Perthro Rune

Perthro Rune Stone Meaning
It is a rune that is considered sacred to Frigg, the mother of everyone in this universe. When it’s on the upright side, Perthro drawn in a rune stone reading is considered to be a rune that symbolizes mystery and things that we assume but are not the same as they appear to be. Perthro tells us that it’s still not the right time to feel unwanted or undesired, and we should start living in our present and feel satisfied with what we have. Perthro also denotes a female giving birth to a new life. It also highlights the natural game that is always being played between our desires and our luck. For this reason, Perthro is also known as the rune of surprise or shock.
Perthro rune stone in readings is connected to luck, romance, and happy times. Known as the “stone of chance” and mystery, it is a rune whereby anything can happen. The future appears to be always unknown, mysterious, and ambiguous. Life is exciting because of this rune stone, but I am saying be cautious due to the fact that anything can go. This rune is much like the “wheel of fortune” tarot card.
A secret or hidden matter can also lead to an unexpected event, result, problem, or solution. Reversing this rune stone is associated with loss, failure, hidden agendas, and carrying out actions --- just to succeed. In some readings when this rune is drawn, it implies love, great abilities, and determining a life path. The purpose of the Perthro's rune stone appearance in your life is to teach you how important it is to change, to be honest with others and with yourself, as well as to make you accept aspects of yourself.
For future outcomes, this rune predicts joy, fellowship, and goodness. However, the reverse rune stands for addiction, misery, loneliness, sadness, and stagnation but only temporarily -- among other elements I have already mentioned.
If you pull this rune stone in a reading, you’re likely to do certain things and make specific moves in order to get what you want. Also, the advice here I would like to share with you is you need to stop looking for the meaning of life and just live it, enjoy it and make the most out of it while you still can. Drawing this rune stone means that you need to learn how to let things and people go as well.
What does the Perthro rune mean in relationships and Love?
Perthro rune tells us that two people are connected and harmonious -- they love each other. It could be a blossoming romance, a relationship already in place, or even a business partnership. When two people come together in a loving, positive way, they can find joy. As we reflect and celebrate with those we care about most, it encourages us to take time for reflection and celebration. Furthermore, when Perthro is pulled this illustrates the importance of building strong, healthy relationships in all aspects of our lives. To truly connect with another person on an intimate level, we must find inner balance within ourselves first. We are reminded by the Perthro rune that when two people are united in love and understanding, beautiful things can be created.
Perthro can be interpreted as an invitation to build meaningful relationships and strengthen existing bonds in a reading. It shows that two people have the potential to create something special together. It also serves as a reminder to take care of ourselves.
Actions Rune Stone Perthro
Letting go of the past will make a huge impact on your present and future. You will feel freer to do the things you want to do without feeling guilty. You’re not the same person as you were before and you should accept the ‘new’ you. Embrace your new personality. However, in order to do so, you have to accept parts of your old personality that you have been ignoring, despising or neglecting so far. Otherwise, you won’t be able to change from within, no matter how badly you want to.
Perthro In Yes or No Readings
Drawing this rune stone in a yes or no reading means that you’re feeling empty because you’re not sure where you are going in life. It is a rune of “No.”However, in yes or no readings experience something important that will show you the way. But instead of fearing the change when it happens, embrace it.
What does the Perthro mean if the rune is reversed?
This rune stone is all about evolutionary change. Getting the reverse side means that you are walking the wrong path in life. And you know it. The only person who can help you see that is yourself. Instead of accepting the so-called ‘destiny’, create your own and follow your heart. People feel miserable and dwell in their misery because they believe it’s meant to be that way but it’s not. You’re the creator of your happiness and the master of your world. How you live your life depends on you and your choices.
Let’s face it, every problem has more than one solution. All you have to do is believe “solutions” exist. And the right advice will come to you when the time is right. Another important area I wish to cover is that this stone wants to tell you is that the time has come to dive into the unknown. As I mentioned before, the reversal stands for underlying secrets, hidden matters, pain, and stagnation. Perhaps the person you’re with at the moment has a hidden secret. Meaning, this rune stone wants you to open your eyes and find out what this person has been hiding from you. Also, it’s a matter of time before you realize that certain people steal your time, positive energy, and joy which leads you to despair, stagnation, and disappointment in yourself and your talent. But if it's reversed, it's not a good sign for some people. It clearly gives us a warning about the unknown happenings that will soon be known to all, and their results, good or bad, shall also affect everyone equally. Perthro is also known as Peorth. It means “hearth” in general.
Key Concepts
Fate, Luck, Evolution, Universe.
Prediction, Forecast, Art of foretelling, By chance, Magic, Unknown.
Unclear, Unnoticeable, Mistakable, Important changes, Fate, Emptiness.
Forecasting, Predicting, Betting, Bookmaking, Casual or Unplanned happenings.
Lack of progress, Fictional, Psychic or emotional related issues, Lucky predictions, Happiness, Companionship, Changes, Destiny, Tragedy, Calamity, Unproductive.
- Creating favorable situations.
- Betting, trials, taking chances and the art of prediction.
- Depending more on fate.
- Relying more on the rune’s power.
- Manipulating the effects.
- Analyzing the orlog and wyrd.
By Florance Saul
Mar 13, 2013