
Salamanders are lizard-like creatures with slim bodies and short tails.
They use their slimy skin to adapt to their surroundings, some of them possess a level of toxicity enough to protect them with many predators.
Most salamanders have four arms and a long tails, some of them have a very unique eel-like appearance. They can grow from 2.7 cm. To 1.8 m, a good example would be the Chinese Giant Salamander. This creature has a very unique way of tracking its prey. By using a trichromatic color vision which are very sensitive, some of them can track the change of pressure on water.
Salamander's contribution to the rich culture can be trace back to the classic period, salamanders appeared on the notes of Aristotle, Benvenuto Cellini and even Leonardo da Vinci, describing it as a legendary creature. Pliny the Elder even describe how it vomits a certain liquid and if that milky liquid touches a part of your body, it can be fatal.
If this animal contacts you, you are advised that it is essential to change the way you move your life, physically and spiritually, since salamander can basically copy the movement of the fish in order to provide him with a good maneuver on water.
Salamanders have been associated with chemistry during the renaissance period. It is also connected to magical making based on myths account, reason why it is affiliated with fire. Ironically salamanders live in water which is nowhere near the element of fire, but the salamander found its way to gain balance.
Reminding us that we should negotiate with the elements even if we know that it is completely opposite with us, if we manage to found a perfect balance with it, it will cause us enrichment and development in life.
All salamanders have a capability to regenerate and grow their limbs during a period of time, representing, growth, regeneration and new life. Teaching us that there is no absolute loss in life, we should always find what's lacking with our life and produce growth that the life requires us.
Furthermore this animal undergoes multiple metamorphoses during the course of its life, reminding us to embrace every life changing events that happens to us.
Salamanders not only secretes poison but it also have glands that secretes hormones to woo their partners, reminding us to be very versatile, be poisonous to those who are trying to harm us but at the same time gentle to those people we value.
As you can see salamander's representations are very diverse. hey are learning to adapt to its environment not by fighting but by living with it, though it is in constant danger with its nature, salamanders will continue to survive just by embracing the changes in her surroundings.
It is best to learn from a salamander to fight when its needed and runaway when its not. You will gain a new part of your life to replace the old one. Find a balance and learn to grow.
Salamander shows up as a spirit guide when
- You need to understand the connection between earth and water.
- You need to understand the connection to the soul memories of early life on earth.
- You need to have some change in your life.
- You need to have understanding of your surrounding.
- You need comfort in your darkness.
- You need to be able to cloak in the face of adversity.
Call on Salamander as a spirit guide when
- You need to understand the connection to the soul memories of early life on earth.
- You need to have some change in your life.
- You need to have understanding of your surrounding.
- You need comfort in your darkness.
- You need to be able to cloak in the face of adversity.
By Florance Saul
Mar 23, 2013