Phoenix Tattoo Meaning

Uncover hidden superstitions meanings
The phoenix bird tattoo represents transformation, rebirth, immortality, eternity, and resurrection. It might also be denoting the fear of change as the phoenix does die so that it is reborn.
I have spent my entire life as a visibly tattooed woman, and deciding on the actual tattoos can be a minefield. The conversations on which tattoos have led me to do a lot of thinking about the spiritual meaning. I have spoken to many people considering visible tattoos and beautiful images on the skin, especially when exposed to invited curiosity. If you are considering the phoenix as an emblem of your body then this is a great choice. Everyone seems to be familiar with the phoenix symbolism as it is known to be a bird that rises from the fire aftermath from its ashes. It is symbolic of rebirth and eternity and a representation of hope. This is a great tat to choose as it suggests that you will have renewed hope and rise like that phoenix in your lifetime. For most, this tattoo is focused on our inner strength.
The phoenix is a mythic bird from ancient Greek folklore that is connected to the sun. The reasons for choosing such a tattoo could be endless. Whether you have been dreaming about the phoenix or you feel like it is time to have a phoenix tattoo that you have always wanted, I hope to share with you the various characteristics of the phoenix, making it possible to know what the phoenix exactly symbolizes in your life
While most people can relate to the phoenix bird tattoo as the fiery bird to be known for representation of rebirth, it is largely considered to be symbolic of other meanings. The fire in the phoenix bid comes about the ancient cultures which thought of the sun as being flaming out at the end of each day and rising or emerging the next day. There are some Christians who alleged that the phoenix bird is symbolic of Christ’s resurrection and the Christian’s rebirth, a representation of being born again and starting a new life in Christ. The phoenix tattoo is one that brings out a fantastic omen in life. Whether you decide to do it in bright colors, dark ink, or a combination of both, you will be a poor artist if it doesn’t come out well because the lines and the body that you can create with the tattoo of a phoenix tend to be endless.
While that could be true, it might not be true with the larger community of Christians, which adhere strictly to the resurrection of Christ. Around the fourth century, there was a variety of paganism ideas that contradicted the church, and thus, the phoenix symbol was not always a symbol of the resurrection.
In some myths for the Jewish, there is the mystique of which was added of the phoenix, talking about the phoenix as being a single living creature which has never left the garden of Eden, and it has never partaken of the fruit that was from the forbidden tree of the knowledge of good and bad and that is why it stays for long. For some empires in ancient, the phoenix is taken to represent the empire lasting for a very long time.
Should you have a small or large phoenix tattoo?
The key dimensions of the phoenix tattoo do not alter its meaning. A small tattoo can say so much symbolically as a larger phoenix tattoo. There are so many reasons that you may wish to yield this type of design. The smaller tattoo can suggest that you might be impacted by someone. As the phoenix is often connected to beliefs it can suggest that you will mark a victory depending on the placement of the small phoenix tattoo. Let me quickly go through the placements:
Small Phoneix tattoo on the hand
This can suggest that you are rising from your own challenges and you never will give up. It can predict that there is something spectacular that is coming your way.
Small phoenix tattoo placed on the neck
The neck is connected to our results, what is in our mind. For the phoenix tattoo to be placed here can indicate that results will soon be yours.
Small Phoneix on the arm
For men, this is a positive omen and can represent a focus on your own mind and looking into the future with confidence. A wrist phoenix tattoo can suggest that you are not going to be held back in life.
Large phoenix tattoo on the back
Many men choose to have the phoenix as a large phoenix which suggests rebirth, that they are coming from a difficult place and moving forward.
Wrist sleeve phoenix tattoo
For the arm to be covered in the phoenix tattoo can suggest that you will be given money, abundance, and protection from spirit. This is a positive area to wear your phoenix tattoo.
Calf phoenix tattoos
The calf is an interesting area to have a phoenix tattoo and indicates that the bird has a deeper story in your psyche. Ankle phoenix tattoos can often to warn to remind you of the death of a lost one. As the area is so small it can indicate that you need to be discreet about your own decisions.
Phoenix bird tattoo meaning and the Chinese
As per Chinese tradition, the phoenix was quite important with only a single dragon having to hold a crucial place in the culture. It is only the Chinese Empress who was allowed to be able to wear the symbol of a phoenix, representing the union of yang and yin, symbolic of grace and virtue.
