Protect Against Magical Attack

Uncover hidden superstitions meanings
According to an old adage “No one is entirely happy in this world” and this is right to some extent.
Everyone is unhappy at one time or another due to something. This something may be wealth, health, love or psychological distress. A poor person is worried because he does not have enough money to meet both ends. Even a wealthiest person is worried of his assets and needs some kind of protection. When he is depressed or stressed, he needs support. To be happy, he looks towards someone who can help him be happier. This could be a relief from his friends or institutions or from God whom he trusts. Alternatively, he may be surrounded by a group of people claiming to be masters in this art. Some are genuinely convincing, and others could be cheaters.
There are some powerful traditional healers in this field, all over the world, claiming to settle his sorrows and worries. These powerful healers have termed it as a “Protection Spell” which ranges from a wealth spell to a love spell to a former lover spell to a lucky spell or to anything through the magical rings, by the scent of herbs in fire or by chanting some magical rituals or some other techniques. It is claimed to make people happy by returning peace of mind for some time.
Magical rings are respected and have a deep history in various communities and civilisations with blessings from different images of Celtic Gods & Goddesses. Magical rings are endowed with supernatural powers by a traditional healer to fulfill a specific function for the wearer. These magical rings prevent the penetration of individuals or destructive magic and curses. Magical rings and Spells are customer need specific and are different for every person.
The protection spells that work for the stability of peace for your home, your business, your love life or your married life. You might enjoy peace of mind when you are assured that all your wealth, your assets, your love, your marriage and your family are safe and secured and will be available to you when you need them. This protection spell helps in defending him against all negative forces and energies. The basic principle behind the success of these spells is the belief in the master or the God to relieving you out of your worries.
Questions to ask yourself: Do you have everything you desire? Are there frequent troubles of any kind in your life? Are you bewitched? Are any evil spirits troubling you? Are you plagued by obstacles, enemies, setbacks or petty annoyances? If someone wants to cure a chronic illness or wishes to bring back a lost love or protect his family, house or business from evil spirits or even wishes to raise his height, protection spells could be an answer to all these problems.
Magic spells can help you to assist in the direction of success. The business spell will help your business to success and will make your products more profitable and appealing which increases your sales. Successful spell casting depends on the strength and power of the spell caster. In some countries,pieces of sharp iron, horseshoe nails, open end facing down are used to keep dangerous people and their harmful effects out of your house.
Keeping an iron dagger under your pillow prevents the attack while you are sleeping. Herbal dream pillows keep you protected while you are sleeping. It is advisable to prepare for self defence for security. To create a Protection Oil, use 1/8 Cup base oil of your choice. This helps to keep you safe from psychological or magical attacks. Use a fragrance of protection oil to discredit yourself and other people in your house.
Add the following to get the protection oil
4 drops Patchouli. 3 drops Lavender. 1 drop Moonwort. 1 drop Hyssop
By Florance Saul
Dec 20, 2016