What Does A Yellow Aura Mean

Yellow Aura Meaning
I went to have my aura read a while ago (about 5 years ago) and I saw so much yellow. Now, this is super cool. Everything in fact focuses on light. When we are in the sunlight we feel better - with all that Vitamin D resulting in summer making us feel more alive and full of energy.
Each aura contains a fundamental color that gives important information about the person. This color reveals the person's spiritual, emotional, and mental nature and I take it yours is yellow which is why you are here reading this article. Yellow is the strongest color to use as a base color. It represents limitless potential. Well done on such a wonderful aura.
I remember about two years ago I went to have my aura read at a psychic fair. I stood by an aura camera and the medium took a photograph of my aura. Once the photo was given to me it appeared to have a bright yellow light glow around my black figure, as well as other minor colours. My first reaction was: what does the yellow aura mean? Is this good or bad? At that point, I began to study auras and their effect on our lives. Reading our auras is something that is interesting and provides us with insight and as a medium, I am here to share what your yellow aura means.
What does a yellow aura mean?
From one culture to the next, auric colours and the light, or aura, had different meanings. In cultures, the different auras mean different things. Western society tends to think and daydream in yellow, get angry in red, black indicates depression and green can mean grounding.
Yellow is the color of mental life that is devoid of all traces of earthly existence. Clear, colourful, glowing yellow auras are associated with those who have the highest intellect, inquisitiveness, adventure, positiveness and love of knowledge. In science or art, lemon yellow is a symbol of mental power. Yellow auras are soothing to frazzled nerves. The brightness of the yellow aura is connected to how we expand. The brighter the more abstract our thinking. If the yellow aura is combined with green then this indicates success.
- Reddish-tinged yellow aura means: (bright with orange) auras indicate indecisiveness or an inferiority complex. Red-tinged yellow auras that are very pale are indicative of illness according to some aura books.
- Muddy Yellow aura means: Fear, anger and acquisitiveness, shame, mystery, weakness, mental/verbal aggressions, puzzlement, complaints, doubts, overthinking, ability to do well at work, pain, determination and vanity.
- Golden or glowing yellow auras: This is a fantastic aura and indicates you will be happy. As the mode of feeling and thinking are extensions of human consciousness, so too is the tone of our divine aura an extension of our spirit. People who are more sensitive to auras can see and feel negative colors as a result of interference with their natural state. We can sometimes feel someone’s sunny yellow aura or sense it. If the aura is golden and rich in color this is a positive omen. This represents clarity and a higher state of awareness.
- A lemon / pale yellow shade of aura means: a sort of pale lemon shade of aura yellow indicates. Organized, overthinking of events. Dependable, Traditional, Seductive and Grounded. If you think about a lemon it is bitter inside. The aura when a pale color is urging you to not be bitter about things, to be open and happy.
Is a yellow aura good or bad?
This is not a bad aura to have and I feel this is a great omen for you. In order to avoid her, people will go to any length. Her downward spiral will lead to a lonely, person. This can be changed. The past resentments, real or conceived, could be ignored, and she could start living a normal (happy) life again. Once I told Jessica to cleanse her aura life started looking up. The aura would reflect this new reality and attract people once again.
My point here is that it is possible to learn to recognize the thoughts and emotions of others through our aura, and what we and others are doing in their world. We often must distinguish between momentary passions that are consciously willed and long-term emotional trends. The yellow aura in my view is a positive aura colour. It puts into perspective what we hope to achieve in our life. The energy of the yellow aura is about moving forward with hope and hidden optimism. The yellow color provides us with the happiness to keep on going, to move with hast and happiness.
Is the yellow aura negative in any way?
There is also the issue of negative qualified energy being projected into mass forcefields. The result is a coating or layer of the energy (vibrations) that overrides a person's natural vibration.
Our auras react constantly to those around us. The attraction to another opens our auras to them, two lovers will have similar auras. The aura of two people in love is often large and vibrant. On the same token, we often repel the auras of people we dislike. Can you recall a time when you disliked a person for no apparent reason? You would have been repulsed by their aura, warning you to stay away from them.
