

Uncover hidden spiritual meanings

Geometric shapes have a long history within occult practices.

Stars are popular combination shapes because they combine multiple shapes in order to perform the completed pattern. The hexagram is a good example of one of these because it can combine the shapes of an upright and inverted triangle pattern to create a 6 node star pattern. Both 3 and 6 are important numbers in magickal practices, which makes the hexagram an extremely powerful tool.

Star of David

The most common representation of the hexagram in religious practices is perhaps the Star of David. In this form, the hexagram represents the “Shield of David” and its use dates back to the 1600s. It was chosen for by the First Zionist Congregation as the symbol for their flag, representing the Jewish community, in 1897.

Many practices with the hexagram stem from the use of it in Jewish mystic practices. These practices have influenced the workings of high magicians, namely those that follow traditions that stem from hermetic teachings which have been loosely inspired by mystic practices.

Hexagram in Ceremonial Magick

The hexagram in high magic practices links astrology planetary energies with the divine and the practitioner. The Star of David formation of the shape is used in some practices, but there are other forms as well. The Rosicrucian and Hermetic practices include a seven pointed interior that correspond with the original planets which are:

  • The Sun
  • Saturn
  • Jupiter
  • Mars
  • Moon
  • Mercury
  • Venus

They include mathematic based approaches to the angles, and use the working with sacred numbers to create rituals that can invoke or banish powers. With each of the lines that create the shape there is a word associated with them that can create a powerful manifestation when the hexagram is completed.

Asian Religions and the Hexagram

European and Judaist mystical practices are not the only that include this powerful shape in their teachings. Hinduism and Buddhism use the shape as a meditation focal point. Additionally, hexagrams incorporated other symbols, such as the two triangle formation that included a swatstika in the middle of it. This symbol in modern times is seen as taboo, because of the association with racism and the Nazi party. However, it was actually a symbol that was used in funerary services and was associated with eternity and peace.

The hexagram, within Indic lore, represents the “Om” and the “Hrim”. Formed in the same fashion as the Star of David, the downward pointing triangle represents the feminine aspect that is called “Shakti” and the upward is called “Tattva”, which is the male embodiment.

Meditations on the Hexagram

Because the six pointed star has equal balance on both sides, it is said to represent duality. Some of the above traditions show this with the male half and female half. However, it can also represent the merging of duality within the occultist itself. Some earth based religions, especially those that practice eclectic witchcraft, use the tool to symbolize the masculine and feminine, or the God and the Goddess within a person. This can help to balance out male or female attributes within the self. Meditating on the symbol or carving it into a candle, burning it, and then focusing on the flame and the shape together can help to invoke balance.

By Florance Saul
Oct 2, 2012