Mount of Venus

The mount of Venus is named after the goddess of love.
This mount is a representation of the family, desire, romance and love in ones life. It is found at the base of your thumb. This region reveals the love life of the subject. This mount is normally around a third of the subject's palm. A positive mount is soft to touch, and slightly pink. A strong love affair normally increases the size and "pinkness" of this pad. A puffy mount of Venus is a clear sign of being unfaithful in love relationships. The bearer of such a mount have a great fear of commitment.
There is a single exception which arises when the thumb and the head line have much stability. When this is the case, then the tendency towards passion will be used as a middle ground in handling sexual relationships. A normal sized mount generally suggests that the subject has inner warmth. If the Venus mount is pink in colour then it indicates that the subject will be resistant to illnesses. If the hand is quite rough or hard then the bearer can be somewhat aggressive in love.
The presence of many lines on the mount means that the subject has intuition and occult abilities. The areas covered by the mount of Venus clearly points out that this is the major drive in your life. When your spouse is materialistic, then your love life becomes very difficult. You will always find yourself working too hard to maintain a good life. In such a case, you will have less time to take a look at those things which matter in love. This way you will be less romantic hence you can be boring.
People who do not have deep head lines and poorly configured thumbs with an exaggerated mount of Venus means that this person is considered to be fulfilled with their love life. When the mount of Venus is predominant, then the subject is physical and may also have huge eyes and lips while the rest of the features are quite small. They people are naturally taller than average. The majority of these people are capable of taking a wide outlook at life. Of all people the Venusians are known to be very romantic and very out going. Therefore, I will be right to say that these people know how to live with passion.
At there homes you will find plenty of exotic devices which when combined with great works of art make life very comfortable. People with a large mount of Venus have a better understanding of human psychology.
This is the main reason why they are good at teaching, politics and psychology. People with a highly developed mount of Venus have a taste for luxury and beauty. To reach the hearts of such people you need to buy them very expensive gifts. This is because for them truth and beauty are the same thing. Love at first sight is a major occurrence in their life. They usually fall in love in a hard way and most of the time they do that blindly.
Things to look for in the Venus Mount
A muscular mount of Venus looks healthy and it is a bit raised. There is a variety of advantages and disadvantages associated with the mount of Venus as illustrated below. The mounts of Venus which is extremely developed are sex addicts. They are always demanding attention from people of the opposite sex.
A mount of Venus which is of ordinary dimensions shows that the subject has a great passion for Music and also loves fine food. If someone has a lower mount of Venus, then such a person is easily lost in thoughts of action that leads to sexual arousal and subsequently they become more imaginative. If there is no elation at all on the mount of Venus, then the subject is faced with a case of infertility. Such people are inclined to be very strict in life. People who never change their decisions have both Mount of Jupiter and Venus having a substantial elevation. This is the group of people who are capable of keeping a relationship to last a lifetime with good morals. People who have unfavourable positions of the mount of Venus may easily get addicted to drugs. In this group, people may be suffering from various ailments of the reproductive system.
Poorly developed mount of Venus
In cases where the mount of Venus is poorly developed, then the subject is said to be a smooth operator in life matters. The mount of Venus will be smooth in texture. They calculate their decisions before executing them fully. It has been reported that couples who have small mounts of Venus have the ability to stay together for the long term. If you do not posses similar properties then there is a likelihood of being separated later on in life.
Inclination (Slope) of Mount Venus: Having a slant of the Venus mount towards the Venus mount towards one’s thumb will mean the person stagnates in their emotion’s ambit. On the other hand, if the mount is has been inclined towards the Mars, one will never experience any pleasure when it comes to matters of sexual relations. A tilt towards the Manibandh means one ill be full of desires , and if the inclination is towards the mount of Lunar, then one will have a large interest in fine arts, and that includes music and dances.
The mount of Venus is an indicator of the following:
- Love.
- Family.
- Morality.
- Home.
- Sensuality.
- Passion which is in the form of physical energy and emotions.
By Florance Saul
Oct 30, 2012