Yellow aura meaning of personality
Many of my students who have seen their auras have often asked me what it means for their personality. As I said before auras do change, other colors can come into the mix. However, if consistently yellow is featured in your aura I will provide an insight into the yellow person's aura personality. Psychiatrist Carl Jung once said that the only place where the consciousness level can be raised is on Earth where opposites collide. According to ancient indian culture, yellow represents our conscious awareness. There are many colors of the aura. Each represents a part of our psyche. However, we are most familiar with the yellow qualities. It is at the center of our being, as is the Sun.
Consciousness has limitations, like anything. We cannot be aware of all the information of our personalities at once. It is impossible to force consciousness to grow. The more we experience life, the more aware we become. We often face challenges which has a knock-on effect on our personality.
Those with golden auras are so open to universal understanding and willing to make sacrifices for others. Once upon a time, you believed in miracles and magic. Today, you only need to believe in yourself. This could explain your drive. Like you were asleep and dreaming all the time about what you would do if you had the chance.
What does it mean if you see mixed color auras including yellow?
Radiant light has primary colors that are different from reflected light. Radiant light primary colors are red, green and purple. White light is formed when these three colors are combined. If red and green are combined, yellow light is formed. If red and purple are combined, mauve light is formed. Purple and green form blue light. The combination of radiant colors increases the power of good things coming to you. Often, in the pictures I have seen of auras they are mixed with different colors, and this means that we are "mixed" we are all different and that is the message of this coloring.
What is a good career?
We often think about what we want to be in life. If you have had an aura reading or you are thinking about a profession knowing you have a yellow aura, then here are some professions:
Nurse: this is a good career as you can shine your healing light onto others
Carpenter: building something for the future is a good career for those with yellow auras.
Teachers: caring for others due to the yellow aura means you will succeed in helping teach other people.
Banker: Being able to handle money is a positive trait for those with yellow auras.
If you find yourself in the company of someone who has a yellow aura then this is a positive omen. It can mean you are electric and that there is a magnetic pull towards you. The yellow aura can denote that it is time to detach from everything and experience joy. The yellow is about reaching out to your goodwill so you can give to others.
What does a yellow aura with red inside mean?
This is the 'fight-or-flight' response. Most times, you will choose to fight over fleeing. Sometimes our yellow aura can lead to red which denotes anger, but these are usually short-lived. That is why sometimes the yellow and red aura occurs.
What does a yellow aura with blue mean?
If you have this sort of aura it means that you are clam but also full of light. If you are faced with obstacles, you may feel anxious and stressed out easily, especially if you have no energy. Symptoms can include headaches, fevers, indigestion issues, disease, high blood pressure or inflammatory disorders.
What does a yellow with pink aura mean?
Those with yellow auras make great salespeople. They are great at selling themselves and their ideas. Yellow aura people tend to have a ruddy skin tone and red hair, and their bodies contain heat. Therefore, the pink aura shows love but also indicates that you should avoid stimulants and alcohol since they can harm your body.
If the pink was inside the yellow then this can indicate that you are likely to excel in sports or activities that require physical courage. If you overestimate your strength, you may underestimate the danger and who or what you face. It is possible to break a bone or head due to your enthusiasm, but you do not properly assess the risk. Your energy must be channelled in some way. You must also recognize that you're not batman or Wonder Woman. You might find it difficult to accept that you are not as young and strong as you once were.
Your independence makes it difficult for you to accept instructions. Whenever you learn something new, you don't like being told what you should do. Instead, you prefer to do it on your own. The process is more important to you than the final result.
What does yellow with purple aura mean?
Purple in auras is a strong sign that indicates many creative attributes. If you have purple in your aura, you are well-suited to any form of creativity. Being your own boss would make sense for you. Your potential is great. If you want to succeed in whatever you do, you need courage and confidence.
What does it mean if your aura is yellow with green inside?
Motivating factors are challenges and the desire to succeed rather than money. Managing money and material things may be difficult for you. The green aura is about managing money. It is fun to rob the rich and give to the poor just like Robin Hood. One day you might start your own business. Just get started with your creative side.
There is no doubt in your mind that you are destined for greatness. Many of the world's most successful individuals have a golden aura (golden meaning money). In order to succeed in life, you must be courageous and conviction.
