Red Candle Spells

Finding Love Again Spell Breaking up and seeking love again is a process of healing.
You want to allow proper time for your heart to heal, but when you feel that you are ready to begin the process of moving on then this is a fiery spell to get you going in the right direction. This spell invokes new love in your life rather than focusing on bringing back a past lover.
What you need:
- Red tea light candle
- Picture of your previous partner
- A canister of metal (such as an old coffee canister)
- Any old love notes or mementos from your previous relationship
Light the red candle and say:
“Out with the old and in with the new. I am ready for love anew. Passion fire burning bright, bring to me (Mr. or Mrs.) Right.”
Concentrate on your relationship of the past being gone and burnt to ashes as you place any old mementos and pictures of your previous love into the metal canister. Light the pictures and letters with the red candle and spit into the canister. This helps to solidify the end to your previous relationship in order to clear the air for a new love to come.
Allow the candle to burn all the way out and the pictures and mementos to turn to ash.
When the papers are burnt to ash (make sure that they are all the way out – no need to start a neighborhood fire!) you will take a pinch of the ash and blow it to the wind and say:
“My love is gone but that love was wrong. I seek happy and healthy love again. I am ready for the beginning now that I have reached the end.”
Scatter the rest of the ashes into the ground or dirt.
Let the red candle burn out while imagining a new happiness in your life. Try not to focus on a new specific person but rather see yourself happy and in the future full of love and happiness. When the candle burns out pour the wax on top of where you spread your ash and get ready for new love to come into your life.
Motivation of Will Spell
Depression often requires healing but if you find yourself in a funk a red candle spell to increase motivation and power is a helpful start for moving forward and gaining momentum to future success. Finding your will to move forward after a difficult time is important for imparting new success in your life. This spell can be used to increase productivity at work, to help aid anxiety, and to help you increase power or recognition in social circles. The intent of the spell is important and you want to choose your result wisely so that you get the most out of the spell.
This spell needs to be done on the new moon just before the moon begins to wax and gain power. You will complete this spell over the course of 15 days.
What you need:
- 2 red 7 day candles (usually large candles in glass jars)
- A small plate
- A picture that reminds you of success
- Success oil (if you need some of this you can purchase any “oil for success” or make your own by seeing: success oil under money spells section)
On the first night when you plan to prepare your candle, you want to set up a safe place for your candle to burn for 7 days. The candle will continue burning when you are not home or sleeping so it is important to keep it away from items that will catch fire. Place the candle on a small plate. It is important to buy quality candles for this work as a candle that bursts can be messy or dangerous. You may also want to consider buying a copper cage for your candle as it will protect in case of bursting and also aid in the spell work as copper is an attraction metal.
Around the candle set up images, pictures, or quotes that bring the point of your will home. You may want to include a specific written description of what you want such as:
“I desire a promotion within 1 months’ time. I will work hard to get this and the energy from this work will ensure my success”
Also, placing success quotes to create your alter will be helpful.
On the first night light the candle and say:
“I light this candle to bring motivation, success, and power into my life. I will create my reality without trouble or strife”
On a daily basis while the candle is lit for the first 7 days you will want to visit your candle often making your reality as the candle burns.
When the candle burns out you will replace it with a new candle and continue another 7 day round of energy work but this time it will be directed at manifestation and power. You can focus on gaining control of your life, seeing yourself strong and powerful, and imagine being an unstoppable force. If you are doing this for love you will focus on being confident and sexy. For work, you will want to envision yourself successful and with money coming to your life. All of this is made possible by your will and strength.
Light the next candle and say:
“I command respect and power. I am worthy of (whichever success you are seeking – love, promotion, recognition, etc.) My will is strong and I am an unmovable force. “
You can add words to this such as commanding presence and force to your cause.
You will see results of this spell after the following full moon.
By Florance Saul
Nov 12, 2012