Phoenix bird tattoo meaning and the Japanese
In Japanese culture, the phoenix has a great meaning too and it combines with the sun to create a fire symbol. According to the Japanese, they entwine the phoenix and the dragon in their tattoos. It is symbolic of yin and yang for them, mixing the highest qualities of masculinity and femininity combined.
The fire: Phoenix bird tattoo meaning
As a tattoo, the design of a phoenix has gravitated to be associated with femininity although you can also find a strong representation of both genders the way the Asian cultures have tried to adopt the sense. But all in all, it is like more women than men are embracing the phoenix tattoo.
Just like with fire, there is a purification sense which comes from the fire’s heat, as it is represented by having to go through tough times that you in the form of fire, transforming you to become a new person in case you happen to survive the purging times. That is the fire and the flame side of it.
What is the meaning of the phoenix bird symbol?
When it comes to the phoenix itself and our lovely tattoos, it tends to be associated more with having to represent various numbers of great qualities in a person including duty, kindness, and being a reliable person. It seems to denote that, the emerging from fire and ashes tend to end up with qualities that are quite admirable represent a whole new person.
The meaning of the phoenix tattoo tends to be ideal if you are starting a new path in life. Most people decide to get a phoenix tattoo when they have a feeling of reborn after an event that is traumatic or an experience that is near death.
Some choose this tat in the memory after a loved one passes on. It is a special great tattoo if you are trying to run away from your old life and the need to leave your past behind. The phoenix tattoo meaning is focused on renewal, resurrection, hope, beauty, courage, the human soul, and grace. It is symbolic of bringing new transformation and joy to your current life.
A phoenix combined with its nest normally burst in flames and out of the ashes, there emerges a phoenix that is renewed, making it a perfect way to symbolize the new you. You can ensure you have a phoenix tattoo on your back, arm, or hip or place it where it will not be visible to anyone else.
Phoneix Tattoo Small
If you are thinking of a small version of the phoenix tattoo then you must consider the placement. There are many pictures online of massive Phoneix tattoos so the smaller versions are normally difficult to draw as their is so much detail. For such a special tattoo, it holds a special meaning to you the wearer, and no one else. The normal tattoo size of a phoenix tattoo is near close to the true wingspan of about 5 inches wide and 5 inches long. When I have reviewed the tattoos of such a design, it is important to ask an artist to ensure that it has beautiful purple and red feathers with a tail that is golden red. You should also make sure that you discuss what your vision is all about with your artist for the tattoo to make it possible to get the exact phoenix tattoo that was in your dream.
Phoenix bird power animal meaning
In archaic, classic shamanism, the guardian spirit normally appears while the initiation is happening, and might be a bird, a wild animal, or even a pet hamster. In rare cases though, it might happen to be a mythical being such as a dragon, phoenix, or a unicorn.
The phoenix together with its nest burns furiously and can be reduced to ashes and from there, there will crop a young, new phoenix. If the phoenix is your power animal, then you will receive a message coming from the other realm, a message of rebirth, renewal, transformation, and immortality. Now, if you are the type who always find yourself scanning the horizon while collecting information regarding the environment and even regarding your death. You might, just like the phoenix, as at times it can suggest you enjoy traveling alone and you have both the yang and yin inside you.
The tat also shows you are an introvert and independent also. You like to sing soulful and frankincense, haunting melodies, and myrrh are what make you feel rejuvenated and calm. Meditate upon the phoenix, finding out what it is that it is trying to tell you. You can decide to light a candle and ensure you observe the way the flame burns.
Phoenix bird totem animal and meaning
The phoenix totem animal is known to be a symbol of spiritual truth, which again is important to understand when we are reviewing the spiritual meaning. It is a bird that is one of a kind that lives for hundreds of years and whenever it dies, it regenerates itself into a worm that ends up growing into a wonderful bird with purple and red feathers.
The phoenix is known to be sacred to the sun. It is known to be utilized as a standard for motion measurement of heavenly bodies. The diet of the bird is not well known as it does not eat in front of humans.
When there is sadness or death, the Phoenix sings the soulful and beautiful melody. That is why the mystic of the ancient believes in the spirit of a phoenix as a representation of immortality of the soul of humans.
Just like the way that the phoenix is reborn after it dies, it is believed that the spiritual nature of humans happens the same way, rising triumphantly from the physical body death. That could be another reason why the phoenix is symbolic of the alchemical transmutation that is equivalent to the regeneration of humans. One of the secrets of the formulae of alchemical is named the Phoenix.
