The Tet

Uncover hidden superstitions meanings
The Tet, or Tat, amulet was most popular with the ancient Egyptians, among whom the power of charms was believed to be irresistible.
They were worn to protect the human body, living and dead alike, from evil influences, and from attacks of invisible and visible enemies. The “Setting up of the Tet” (the reconstruction of the body of Osiris, the god of vegetation and everlasting life) was a religious ceremony, celebrated annually at Abydos, in Upper Egypt, and in the Delta, at Busiris. Worn as a talisman for protection from evil, also for strength and stability.
The “Tet Tree” amulet is connected to Isis and is connected to the tree trunk Osiris is the husband. The Tet as a spiritual symbol is like the rebirth of life and hope in life. There is a magic symbol that is connected to new beginnings. The tree trunk is connected to how the goddess known as Isis hid her husband’s body. Upon this amulet is four crossbars which indicate the four cardinal points. basically this symbolism became very important religious association as it basically represented the body of Osiris. The Tet also indicates the fifth chapter of the book of the dead as follows: Rise up thou O osiris! T thou hast thy backbone, O Still-Heart! Thou, O Osiris! Thou hast thy backbone, O Still-Heart! Thou hast the fastenings of they neck and back, O Still-heart! Place thou thyself upon they base, I put water beneath three and I bring unto thee a Set of gold that thou mayest rejoice therein.
By Florance Saul
Nov 22, 2012