
Uncover hidden superstitions meanings
The arch is a deceptive simple but structurally crucial element.
It is capable of spanning great distances while supporting substantial weight. Symbolically it is most often thought of as a gateway or threshold – some means of passing from one plane (figurative or literal) to another. At its core it is a transition. It is a departure from the old and entrance into the new; it is a rebirthing. Some cultures liken the arch to victory. The arch is a deceptive simple but structurally crucial element. It is capable of spanning great distances while supporting substantial weight. Symbolically it is most often thought of as a gateway or threshold – some means of passing from one plane (figurative or literal) to another. At its core it is a transition. It is a departure from the old and entrance into the new; it is a rebirthing. Some cultures liken the arch to victory.
The ancient Romans' art of architecture adopted some aspects of the Greek architecture which led to the creation of a new design of architecture. Romans in most occasions were indebted to their neighbors {Etruscan} as well as the forefathers who were believed to provide an undying source of knowledge that was deemed essential for the art of architecture, like hydraulics and that which involved the constriction of arch. However, during the later periods, they decided to adapt Phoenician architectural techniques. Roman techniques of architecture flourished and became popular at the time of Plax Roman. Due to factors such as population, densities led to the invention of arch technology for purposes of construction.
The ancient Romans had the intention of building structures that could impress and at the same time promote public interest by making structures that would be used by the public. For instance, the Pantheon was built in the version of Hadrian which has remained intact over many centuries. The Roman architectural techniques - according to Gottfried Richter one of the greatest historian of the 20th century who referred to it as ‘triumphal Arch'. This, as believed, signified authority and power over the earth which was later transformed and then utilized by Christian believers who were known as basilicas. During the last phase of the Roman Empire, the Arch was brought forth before the altar which was meant to symbolize the triumph of Jesus Christ and the life thereafter.
The arch has been used to symbolize durability of its material and design. This is evident since some of the eeriest arch still stand up to now with strong walls and shape. The idea of making strong and firm arch originated from the initial use of concrete as well as bricks that were common in Rome. As much as the art of architecture was prevalent in the construction of people’s households and premises, it was mostly applied in the construction of public places.
Some of the emperors of the ancient Rome used the art of architecture especially after conquering a given territory. They laid down structures and even walls that were meant to symbolize victory and as a result the arch was revered to as a symbol of victory and mighty .Some of this structure are still existent up to now and are still perceived to be very significant in terms of portraying the meaning and expression of mighty and consequential leadership with power
By Florance Saul
Oct 29, 2012