Maize Spiritual Meaning

What is the spiritual meaning of maize?

What is the spiritual meaning of maize?

Corn fields are beautiful and so grand and if you have had a dream or just want to know what it means spiritually then I am going to break it down for you. Corn fields are sometimes something that comes to us (spiritually) when we need to appreciate things in life. 

The bible scripture offers insights. Through the verses of the bible, corn is mentioned, and this provides insights into our life and what it means. Corn in the bible is often (although not always mentioned) connected to being rich. If you are here to learn the spiritual meaning of Maize, then I will take you through the core meaning. Firstly, maize is more than a food - it is considered spiritual food. The significance of maize in ancient scriptures, metaphors, and folklore demonstrates its spiritual significance, and researching this points to riches. You could be driving through corn fields, eaten corn, seen Maize and yes, it actually means something. 

Biblical References to Corn:

  • Genesis 41:47 - "And in the seven plenteous years the earth brought forth by handfuls." Here, corn symbolizes abundance and prosperity.
  • Deuteronomy 23:25 - "When you enter your neighbor's grainfield, you may pick kernels with your hands, but you must not put a sickle to their standing grain." This verse emphasizes respect and moderation.
  • Ruth 2:14 - "At mealtime, Boaz said to her, 'Come here, that you may eat of the bread and dip your piece of bread in the vinegar.' She sat beside the reapers, and he served her roasted grain." Corn signifies hospitality and provision.
  • Matthew 12:1 - "At that time Jesus went through the grainfields on the Sabbath. His disciples were hungry and began to pick some heads of grain and eat them." Corn here underscores sustenance and necessity over ritual.
  • Leviticus 2:14 - "If you present a grain offering of first fruits to the Lord, offer crushed heads of new grain roasted in the fire." Corn acts as a symbol of first fruits and offerings to God.

Obviously we also know that Joseph had a dream about a period of famine (Genesis 41) and in the book of Ruth 2:14, the scripture mentions that corn is within the fields and acts as loyalty. Dreams that feature corn indicate we need to consider how loyal we are to ourselves (due to Ruth 2:14) and yes, it is important there is guidance here in what we may need to focus on going forward in life. In Deuteronomy, if you read above it is connected to how we can hurt ourselves (by the way we think) and that the Israelites of land could lack a certain amount of honey and milk - I am sure you have heard of a “grain of salt” I feel this is about making sure we don’t take things too seriously in life.

As I have said above Deuteronomy 23:25 teaches us about respect. Corn is often known as “grain” and through the wisdom of Joseph in Genesis 41:47 we can see that god can help us when we are facing some difficult times. Corn is really a focus on not only a food source but something so much more. Corn with it’s lovely golden stalks can really give us layers of who we are supposed to be, and how we can increase riches in life. 

Like many people of Central England I grew up in a place where maize is called "corn," and my best memories of Maize would be corn on the cob, eaten fervently during summer picnics and barbecues. It was cheap, plentiful, and fresh. A kid I remember eating the kernels fresh and uncooked right off the Cobs that I chose myself. The pale, pasty canned corn, and sometimes whipped corn that my mom served us during the winter months was much less appetizing, and my brothers and I rarely really liked the taste of course.

Of course, Maize is considered spiritual in ancient scriptures of various civilizations. Maize is called the food for humanity. The yellow corn and white corn are still today considered great luck., Maize is a food of expensive association - the ancients. The Blue Corn Maiden represents fertility and growth in mythology. She ensures crop prosperity basically- linking humans with the divine.

What is the spiritual meaning of Maize?

I always see that Maize is a metaphor for growth and life. Its growth goes from the seed to the maturity plant and it is my thought this is comparable to the human life cycle. A kernel of maize grows by sunlight as it is planted in the earth. The corn stalk with roots in the ground and a tassel pointed upward represents the earthy connection to the spiritual. This is much like the Tree of Life present in a lot of spiritual traditions. The Tree of Life represents interconnectedness and all life is spiritually seeking more knowledge and insight.

Maize also signifies community and unity with its clusters of kernels. Each kernel is a piece of the robust challenges we encounter in life. This metaphor also applies to spiritual interconnectedness where every soul is part of one spiritual net.

Maze is often used in old Indian Native American ceremonies honoring the earth and the spirit world. Tribes like the Green Corn Ceremony in the Cherokee and Creek celebrate renewal and gratitude. It is dancing, feasting, and giving thanks to the spirits of harvest and blessings for coming crops. Maize is also used as a food in Mexico for Day of Dead celebrations. At this festival, families offer - offerings - of maize-based foods like tamales or tortillas to their departed relatives. In these offerings maize represents the living meeting the dead - its union with the two worlds.

Nyame the sky god and Anansi the trickster spider in African folklore describe how maize came to them. Ghanian custom had Anansi tempt Nyame to give the latter maize seeds he brought down. This tale explains maize as a gift from gods to mankind.

Maize is also used for spiritual purposes and rituals outside of folklore and myth. Maize is sometimes offered as an offering to the spirit world in shamanism as maize offerings. Shamans may use maize kernels in divination to obtain advice from the spirit world and I have actually seen this happen. Maize may be used also for meditations. Planting, tending; and harvesting maize may represent a kind of mindful activity involving people with nature and life cycles. 


In all the books I have read, Maize has a universal spiritual and biblical meaning of nourishment, development, and interconnected. It reminds us all that we are all part of one larger thing, grounded in the ground but seeking God. Maize teaches us that we can get spiritual food in addition to our physical food and by honoring the earth's gifts we get closer to the spiritual part. Maize is a sacred offering or a grain of corn - whatever its spiritual significance.



By Florance Saul
Jul 14, 2024