Mount of Luna

The Mount of Luna symbolizes creativity, intuition and imagination.
This mount is situated near the percussion and just across the palm right from the mount of Venus. In the science of palmistry the lunar mount is responsible for the part of the brain which stands for creativity and the dark subconscious mind. The individual emotions are explored on this lunar mount. The lunar mount should be firm when you touch it. The apex should be clear, and in the middle of the mount. If the apex is well developed, then the person is more likely to be imaginative and have an interest in creativity.
Those with a predominant mount of Luna may express some qualities which are feminine. However, if the mount of Lunar is well developed it shows that a person has a higher level of imagination for some activities like poetry, literature, travel and nature. An overdeveloped mount of Luna shows that the subject has an excessive level of imagination. It is very crucial to review the head line to determine if the subject can handle their excessive level of imagination. An underdeveloped Luna mount is indication that the subject is sensual in nature. All experiences are processed from the point of view where feelings are the determining factor.
The normal size of Luna mount means the subject will have average creativity. This indicates that there is a balance between reality and imagination. A Luna mount which is enlarged towards the area of the wrist means subject will have plenty of intuitive power and will have a capacity to look beyond the practical realities of life. This is a condition whereby, they will know things before they happen. To have a strong lunar mount means the subject's common characteristic is to protect their loved ones.
Examples of people with a considerable Luna mount are writers, speakers and painters. These are people who love sharing what they know with the rest of mankind. On the other hand they become terrible artists, composers or writers. If the Luna mount is accompanied with a bigger Venus mount then the subject should prepare for fame and popularity. The moon is superior to the tides which mean that if the subject has a large Luna mount, they are great water lovers. Any Luna mounts which are poorly developed and even beyond notice the subjects like staying at home. They like leading a solitary life. If they go for an holiday, then they like to keep themselves to themselves.
A number of lines on the Luna mount show that the subject may travel. If there are cross lines or horizontal lines then this means that the person is likely to go on a long journey, perhaps a cruise. A line that connects from the life line to the moon mount is a travel line.
By Florance Saul
Dec 16, 2012