
Sowulu Rune Stone Meaning
It is a rune that is considered sacred to Balder, the extremely beautiful god, and the solar cycle. When it’s on the right side, Sowulu is considered to be a rune that symbolizes everything positive in one’s life. It is a happy sign signifying overall happiness and good sound health, and you may be richer and more self-confident, as all this really helps in boosting up one’s confidence.
This rune, being on the right side, is the best time to utilize the sun’s powers for knowing unknown secrets and recharging your very own energies. It also highlights your creative potential, your inner strength to stay united, and your navigational knowledge, which can be easily compared with the sailors. Sowulu is also considered to be possessing positive magical powers that can help people in many spheres of life achieve success, fulfill their dreams, etc. This rune in ancient times was also considered to be a sign for giving someone respect or honor. It shall give us the power of winning and help us connect to our inner voice. But if it's reversed, it's not a good sign for some people. It clearly gives a warning about your highly careless attitude. Due to this carelessness, you are facing all sorts of problems that will lead to sickness, which can be very dangerous to your life.
In runes, Sowilo represents might, strength, achievement, honorable acts, wholeness, and success. As the sun's radiance entices the flower from its bud, Sowilo brings radiance to your life and spirit. In the same way that the sun nourishes the crops in the fields and brings them to ripeness and harvest, Sowilo brings abundance and exuberance into your life.
In the presence of Sowilo, you will feel invigorated and prepared to take on the challenges ahead. It reassures you that you can overcome any obstacle and achieve whatever you set your mind to. Sowilo encourages you to rise each morning and light the world with your resolve.
Sowilo encourages you to strive for success if you can summon the strength to do so. Success could take many forms. You may achieve spiritual success, material success, emotional success, or relationship success. Spiritually, drawing the rune stone Sowilo encourages you to strive for wholeness and the actualization of the true potential of your soul. Seek to become the best version of yourself you can be as you take your place in the world. Make a donation to a homeless man by placing a coin in his cup. Invest in fresh vegetables. Learn how to dance. You skydive to overcome your fear of heights. Don't hesitate to make yourself a better version of yourself by taking whatever steps you feel are necessary. Remember that it is not the size of your strides that matters, but the fact that you are moving that counts.
The strength of your spirit is also reflected in Sowilo's readings. You receive it as a reminder that your spirit cannot be broken. Negative emotions prevent you from accepting the cycle of life and asking yourself the questions you need to ask. It is not impossible for the sun to rise again after it sets. In this way, sadness does not mean that happiness ceases to exist, and the failure does not mean that success ends. Remind yourself that you, too, shall rise again because your spirit shines like the sun as you hold the cycle of life in your mind and soar through the sky on a chariot. Sowulu is also known as Sigel. It means “sun” in general.
In rune readings I want to share something exciting with you ---, Sowilo represents might, strength, achievement, honorable acts, protection wholeness, and success. As the sun's radiance entices the flower from its bud, Sowilo brings radiance to your life and spirit. In the same way that the sun nourishes the crops in the fields and brings them to ripeness and harvest, Sowilo brings abundance and exuberance into your life.
In the presence of Sowilo, you will feel invigorated and prepared to take on the challenges ahead. It reassures you that you can overcome any obstacle and achieve whatever you set your mind to. Sowilo encourages you to rise each morning and light the world with your resolve. Sowilo rune in readings encourages you to strive for success if you can summon the strength to do so. Success could take many forms. You may achieve spiritual success, material success, emotional success, or relationship success.
Spiritually, drawing the rune stone Sowilo encourages you to strive for wholeness and the actualization of the true potential of your soul. Seek to become the best version of yourself you can be as you take your place in the world. Make a donation to a homeless man by placing a coin in his cup. Invest in fresh vegetables. Learn how to dance. You skydive to overcome your fear of heights.
Don't hesitate to make yourself a better version of yourself by taking whatever steps you feel are necessary. Remember that it is not the size of your strides that matters, but the fact that you are moving that counts. The strength of your spirit is also reflected in Sowilo's readings. You receive it as a reminder that your spirit cannot be broken. Negative emotions prevent you from accepting the cycle of life and asking yourself the questions you need to ask. It is not impossible for the sun to rise again after it sets. In this way, sadness does not mean that happiness ceases to exist, and the failure does not mean that success ends. Remind yourself that you, too, shall rise again because your spirit shines like the sun as you hold the cycle of life in your mind and soar through the sky on a chariot.
Sowilo In Relationships And Love
Drawing the Sowilo rune indicates this is the time to lift up your relationships and allow them to flourish. Sowilo also encourages you to renew and invigorate relationships that may have faded over time and to be honest with the people that you care about. With this rune stone, you can be the light that your loved ones can look to within your relationships. This rune reminds us that it is important to nurture your body and your health in order to have the strength to pursue wholeness and success. According to Norse mythology, Sköll is the wolf who chases Sól in order to devour her. Those who would seek to devour your sun should be removed from your life, in a negative sense, this rune is connected to lethargy, disease, negativity, and fatigue. It is telling you to take time to decide what you really want in life.
