
Uncover hidden spiritual meanings
The act of using stone or rocks for divinatory purposes.
Know About Lithomancy
It is a divination form where the foreteller uses stones to tell you about the future, clarify the present, and see the past. Its history and origin are have not yet been established due to the fact that, there are no records to substantiate how Lithomancy was used during the olden days, thus making a big part of it to remain a secret. There are those who believe that its heritages are in the ancient Turkey in Constantinople, which is carried referred to as Istanbul; other people have this notion that, the pre-Romans used Lithomancy as a means of divination. It is said that there is a record which dates back to 800s that confirm that by then, Lithomancy was in use. This is the time when in Constantinople, the Saint Photios I described Lithomancy as being in use by Eusebius, a physician, to execute a ritual.
How it Is Done
Due to unavailability of records, it has made it impossible to have a standardized Lithomancy method. The stone representation, together with the number of stones and practices used, vary from place to place and depending on the person you ask. In Britain, they use 13 stones which represent; astrology signs, fortune, love, home, magic, and life. The astrology signs include the sun, mercury, the Moon, Saturn, Mars, and Venus. Each of them has a terminology that concurs with what they are designated to represent. The one which represents Love can as well represent harmony, honesty, passion, or relationship; the Venus planet could represent the goddess of beauty and love.
Immediately the question is asked, the stones are thrown and the explanation of the connotation is based on the relationship and the pattern in which the stone lands. The caster has the right to read the answer the way they deem fit. Just like other divination processes, the stone caster experience and intuition will define how they choose to read the stones.
Wicca and Neopagan also have their Lithomancy where they use 16 stones being a representation of the moon, the sun, male, female, death, love, sorrow, joy, the present, the past, the future. The others represent the four elements, that is; earth, air, water, and fire. The last stone normally represents the question or center stone, and it is the largest of them all. This type I normally dependent and similar to tarot, making the outcome easier to read than the Britain. The stone caster asks the center stone the question at hand; it is then placed on a flat ground most on top of a cloth while the remaining stones are cast from directly above it. The elevation of releasing the stone varies between 6 inches and a foot. Once the stones land, they are read in the direction from the stone which is closest to the center stone going backward. Those stones which they land more than 6 inches from the center stone are not read.
In Lithomancy, the order of the stones is very crucial to the outcome of the results as the answer is read in the form of a story. The caster allocates each stone a meaning depending on what was asked what intuition they have.
Know Everything About Kitchen Witchery
Kitchen witchery involves the honoring of the routine in life and it finds purity in simple deeds of daily life. They normally find inclination and significance in cooking, mainly, and also know the undisclosed way of making housework magical and turning the kitchen garden into a source of wonder and healing. They are mostly found in the kitchen, but not always cooking; there is a lot to be knowledgeable from the way the kitchen Witchery does it because their practice is ancient and a traditional one which honors the goddess in their own ways.
There are numerous procedures of normal witchcraft with the well-known one being the hedgewitch. Garden, green, and cottage witchery are some of the traditional paths which draw their powers from the natures' magic which is sacred. Kitchen magic is different from the rest and although it makes the most simple and bland chores a sacred act, thereby honoring the goddess it still stands out. It is the path of the goddess which definitely finds the goddess as the omnipresent.
How it is done
This is an act of witchcraft, which is less written about because its way is a wise woman’s craft which is passed from mother to daughter, very traditional indeed. The basis of kitchen witchcraft is formed on the following basis:
- Completing the housework while being joyful
- Nature to be honored
- The magical cooking
- Maintaining and creating a magical garden
- Being adept in crafts and arts, including dying and traditional crafts
- Attuning to the cycle of nature
Kitchen Witchery and Wiccans
Other Witches and Wiccans normally look down upon the kitchen witchery because of the way it is practiced; there is no formal basis of practicing the rituals for working their simple magic. A self-taught, a solitary craft which is normally self-initiated, so unless it is handed over from one family member to another.The magic is kept discreet making it subtle and herbal and in most cases, the kitchen witchery normally connects to primeval, ancient power which is inherent to them.
They recognize the sacredness of food due to the fact that it gives life. Cooking is never seen as a chore by the kitchen witcheries, as they believe that one is what they eat and that is why they take the time to prepare food. They believe that a meal which is lovingly created from fresh ingredients and made with intent, pinch, and purpose of kitchen witch magic, it will be far more nourishing. To them, food is life, and part of the cycle and balance of nature. By nurturing their bodies, they honor the earth, the life-giving goddess, and when they create a sacred act of cooking; thanks should be given for what is eaten; they are supposed to appreciate what we have and respect for the living land.
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By Florance Saul
Feb 3, 2017