
Uncover hidden spiritual meanings
All throughout history, man has always had an attraction to the supernatural powers.
The existence of a world which is parallel to the earth is what has fascinated people; the other world is what is referred to as the spirit world with each set of tradition having their own concept about it. Some traditions believe that the spirits are the souls of departed people or ghosts. Others believe that spirits are forces which can either be good or bad with both battlings against each other in order to gain influence over humanity. The explanations above are based on folk tales and fantasy.
The Existence of The Jinn
It is believed that Jinni is beings which are created with free will and live on earth in a world which is parallel to that of men. A Jinn is from the Arab word Janna, which means to conceal or hide. Though they are physically invisible from man, they do exist. Due to them being invisible, it has led to some people doubting their presence. But the effect they have on the world that human life is evidence enough that they do exist. It is believed that the jinn were created way before human beings. For Muslims, a jinn is real, created by God with free will, made of smokeless fire. It is believed that Mohammed was sent as a prophet to men and the jinn.
What is jinn like?
They are believed to be spirits in the cultures of Africa and the Middle East. It is believed to take the shape of an animal or a person and can be found in every non-living thing even fire and air. Jinni is said to have magical powers and are favorite figures in the Islamic literature. They are believed to at times try to take the spirits of living of the Mende people in Sierra Leone, in Africa. The Mende people normally fight it back by use of magic.
In the ancient Roman culture, the word genii were used to refer to a spirit which watched over everyone and was responsible for causing all actions of a man and shaping the man’s character. They are believed to be present at birth, thus started to be regarded as a great inborn ability. The Romans also believed that there was an evil spirit, Juno, which fought the good spirit genii in order to control man’s fate. In the later mythology by the Romans, it was believed that the genii were responsible for guarding the community or household.
In the books about sorcery, jinni is classified into four categories based on the four elements; fire, earth, water, and air. In the four races, they come in seven tribes, each having a king with each king controlling his tribe and the king being controlled by an angel. The name of the angel is normally torture to the jinn king and his specific tribe just as the name of Jesus is to demons during an exorcism. Though jinn is thought to be of free will, they can be commanded to do good or bad which differentiates it from the demons, which can only do evil acts.
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Dream Time And Connection In Wicca
Whatever is seen in the dream has a connection to a certain relevance and Wiccans believe that dreams are psychological and emotional guidance to one’s day to day life. There are several symbols in dream with each one having a specific meaning. This makes it possible for one to decipher the dream and use them to help in day to day life.
For one to dream, they must first of all sleep and during the sleep, the brain undergoes changes as one loses their consciousness and then one pass through the four stages of sleep. In the first stage, the blood pressure goes on its low and the eyes roll from one side to the next and this is referred to as the hypnopompic stage, where one is neither asleep nor awake though will be awake easily where one to be disturbed. Stage two of sleep is when the breathing and heartbeat are low and one is unaware of what is happening outside. The third stage of sleep is when one is deep asleep and waking them would be hard. The fourth stage is when the conscious mind sleeps too and then the REM stage where one will be able to remember the dreams they dreamt from the final REM stage.
Sleep is very important because it enables one’s mental and emotional well-being to relax. The age determines the amount of sleep one requires babies require 15 hours a day, teenagers require eight to nine hours, adults is 7 to eight hours; the more one grows old, the lesser the sleep they require. Sleep allows the physical and the mental to recharge, thus it is imperative for stability and overall health. The mind needs care and attention in order to work well at optimum capacity and when one is asleep, the unconscious takes charge and reorganizes one’s experiences.
When one dreams, it is like one is watching a movie of own life with unfamiliar and familiar situations or people. Some people feel unsettled or comfortable, sad or happy; while some go to the extent of seeing objects such as animals, symbols, vehicles, clothing, boats and so on to also hold specific meaning.
Dreams are normally accompanied by emotions and depending on what someone dreamt about, it will definitely affect their moods when they wake up. For example, if one dreams of being in water and water pertains to emotion, one can try to relate to something which overwhelming them in their life when they wake up and the dream might just try to give an answer to the situation. Those who see symbols in most cases it is taken from their day to day activities.
The Wiccans advice that one has to keep a dream journal next to their bed so that, any time they have a dream, they can wake up and draft it down and later on try to decipher what the dream is trying to communicate to them. The best way to decipher a dream is after it is written down as this helps to maintain clarity of the dream’s original message. Once it is written, one goes through it and the first thought that comes into the head is called dream association.
Dream association is the act of connecting the specific meanings with the dreams themselves. For example, if you dream of water in a dream it can indicate emotions or spitituality. It is a broad omen that can come with many messages. If you also dreamed of a boat heading away from shore, this could indicate that you are leaving a period in your life, and it can indicate finality. It can also show that there is travel or a journey that you are about to embark on. In the case where it is raining in this same dream, that would add additional meaning. You gain understanding from your dreams by including the dream association process.
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By Florance Saul
Feb 22, 2017