You should call on the phoenix whenever you feel distressed or feel hopeless. It will help you in understanding the endless life cycle which follows death then back to life. The phoenix will be able to give you hope, courage, and instill a sense of renewal and rebirth in you.
Phoenix bird spirit animal meaning
The phoenix spirit animal is a representation of a gentle and magical soul bringing good luck, peace, harmony, prosperity, and balance. It is a magical creature that symbolizes passion and fire, the true inspiration flames.
The phoenix is also regarded as the symbol of the firebird. It is also known to be a symbol of rebirth. It is a representation of life continuation in changes of flames. When the bird can grow old, it can fly into the sun then it dies. But it rises from the embers by developing into a worm first. It is the worm that then becomes a wonderful sun eagle, signifying the transformation power in response to devastation and hopelessness. It means that a phoenix as a spirit animal tends to have the ability to lift you from the destruction ashes into the blue skies full of renewal and optimism.
When times are bad, it is the one that teaches about the victory that awaits you. Out of the suffering, you will be able to grow in your spirit. In sadness and heartbreak, the gentle and beautiful creature will sing a song that is enchanting which summons the heavenly forces.
It is possible to meditate upon the spirit animal of the phoenix before considering your tattoo. All you have to do is to light a red candle because red is a representation of the magnificent phoenix powers. Ensure you will be undisturbed during the time you are meditating.
Calm and relax your mind while observing how the red candle flame burns. Look at the live flame within your being core. Try focusing on your inner flame of renewal, optimism, hope, and rebirth. You have to end your meditation by ensuring to thank the phoenix for guiding you.
Phoenix bird mythology and folklore meaning
I do like to consider some of the older folklore meanings when considering a tattoo to pave the way to understanding what this could mean for my soul. In Chinese mythology, the phoenix is referred to as Feng-Huang, which is a bird that resembles a peacock but has a fiery red tail. Its body and head are like the ones for a pheasant. The Feng Huang is a representation of yin and yang, the male and the female. And that is why the Feng Huang decoration is normally found at weddings. The legend of the Chinese believes that the Feng Huang was seen for the first time in 2600 BCE to the Emperor Huang Di.
It is believed that it made the kingdom prosper and that is the reason the Feng Huang is known to be symbolic of prosperity and peace in China. As per some mythology in China, the red phoenix is known to be a creature that is celestial, ruling the four heavenly quadrants.
In the mythology of Egypt, the phoenix is known as the Bennu, and it is known to wear the headdress of the Osiris god, who normally dies and gets reborn. The Egyptians also have a belief that the Bennu is the God Ra, who is the sun god, making it to be symbolically linked to the setting and rising sun. It is also believed that it is Bennu who control the River Nile floods.
The Japanese phoenix is referred to as the Ho-Oo, where the Ho is the male and the Oo is female. The bird is believed to have been introduced in Japan between the mid-sixth and seventh century AD and it has an artistic representation that tends to be similar to what is found in the Chinese phoenix.
Phoenix bird tattoo omens and encounters
You should know by now that a phoenix is known to be a mythical bird. The phoenix legendry states that it is only a single one that exists throughout the world and that it happens to live for thousands of years. When it feels tired, it dies and out of its ashes, there is the birth of a new bird. So you could be able to encounter the phoenix in your dreams, tattoos, or you could keep the word phoenix.
It might be that you read regarding the bird in various places on the same day and you could be wondering what its spiritual meaning is all about and what its magical powers are. In the universe, the phoenix is known to be a resurrection sign. It is also one of the animals which are symbolic of death.
The bird from an artist's perspective is quite beautiful, representing the cycle of birth and death and back to life. You could have recently lost a loved one and the encounters and omen of the phoenix could be reminding you of the fact that, the soul happens to be immortal and that your loved one has not left you at all.
Even if you are a devout Christian, who believes that the phoenix fans its embers, burning to its death knowing very well that it will still live after death despite what seems to be the end. In most cultures, including the Chinese one, the phoenix is symbolic of yin and yang, the male and the female.
That is why; it doesn’t require mating for its species to continue. Therefore, encountering a phoenix or its symbolism might also denote you go forth without having to worry about being alone for all that you are looking for is all within you.
Phoenix bird in dreams meaning
Have you had a dream about the phoenix? Is this why you are considering the tattoo? What is the symbolism of the phoenix in dreams? Dreams are known to be gateways to reality and they normally give a reason for pursuing a purpose and even a particular goal, you will know I love everything around dream meanings! They can also be what gives you the courage of facing particular situations that you might be facing in your life. But the dream of a phoenix might give you hope most importantly if you are facing a situation that is making you anxious. The phoenix could be asking you to continue and proceed with courage.
