Finger Ratio

Can the length of your fingers predict your personality? According to the theory of the 2D:4D ratio they can!
There has been a large number of scientific exploration into the relationship between the index finger and the ring finger.
Scientists have made a suggestion that both fingers are exposed to testosterone in the womb. The ratio indicates prenatal testosterone levels.
The theory of 2D:4D ratio has been investigated in connection with the impact on our personality. Research has found that the majority of women have equal levels of the index and the ring fingers.
Males tend to have a shorter index finger than the ring finger.
There has been claims that if an individual has a long ring finger this means that they received high amounts of testosterone while in their mother’s wombs, and this reduces the length of the index finger.
Some of the personal traits that have been linked to the ratio include character, cancer's, cognition, diseases, and aggressiveness.
To find your own ratio grab a ruler and measure both your ring finger (1) in the picture to the left and (2) your index finger, from the crease at the bottom to the tip.
Then divide the index finger result with the ring finger.
There is a growing number of scientific findings to support the 2D:4D ratio. According to superstition there has been a connection between a man being well endowed, having big hands and large feet.
A scientific study carried out in 2001 by the; Cachon University in Incheon, South Korean measured the penis size of one hundred and forty four men over the age of twenty who were soon to undertake urological surgery.
They compared this to the size of the index finger. Based on this study, the lower the 2D:4D ratio, the larger the penis. A study in 1983 by Wilson at King's college, London looked at the difference between female fingers and the leadership qualities, and assertiveness in connection with the finger length.
In this study nine hundred and eighty five women returned a questionnaire on the length of their fingers and filled in answers to questions related to assertiveness.
Surprisingly, women with a shorter forefinger were more assertive. They also described themselves as being more competitive.
Example of calculation: Index finger = 6.5cm / Ring Finger = 5.1cm = 2D:4D ratio result: in this case it is 1.2 (this ratio result means the person is likely to be female)
Men typically score below 1 and women score above 1
Facts about the 2d:4d ratio
- The 2D:4D ratio of human fingers is a result of the balance that occurs between the prenatal estrogen and testosterone when the subject is in the womb.
- If the 2D:4D finger ratio is high the person has either low estrogen or high testosterone concentration respectively.
- If an individual has a low 2D:4D ratio of their fingers, they have high concentration of testosterone or low concentration of estrogen.
- The index finger or the 2d has less hormone receptors than the 4d finger or simply the ring finger; this means that this ratio is highly dependent on the length of the ring finger.
- Studies conducted in animals and humans have shown that the right hand has a much stronger link between testosterone and estrogen as compared to the left one.
- This ratio is dependent on the sex of an individual, and normally, the fourth digit is longer in men than in women.
- This ratio is highly dependent on a person’s ethnicity.
By Florance Saul
Oct 30, 2012