
Uncover hidden spiritual meanings
Ritualistic healing and worship that has been practiced across the world.
Traditional shamans are chosen by the universe or gifted and have natural, innate abilities to speak directly to the spirits. A known ritualistic practice involving someone known as a Shaman, or Wise one working within the body to provide healing as well as guidance by walking individuals through certain journeys are meditations which allow them to perceive the other world.
Shamans are known to have influence over both the beneficent world and the maleficent worlds and hold it all in balance which requires a significantly dedicated kind of individual. Shamanism has an emphasis on trancelike meditations in which the practitioners can communicate with the dead if they concentrate hard enough.
Shamans are known to obtain different solutions which afflict a community, and many will go to them for even simple marriage advice or counseling about friends and information regarding crops.Usually, the initiatory viewpoint of the practitioners of Shamanism is that a person must undergo several spiritual journeys in which they meet certain challenges.
Often the shaman passes their hat onto their son or daughter so that the village is taken care of when they are no longer present in the physical realm.
What is Shamanism?
Shamanism can be defined as an individual who is skilled and can manipulate psychic forces. These people are known as shamans. Mostly, these are people who are guided by spiritual forces. The ancient shamanism is derived from those people who reside in Serbia, Central Asia Asia and many parts of Eastern Europe.
The main definition of the shamanism is that of those people honoring the spirit. It is important to note that this is not a religion but more the practice which is established in some cultures. If for example, we consider Serbia shamanism this will work alongside Buddhism and Lamaism. It is also true to say that most shamans believe that spirits exist and they do not follow specific faith.
If we look at when shamanism was first practised this goes back to central Asia. The term was first created by those that lived in Serbia. Specifically, the word "saman" in Siberian Tungusic is translated to a person who is raised, moved and excited. It can also be associated with people going into a state of trance. It is common for a Shamen to practice meditations that enable them to obtain psychic power through the process of meditation in a spiritual journey.
The key functions of shamanism are to contact to the dead through different astral planes. Rather much like a medium they act between telephone line of those that have died and human beings living on earth. There has been much written on how shamans can possibly heal people with ill-health. But this is not a key area of which shamanism is defined. Many names have been given to shamans, such as a wizard, sorcerer, witch doctor, and witch.
Many people believe that a Shaman is connected to the afterlife and can obtain information to not only heal people but also provide results of the future.
They have been associated with performing spiritual miracles and known to travel in different worlds through meditation. Shamanism is associated with connecting nature in life. They can act as a healer and use herbal remedies, become a meditator and communicate with different spirits in order to understand threats to the community. Many cultures see the Shamen as a senior, medium, astrologer and finally palm reader.
Many people consider shamans as being wise individuals. They have the ability to connect with different subconscious levels and to enter different astral reels in order to help others and also solve problems on this current plane. In terms of belief, many are powered by a desire to experience spiritual enlightenment. They are considered to be spiritual teachers and helpers; they actually reside in a different astral plane. Historically, shamans have been found in many different areas of history throughout the world. They have a set core beliefs and provide comfort and wisdom to people in need. They are associated with connecting to the spirit and truly believe alternative worlds and astral planes exist.
What do Shaman’s believe in?
Most shamans believe in the existence of the afterlife and spirits. This plays an important role within the culture and the community. They believe they are able to communicate with the afterlife and normally have a spirit guide who can help perform healing.
They can also re-live other people's life experiences. If we look closely at the soul, some people are good and bad. If we carry out dangerous acts in this world, the Shamans they believe that this is an imperiled part of the afterlife. However, the Shaman can heal lost souls. If there is a breakdown in a relationship between the spirit world and the human being on this plane, shamans can help with the transition and journey in the afterlife.
It is also thought that shamans go into a trance by using a drug known as entheogens.
What are Entheogens?
An entheogen is a drug that is used by shamans. Here are the following types of Entheogens: Cannabis, Salvia Divinorum, uncured tobacco, Ipomoea tricolour, psilocybin mushrooms, Amanita muscaria and finally Ipomoea tricolour.
Taking any of these drugs is associated with connecting to the divine soul. This particular drug was not widely communicated within the tribes and has been in existence for centuries.
The term “Entheogen” was coined back in 1979 which basically was a description of many artificial drugs that we used for religious purposes. Cannabis is part of this set of drugs (as outlined above), which is the most widely used.
Additionally, man-made drugs such as LSD are also underneath this umbrella. We can define an Entheogen as a supplement, so one has the ability to see the future.
These drugs have been used for many years through ritual and medical practices. There is another tool which is very important to a shaman's journey - this is moving into the other astral planes. This tool is the understanding and learning that is required in order to move in transit between different vibrations one must be able to go into the correct meditations to experience the divine. In history, these drugs have also been known as hallucinogens. In shamanism taking one of these drugs is an essential part of being able to move between the different realms.
These drugs are often illegal in our current world. It is also important to note that during rituals music is also important in connecting to the spirits.
What music is used in shamanism?
They may find difficulty connecting worlds without listening to a certain type of music. There are many different types of musical instruments that used within a Shaman's journey. These include the drums which are filled with the power needed to transcend into the different astral planes. Additionally, they also use rattles which can be associated with protecting sacred place. The music allows them to connect to their spirit guide.
What is the Shamanism mirror?
A mirror is often used in many different shamanic practices. This is used to journey through different energetic fields. It works to heal others and is used as a type of clairvoyance. The mirror itself is generally round and can supplement any type of healing. It is normally used with drums and rattles.
Do the shamans use incense?
Yes, souls and pass through the smoke, incense is known to connect to different vibrations. Generally, the smoke that is carried through the air is a powerful tradition within shamanism.
What other tools are used in shamanism?
Other tools include flutes, staffs and also organs. The flute is normally played to help shift the Shamen into a different astral plane. The flute is subsequently associated with the journey of the spirit.
What are the types of shamans?
Not all shamans are the same - there are different types that serve different purposes. As we have already outlined, different shamans reside in different parts of the world.
There is the black shamans, and they are considered to be the most spiritually advanced. Their strengths powers within the psychic realm are important they are considered to be a warrior Shaman and can overcome any type of negativity in life. Historically, they are able to combat war and destruction and bring peace. Historically, armies used to visit this type of Shaman in order to understand how they could win at war. As advisers, the shamans were often used to promote peace between different countries.
There are also white shamans who are generally found in the West. Namely, Eastern Europe. These shamans are connected to nature and bring peace in life. They help human beings balance life's problems with the nature around them. They do however conduct many rituals of blessings, and they also try to balance the world. If we look at the mongrel empire white shamans were dealing very much with community affairs.
The next set of shamans are known as yellow shamans. These were popular in the 19th century. At this time the black shamans decided that they would not be involved in any other religions. However, the white shamans were divided into two, and they then became known as yellow shamans (those that did not want to stay as white shamans.) Interestingly, this is still practiced in the modern world, in Altaic and also Huns.
In conclusion, shamanism is based on exploring the different types of spirit worlds and forces that we cannot see in our existence. We hope you like this article, please support us by liking us on Facebook.
By Florance Saul
Oct 2, 2012