand up for what you believe in.
- You need to clear the air.
- You need to sense the putrid behavior of someone.
By Florance Saul
Mar 25, 2013