Sowilo Rune Stone In Yes Or No Readings
The Sowilo rune represents contentment, joy, and blessings. Usually, it indicates our inner wishes will or have been fulfilled or will be in the near future. It depends on how this card is related to the other rune stones in reading as to whether it indicates a yes or no. As a general rule, this is a “yes” rune and in my experience can indicate that the outcome will be positive for the querent. It may not be an encouraging sign if this card is accompanied by other runes that suggest difficulty or opposition. In a rune spread, the interpretation of this rune can only be determined by examining its position in relation to other runes that come through. Regardless, drawing the Sowilo indicates that the querent's efforts and desires are likely to bear fruit, although it is not an absolute yes or no.
Sowilo is a rune that is not reversed
As the rune does not have a reversed meaning (same shape both ways up) Sowilo in runes also reminds us of darkness. It signifies the obscuring of vision. Therefore, Sowilo warns you of the possibility of hidden intentions or goals. It warns you to ensure that your actions are noble and that you are not working to realize hidden agendas since this would be an attempt to obscure someone else’s vision. Instead, seek out opportunities to perform honorable acts and illuminate the lives of those around you. The karmic cycle lends credence to this. Darkness begets darkness and light begets light. Seek out the light and you shall stay bathed in its warm glow. Seek out the darkness and you shall be devoured by it.
It is easy to lose your way in the dark. Therefore, Sowilo also warns you to stay vigilant and ensure that no one is using you to advance hidden agendas or take actions that would be detrimental to your success. You cannot allow yourself to be led astray from the path to your goals or have the truth hidden from you.
In this sense, Sowilo in readings also encourages you to look within yourself in order to ensure that there is no darkness that can obscure your inner vision of the wholeness and success that you seek to achieve. This darkness could be in the form of negative emotions or unbalanced thoughts. You must seek stability within yourself in order to improve the light that shines through you. Remember that the sun does not shine through the murky water as easily as it shines through the clean, clear water.
Sowilo For Advice In A Reading
Let me know mention the advice of this rune. Sowilo in reading also warns against excessive ambition since this could easily turn into the darkness that devours you. Even the sun scorches the earth if its heat is left unchecked. Seek your goals but do not sacrifice your values in order to achieve them. This would be the equivalent of emptying yourself in order to make yourself whole again. Each success that you achieve will not actually improve you. Instead, you will end up becoming a different being and perhaps, not a better one. To put this into perspective, take the paradox of the ship of Theseus. If you start a journey on a ship and replace all the parts of the ship before you reach your destination, have you arrived on the same ship that you started the journey on? The pursuit of wholeness and well-rounded success is the goal. Not just the pursuit of success. Sowilo signifies the successes that are coming your way and encourages you to seek the betterment of the self. However, the pursuit of success is intoxicating and, without wisdom and a firm resolve, could become your downfall.
Sowilo Rune In Harry Potter
I’ve just finished watching Harry Potter and noticed that the Sowilo rune resembled Harry's scar on his head, it was the connection between himself and Voldemort and we saw this “scar” run through many of the different episodes of Harry Potter. The shape of this scar resembles this rune stone, this ties in with the fact that they studied ancient runes in the duration of the films known as "runology." The Sowilo is the shape of this rune and indicates above all protection.
Harry Potter's rune signified that he would not only succeed in his magical endeavors but also have the courage and determination to fight for what is right and just. As well as providing guidance for those seeking to cultivate their own strength of character, the Sowilo rune also provides protection from magical or physical threats. Harry Potter is an excellent example of how determination, courage, and character can lead to power and success - thus making the Sowilo rune an ideal symbol for those who wish to follow in his footsteps. Sowilo runes can serve as charms, talismans, or simply reminders of what can be achieved through hard work and perseverance. As a result of its power, Harry Potter was able to overcome many obstacles along the way to becoming a true wizard. Thus, it's no wonder that the Sowilo rune remains one of the most popular symbols for those seeking guidance and protection.
Symbolizing strength and protection, the Sowilo rune provides a powerful tool for creating success in life. This rune can bring about positive change and help you achieve your goals, regardless of whether it is physical or magical. To Harry Potter, the Sowilo rune symbolized the strength and power he possessed, which helped him overcome even the most difficult obstacles. The rune can inspire anyone to push through challenges and reach their goals by keeping it close as a reminder. The Sowilo rune can help you create your own success and reach your goals. Take this powerful symbol with you on your magical journey!
Key Concepts:
Guidance, Achieving goals, Achievements, Victory.
Totally, Unity, Completeness, Surprise, Eye opener, Spiritualism.
Sun, Inspiration, To do something, Supporting life.
Achieving goals, React, Flames, Passion, Self-confidence, Assurance, Support, Trust, Secret, Belief, Coolness.
Advice, Faith, Illusions, Failure, Guilt, Wrong advice, Missions, Bad decisions.
- Achieving great results.
- Attaining sound health and an increase in spiritual thoughts.
- Converting good ideas to your actions for others.
- Improving the Chakras.
- Achieving overall success with your own willpower.
- Getting enlightened with the help of positive advice.
By Florance Saul
Mar 13, 2013