Owl Hooting Spiritual Meaning

Owl Hooting Spiritual Meaning

Owl Hooting Spiritual Meaning

Let me start by saying that if you hear an Owl hoot then this is a wake up call for you. In ancient Greek mythology, the owl was a symbol of Athena, she is the goddess of wisdom and warfare, and is connected to both knowledge and strategy. This “spiritual connection” tells me that if you hear an owl hooting then this is about your own wisdom and learning in life. In Native American traditions, owls often are protectors and this is about their role as “guardians” against danger and purveyors of deep truths. So to me, this means that there is something you are not seeing right now. It means look inside and find that voice of what is wrong. The hooting is about waking you up spiritually. Often, if your like me, it is hard to see where the "hooting" is coming from. 

What does it mean spiritually to hear an owl hoot? 

There are many spiritual meanings and reasons for what people think is owl hooting and I will run over them.

From my research, in East Asian cultures, the owl is a symbol of good fortune and prosperity. Hearing an owl hoot is also about the mystery or the supernatural in life, now owls are creatures of the night. In a more ecological sense, an owl's hoot is often connected to focusing on its territorial presence and serves as communication with other owls, and you might hear this a lot during the breeding season. If you are ad hoc opening your window or walking outside and hear these calls in older superstitions it (I am sorry to say) represents both death or misfortune. 

In ancient Roman times, an owl seen or heard was thought to predict the death of a great public figure. And, this is a bit crazy, in some Native American traditions, an owl's call was considered a signal of impending danger or a spiritual message from ancestors. In Africa, certain tribes believed that owl hoots is all about a message between the living and the dead. The Chinese believe that the Owl’s energy of hooting is about wisdom and protective qualities, thus conferring upon them a dual symbolic nature that has persisted through the ages.

I have touched on this already, but if you are taken aback in regards to the owl hooting. The owl also has the power to silence you. If you win then you will win, but maybe you are happy to go down but have a voice. The owl can be seen as eerie or ominous. And, the superstitions are associated with owls and connected to bad omens or death. However, if you hear this in the garden, it might represent a connection to the natural world, a reminder of the night-time beauty that thrives during the dark hours of the night. I also feel hearing that owl's hoot might inspire curiosity or a sense of the fact you need to chill out.

What does it mean to dream of hearing an owl hooting at night?

To dream of hearing an owl hoot at night can be a strange dream. If we look at the “symbol” of your dream an owl's hoot is connected to both wisdom and intuition. If you are dreaming of hearing the owl tooting at night time is connected to both unresolved fears or uncertainties in life. To dream of seeing an owl hoot indicates that you may think about your job more in life - and that maybe this is about moving so there's a bit of a sense of “something” not being as fulfilling as you had hoped. There's a sense of wishes that are not fulfilled by teaching at the moment.

If we look at owls they have a great amount of wisdom (and of course) night vision. Owls navigate the dark with precision and are connected to strength so that you can see beyond the shadows.

The advice of hearing the owl hoot in life could be that you need to move on with something. Job or an unhealthy relationship dynamic, where one person likes another more than the other person. Are you being used? Possibly yes. If you are in a relationship or someone around you is causing conflict then know that this is not your person, and maybe if you don't mind keeping the ball rolling for a while then this symbol is about gaining that inner wisdom.

May the owl’s hoot happen so that you can listen to your intuition, that inner voice guiding you to the future.

By Florance Saul
Oct 8, 2024