The Biblical Meaning Of Colors

Uncover what colors represent in the bible
In our current world we live with endless vibrant colors.
Think about it! LEDs, lasers, the internet, cosmetics we are all bombarded with various types of bright colors. When we look at the biblical meaning of colors it interesting to turn to the ancient world. In this world multi-colored richness was not so vibrant.
Most of the artistic tones consisted of dull beige, browns and also blacks, colors that are found in the landscape. Even if we look back at cave paintings these are very earthy tones. In biblical times pigments of flowers were often used after they were boiled. Fabrics were often in the colors of sheep: beige and brown. When Jacob in the bible gave his son, Joseph an gift of “the coat of many colors” the other sons were jealous. In Spain tiny bugs such as “Kermes illicis” were dried and crushed to create crimson dye./p>
Many users have contacted me about the biblical meaning of colors.
The primary colors are Red, blue and yellow. These four colors cannot be mixed with other colors because they’re unique. If you’re interested in learning the biblical meaning of every color, you’re in the right place. So, Oudem is the Hebrew word for red color. However, the actual meaning of Oudem is “red clay”. Many biblical figures like Edom, Esau and Adam came from this exact word which means “Flesh”. Therefore, red stands for creation and humanity.
Yellow represents fire and purification, according to the Bible, and blue stands for God’s healing power and home. When you think about it, we all call the sky the home of God.
- Green: Immortality, new beginnings, and resurrection
- Purple: Priesthood and royalty.
- Orange: God’s fire, passionate praise and deliverance.
- Pink: Love relationship, perfection, and innocence.
- Amber: Happiness, judgment and God’s glory.
- Gold: Foundation, richness, divinity, beauty, and holiness.
- Silver: Purity, truth, happiness, redemption, divinity, and salvation.
- White: Light, enlighten, victory, pureness, completion, and peace.
- Brown: Ending, faint, pride, people, earth, humanity, and warmth.
- Black: Healing, Grief, Humiliation, death, affliction, sin, darkness, and mourning.
Every color in the Bible has a specific meaning, very much like biblical numerology the colors are associated with message of a deep meaning in life.
Biblical Meaning Of Black
Black is symbolized in the Bible as a color of grief and mourning but you will be surprised to learn also healing. Black is also connected to transformation, a new beginning and also light after darkness. Our modern society connects the symbolism of black with the doom and gloom. But what does the Bible really say about black? The first use of black is in the Scripture in Leviticus 13:31 which basically diagnosis leprosy. If the hair in the cut was black then this represents that healing started. However if the hair was not the code lack not heal. Biblically speaking this means that black is a good sign of healing! Again, in Kings 18:45 it states black clouds bring rain and it is a type of healing.
Biblical Meaning Of Red
Red is quite interesting color. In biblical terms the "red" represents blood in life. In (Leviticus 17:11) it mentions the pure blood of Jesus. Blood is featured quite frequently throughout the bible. Red is also connected to fire and is associated with the holy spirit. Blood has been mentioned throughout (Revelation 1:5, Col 1:20, Peter 1:18-19) Our life is blood and this color represents the life spirit.
Biblical Meaning Of White
Milk is mentioned in the bible as innocence and purity, the clothing of saints, angels and Jesus.
By Florance Saul
Feb 12, 2019