The phoenix is trying to ask you to ensure that you cast your fears away and go through the fire so that you can be able to start life with renewed beauty, vigor, and hope. You might be wondering why such a creature that is full of beauty is normally at some point, burdened with death and especially a cruel one. The truth is that the phoenix meaning here is not adversity but adversity.
It is trying to let you know that struggling is part of life. When you learn how to accept that part of life, it will help you to be stronger as you go through life. What could seem as if it is plight might not be plight but a tool which you can use to proceed to your new step in life, full of new meaning?
Phoenix bird Celtic symbolism and meaning
The Celtic unconscious meaning of a phoenix represents both water and fire in the Wake of Finnegans, which is connected with the phoenix mythical and the natural cycles of the seasons respectively.
Both the flowing and the burning are part of the processes which are linked to the variable that is continuous and shifts in nature of human and art communities also. Burns denote also incinerate or combust and is known to be the scots word for stream. The IRA identified itself self-consciously with the Dublin Easter commemoration myth and symbolism of the Belfast phoenix. It utilizes the idea of revolutionary recreation and claims that rebirth or renewal has taken place.
It is also symbolic that your past sins have been shed away and that such awfulness that happened in the past life can readily be forgotten. In today’s world, the phoenix is a representation of austerity, crisis, and democracy in Ireland.
After the 2008 economic crisis, there was an economic revival that was likened to the Phoenix revival in the Irish Times, whereby, the Phoenix Revival denoted that there was a return to economic growth without the need to borrow. For some sections of Irish society, it meant a return to relative security, comfort, and prosperity.
Phoenix bird Christianity symbolism and meaning
Iv’e touched on this a few times. As per the mythical creature, the phoenix seems to be the best-known creature living in the air which has origins in ancient Egypt. It has developed its legend further by the Romans and the Greeks. The early Greek legend tends to describe the phoenix story as one of a bird that is similar to an eagle but gold and red.
It comes to the Heliopolis to bring with it the ashes of its father. The bird embalms the ashes in an egg which is made of myrrh and then deposits them in the Sun’s temple. At its life’s end, the bird can build a nest of incense twigs which it lays on and dies. From there, there will be a small worm that emerges, transforming into a new phoenix due to the sun’s heat.
Just like the Greeks and the Egyptians, the medieval Christian writers tend to have a belief and sees the life, death, and rebirth of the phoenix as a resurrection symbol and one which is symbolic of hope and renewal. The worm which is brought forth from the dead phoenix is believed to be human. Meaning, the phoenix is symbolic of the consummation of the age. They are great signs that appear in Egypt and nowhere else that is God’s paradise.
Phoenix bird Native American symbolism and meaning
Although most people tend to believe that the phoenix's origin is in Greece, it is known to be a global symbol of rebirth. It is known that all the global legends regarding the phoenix and the stories tend to talk of the same tale of the way the bird is unique and how it doesn’t have young ones or mates.
Depending on which part of the world you read the legend from, the legend is known to live between 500 years to 7000 years. In America, the symbol of the phoenix was first depicted in the United States’ great seal in 1782 and was later replaced with an eagle. The Native Americans referred to the phoenix as the thunderbird. It was a cross-cultural element that was very powerful in the mythology of the Native North American
In some other cultural representation, the Native American’s thunderbird was known to be red, large, and colorful. It had wings that were quite strong and when the bird flapped them, beating them around, it was capable of making thunder and rain.
That is why the thunderbird ended up making an important role in the rituals of the Native Americans and the traditions also. Because it was associated with weather, its feathers were utilized for magic, healing, and to ensure that rain was made to grow crops. With the bird becoming more symbolic of weather and rain, the Native Americans believed that the meaning of the phoenix bird denoted abundance, growth, and power.
Summary of a phoenix tattoo
Hopefully, the key meaning and symbolism of the phoenix are now very clear to you. The bird, which is known to be quite mythical is symbolic of renewal, hope, immortality, rebirth, solitude, grace, and resurrection.
Just the way the phoenix emerges from the ashes, you can be able to rise after loss and devastation. The phoenix is a bird that gives hope to humanity and urges you to keep on fighting. It asks you to keep up the real human spirit of soldiering on. It keeps on moving on even after death and that death is not the end and the soul is indestructible.
By Florance Saul
Feb 13, 2021