
A marlin is a fish comes from the family of Istiophoridaes. It has a long body with a snout that resembles a spear and a long sturdy dorsal fin.
They are agile swimmers that reach the speed of approximately 110kph. So what if this shows as your animal totem? The marlin is associated with emotions. The marlin is also associated with people who may seem ungrateful. This could be family or friends. Whether you are in a relationship with others or feeling down, the marlin's powerful fish tale indicates you can overcome any obstacles. The totem can help when faced with troubles in life and problems that may emerge. Be mindful that this animal totem can suggest that others will truly believe in your ideas. The world is a better place when one has this totem animal as a guide. The fish is also connected to emotions and love. It can suggest that you are fearful of change and that ignoring this can ultimately hurt chances of passion in the future. Whether others are looking for help or yourself in matters of love, this animal totem has it all. It is a great totem to be assigned by spirit.
The Marlin fish family also includes the Atlantic Blue marlin that can grow up to 5 m in length and weighs at around 818 kg. Marlins can be seen on a rare occasion on the house table, mostly only in fine dining restaurants. Sport fisherman who catch a marlin often releases them after removing from the hook. To catch this fish in a fishing exhibition indicates all the spiritual connections above, this can suggest that love and passion will be yours!
Ernest Hemmingway, a Nobel prize winner, wrote the novel The Old Man and the Sea, the story is about an old fisherman and the marlin. The story revolves around the struggle of the old man and the creature.
To have or be assigned the Marlin suggests that you are a loner - they love being alone not because they fear the company of others but because they are a lot more comfortable in their own company. They feel confident that they can do everything on their own and only weak people need the help of others. Marlins are proud and sometimes this can result in a bad decision due to their being stubborn. They won’t ask for help, they won’t thank you either if you lend a help. But do not worry cause they appreciate everything you do, they simply do not show it.
Let's now look at how the Marlin operates - he is sensitive with his surroundings which enables him to move in a precise way on full speed. Before someone makes a decision, they are observing their surroundings and using this to their advantage. Recent events can help plans succeed - they just need a perfect timing to implement great ideas. Be aware of the things that happen in your environment and see how it can benefit you.
The Marlin also shows that love is an important par of life - as the fish is associated with water and emotions. The power of words cannot be underestimated; history proves that a simple conversation can end a war. The wrong words can destroy a relationship, and a simple word can cure the loneliest heart. When you want to learn the art of speech call on Marlin and he will provide you with the wisdom to say what is necessary. If you want people to listen to you or if you want people to take your side, the Marlin is a good totem spirit.
The Marlin also a great balance between night and day. Their balance does not mean a harmony with nature; their balance is about the good and the bad. There are downsides in being either good or bad and that this totem represents new love interests; One has to seek steadiness between the two attributes and he will gain respect from his surroundings.
Marlin shows as an animal spirit when
- When you need to be alone or find love.
- We are losing confidence.
- You need to notice your surroundings in order to create an accurate plan.
- One needs to use the art of speech in order to resolve a conflict.
- One is seeking to find a balance.
Call on Marlin as an animal spirit when
- When you need to concentrate.
- When we want to uplift our self esteem.
- We need to weigh on things before performing our plans.
- One wants to learn how to use words properly.
- We want to be in a state of nirvana.
By Florance Saul
Mar 27, 2013