What are the important things in the life of those that have yellow auras?
You are looking for true love and consider your heart to be your most valuable asset. I have always found those with yellow auras are looking for that special someone who will win you over. Your strong approach may intimidate some people, but your charm, honesty, and winning smile will soon endear you to them. The yellow aura people are actually one of the most romantic colors after pink. Due to the solar plexus being yellow, your heart is your most valuable asset, and you are looking for true love. You're looking for that special someone who will win you over. Love can soften your rough edges and soothe your soul. It also helps you to learn more about people and relationships. Romance is the key to lasting love.
All of this is part of life's great adventure. However, those with yellow auras don't like being pushed. They feel that you are pushing them too hard and are being too aggressive. They restrain and recoil, and they don't feel comfortable being on the receiving end. You have the passion and enthusiasm that they lack so you're generous with them. You're always available to encourage them and give them confidence.
Have I always had a yellow aura?
By three months, the baby's aura appears almost colorless and becomes silver. Gradually, this changes to blue. The change is most noticeable between ages one and two. Children's auras develop as they grow. Growing in size and brilliance, the aura reveals a child's potential and ultimate colors. Throughout the child's life, the aura's background color will be blue. The most obvious example of this is when the child is ill. The aura turns gray, which is quite apparent.
There is a yellow haze around the baby's head when they begin to think. This can be translated to how the aura has stayed with you. The fact your thought processes have resulted in amazing transformation into adulthood. During the first four years of a child's life, the infant soaks up information like a sponge. The infant's yellow becomes brighter and more intense as he/she learns more, this is why the yellow may appear in baby aura readings. Auras are typical for people. According to how they feel at the moment, the intensity and size of their auras will differ. Their auras are stunningly beautiful if they feel generous. Their auras become murky when they consider doing something dishonest or underhanded.
Upon entering formal education, a child will begin to reflect the true colors of life. As if your aura were a glowing light, it should be filled with vivid colors. The aura can be influenced by our personalities in subtle ways. The aura of a kind person might be filled with pastel colors. The aura of a bully or murderer, however, appear smaller and murkier than that of a loving person.
It is most beautiful to see people's pink auras when two people are in love. Their auras grow and their colors vibrate. Their auras expand when they are together into a bright happy color. Both auras merge together to create a single aura that radiates heavenwards. A person who is truly kind and good has a large, beautiful aura. These people take their family's blessings for granted, but spend their time quietly helping others and doing good works that may or may not be noticed.
How can aura reading help you? Being able to detect kindness, generosity, love, and compassion in others can be very helpful for your relationships.
What does chakras have to do with our auras?
Chakras are seven energy points found in the body. Each of us has these points on our body. Physical, mental, and spiritual energy is absorbed, distributed, and transmitted by these nerve centers. Our personal electromagnetic energy is higher at these chakras, which are energy powerhouses. This makes them easy to feel with the hands.
In the etheric body, chakras are located alongside the spine. Below are the main chakras.
- At the base of the spine is the root chakra.
- Between the navel and the pubic bone lies the sacral chakra.
- Solar plexus is the location of the solar chakra, this is yellow.
- In line with your heart, the heart chakra is situated between your shoulder blades.
- The throat chakra is located at the level of the throat.
- The brow chakra is located just above your eyebrows at the level of your forehead.
- The crown chakra is located at the top of your head, normally seen as purple.
The reason why I mention this is that I wanted to just touch on the solar plexus as this is yellow. In the solar plexus is the solar or solar plexus chakra. The word solar plexus is known in many books as "jewel in the navel" when looking at chakra work (which I will not go into regarding this article). On an emotional level, our solar plexus is associated with being who we are, positiveness, self-respect, and trust. When the solar chakra is blocked in anyway then we as people become sangry or hostile, yes, calm down!
In conclusion, having a yellow aura is positive.If you find you have a yellow aura then you are generally someone that people want to be around. If you are a happy sort of person then the yellow aura often appears. Yellow as I have mentioned is connected to our solar plexus chakra which is connected to our intelligence. It means you are sure to have personal power in life if you have a yellow aura.
By Florance Saul
Jul 3, 2022