
The loon is a wonderful animal totem. The loon is the size of a duck.
They also have the same webbed feet.But unlike ducks they completely submerged themselves when swimming. From a spiritual viewpoint this means that it is important for one to hide away from others. There are no sexual dimorphisms with loons. Both sexes have the same plumage. This is black and white during the summer season and dark grey during winter.
During the prehistoric era, the Loon resides in the southern part of the world. Their fossils are often found in California and Italy. They are believed to have come from the end of the late Cretaceous period.
Loons are popular on Native American myths and folklores for example the Great Northern Loon. The Loon is also the provincial bird of Ontario Canada. It can also be seen on a Canadian one dollar which is called as a Loonie by the locals. Furthermore Loon is also the state bird of Minnesota.
Loon stands for hopes, dreams and the things that we want to have and achieve. If this creature shows itself to you, there is a possibility that you are close in achieving your goals - but you are losing your faith. You can attain riches if this is assigned to you. No matter how tough the situation maybe today, the message is one must give 100 percent in love. In time one will harvest success.
Call on the Loon totem when you are having doubt on your ability to find success. A Loon can provide healing power and rejuvenate a fighting spirit. There are times when one will be rejected by people which can take a hit on ones self esteem. No matter how many times one faces rejection try to make sure it cannot affect you. A loon can revive our self confidence and heal our weary heart.
People who have the Loon as their totem spirits are often imaginative and creative. They are mostly the one's who will work behind the camera and take on careers of writing - in particular creative books. People who are passionate with their dreams and a vast imagination are the Loon people. On the other hand they are those people who are spending too much of their time in a fantasy world. Most of these people like playing online games, and cloaking behind a picture in a social networking site. They are those who wanted to be liked on first impressions, but naturally they are those who have poor social skills.
It is also a reminder to separate realities from fantasies. You have to live your realities in order to achieve fantasies.
The Loon shows as an animal spirit when
- We do not believe that our dreams will become realities.
- We are spending so much time on our fantasies.
- We are not putting our dreams into manifestation.
- We are not being creative enough.
- We are letting go of our hopes and wishes.
Call on the Loon as an animal spirit when
- You want to make your dreams come true.
- When you want to live your fantasies.
- You need to work hard in achieving dreams.
- We want to create new things.
- One has to believe that success will come.
By Florance Saul
Mar 27, 2013