Principles of Character Reading

Uncover hidden superstitions meanings
There are certain laws which govern character reading.
What is character reading is the first question? This is reading someone from their body which can be very handy when making a decision to employ someone or embark in a relationship with this person. There are many ancient books from the 1920’s that show this use to be a popular past-time. People use to read to gain someone's traits by looking at the head, face, hands and physique, as a means of revealing the character, capacity, and health of individuals.
By closely following the results of reading people's features, the student will be able to correctly diagnose his cases, and be able to add to his knowledge beyond the contents of text books, and give the results of his observations to decide if someone would be employed. The series of facts relative to character reading has been -more or less jumbled together, each author adopting his own system of classification according to the branch specially favoured by him or her, whereas, the principles on which all elements of character reading are based are mainly from the 1920's.
A face could be read just like a map that points the best way to a much deeper knowledge of yourself as well as everyone you meet. Just like a roadmap, the face can especially be important at work. The face is open to anybody who are able to see clearly. Understanding how to look at one’s face is like learning a language, but fortunately it is a language that people know. Even while we are extremely young, we sometimes look at our mother or father’s face first, by understanding how to recognize and react to their faces. Our earliest emotional reactions and responses are produced by watching the facial expressions of our parents.
Face reading is definitely an natural a part of our character. Before there is spoken language, people generally depend on non-verbal communication. The survival relies on the opportunity to look and read the meaning of faces, gestures, and body language of people around you - in a work context. Today we still read faces even when it is only to acknowledge one another, and the majority of us also provide an instantaneous impression of every person we meet.
By Florance Saul
Mar 26, 2013