Ring Of Fire Spiritual And Biblical Meaning

ring of fire

What is the Ring Of Fire

Now, you are probably here because you are wondering what the ring of fire means biblically. Maybe you have seen a ring of fire on a video? Or your interested in what this means spiritually? Maybe you are thinking about the Circle of Fire ceremony? In order to understand the spiritual meaning we need to bring all the meanings together in order to uncover what the Ring of Fire means for you - fire is about being awake spiritually.

  • Ring of Fire Belt: The Ring of Fire is referred to in the Circum Pacific Belt. In essence, this is a path that is surrounded by Volcanoes and earthquakes. 
  • Ring of Fire Wicca: In Wicca we often see those fire rings, and they are connected to the protection of others. 
  • Ring of Fire Eclipse: The other quick thing I want to mention is the Ring of Fire Eclipse. If you don’t know the sun appears as this kind of ring of fire during a solar eclipse. 

From my teachings as a spiritual practitioner of 30 years, "The Circle of Fire" ceremony commemorates the most crucial day of our lives: The day when we merge into the fire of our soul and come back to our personal path in life. This is the ceremony when we retrieve the understanding of who we truly are, and make the understanding to focus and move in connection with that power of nature which we call God or Life. The Circle of Fire is like the Ring of Fire, this is all about unconditional love for ourselves, for daily life, for all things in this world. The Ring of Fire will remind you of everything you are really. It had been always my personal favorite spiritual practice.

It does look a bit epic as I saw this ring in the Texas Gulf Coast coast a few years ago. There are 3 types of eclipses. Total, partial and annular. As with any of them, the ring normally appears when the sun is slightly visible. It is super rare and like any other celestial events (the big ones) means good stuff is coming your way.

What does it mean spiritually to see the “The Ring of Fire”?

Well, I need to ask you some questions. If you have seen a ring of fire, or are thinking about creating one then I have a few questions for you: What does this mean in your life? What are you doing in your life? Think about that. The fire is how you manage your passions. And,  what was true at 20 is not true at 50. When your kids are little, and when your kids are gone. You have to know when you are overthinking. Fire represents when you got to know when your job has been done. So you are probably wondering how much firepower you are shooting in your life. If you are wondering what the term means you will be super surprised. Now, the word “The Ring of Fire” has no direct reference in the bible --- or any specific mention. It could mean the Circle of Fire ceremony as I have already said before.

I also believe the “The Ring of Fire” refers to wedding rings in the bible. And, the passion within the relationship and marriage. I am going to run over how fire is pictured in the bible that can relate to a "ring of fire" metaphorically: the ring is both fear and intensity all mixed together. In biblical terms it's stories of divine protection & change. But how does that metaphor fit? But what's its relationship with us? Learn about its significance through everyday experiences and spiritual insights. 

I’m sure you will agree that In our most dark and most crazy moments, decisions are made. Mistakes are made. Weird stuff sometimes happens. Then we have that whole reaction to tragedies. “The Ring of Fire” is like a protection against all of these times. A sort of barrier against the weird and crazy times in life. 

Is the Ring of Fire in the bible?

No, the only one reference (the closest one) that I could find in relation to a Ring of Fire in the bible - was in Hagar's story. Hagar meets God alone and he was afraid in Genesis 16. And, God built a wall of fire around her. Many biblical scriptures often mention fire but this is the only one that outlines a wall around her, it is not a circle, it is a wall. Therefore, one can’t assume that the biblical reference to “The Ring of Fire” even exists. Even though its not mentioned in the bible, my thoughts on what the “The Ring of Fire” spiritually indicates the following: It might mean God's protective barrier around you, or his people, similar to how he protected and guided the Israelites. It could also mean the trials and tribulations (fiery trials) believers go through for spiritual growth and purification, as referenced in 1 Peter 1:7. It could mean the passion of marriage - the rings of fire of love. (This is a positive meaning)

What does the fire mean in the bible?

Fire is not just a physical thing but an intangible element if you get my drift. In the bible (I’m not going to go over all the scripture) fire is about those truthful accounts of struggles, wrongdoings, regrets, suffering, and hopeless circumstances, in the bible. Fire in the bible is destruction as well as renewal. Its heat reflects our life - trials, and problems awaken our potential. As in biblical scripture, the fire may be the means of divine encounters that light up paths in darkness. 

Which flames burn in you right now? Are they consuming us or are they just a mirror of your inner self? This "ring of fire" as a word - asks you to consider how you might lead to a deeper belief in faith. Facing both the heat and crackle of these flames, it is a sort of sign that you are motivated to rise from those trials, for in the “heat” of trial there is rebirth and enlightenment.

The Ring of Protection

Even though this is not in the bible, the Ring of Fire can be connected to this song I used to listen to as a little girl called “The God Who Sees by Nicole C. Mullen. She sings of divine protection standing in a ring of fire”  And, also  Zechariah 2: 8-10. 5 states, "I will give her a wall of fire all around." This to me, describes the inner power of God, like a circle of fire that they use to build in caveman times -- that stops predators or anything else scary that used to come at night. In life we should remember this spiritual shield - that God is protecting us from harm. Also, you can meditate and think of a fire around you and your loved ones as a form of protection.

This Could Mean Transformation

You might think this is a bit strange. But the ring is about birth. Let me explain. The ring of fire in childbirth describes that intense feeling during crowning. If you are a male - sorry. But the ring is where we come from. Where we are born. This pain leads to life. Like our spiritual storms (yes I like to talk in storms), God is trying to create something new in us. It is like the Ring of Fire means rebirth. These are moments where you must learn to be resilient and courageous (Romans 5: 17-18). 3-5). Like a mother listens to her body, so must we follow the Spirit.

In our trials, there is an invitation to face the unknown. I talk about transformation and you will find I have lots of butterflies on my website and my tarot cards. This is like to me, the chrysalis to endure darkness comes before you develop into a butterfly. Each uncertain challenge (yes we all have them) is a call for potential and calls us to give up control for a greater plan. In those vulnerable moments, we often discover our real selves and strengths we never knew we had. 

By Florance Saul
Aug 12, 2024