The Emperor As Contact Or Message

For the general tarot meaning of the Emperor please click here
Are you waiting for someone to contact you? Are you waiting for him to contact you? Are you waiting for her to contact you? Are you expecting a text message? If you have been waiting for a message from someone. Or you are wondering if they will contact you then the Emperor tarot card appearing means that someone is likely to get in touch. The Emperor is a wise, man and often connected to the "ying" energy.
He wears a heavy crown as a sign of his earthly power and victory on the material plane, but the barren land where he is indicates the sterility associated with a masculine world founded solely on power, without the milder female virtues exemplified by his wife the Empress.
The Emperor's importance in the spiritual world is clearly shown by the object engraved on his shield or throne. It's thought the angels (on my card) signify the purified human soul, purified through self-discipline as well as moving willpower. The spirit of freedom is only able to be attained by fighting life's difficulties and winning over circumstances. In the ordinary world, the Emperor was he who triumphed over physical limitations by the smart use of his resources. He himself mastered the world around him with continual determination as well as unwavering determination. He bases his decisions ali on what his senses tell him; Each experience is valued at face value and he's a result of the surroundings. His high reliance on tangible facts and his calculated way of acting on them make him the subject of general admiration, and also he's regarded as a rational and admirably balanced person.
Will your person contact you? Yes or No?
The Emperor endures, more than anything. This is a yes answer. He's the very first thrust of power in almost any circumstance, essentially controlling or powering it. He might at times appear as a flash-in-the-pan energy, but in the long run, he will attempt to keep his authority as well as control over a situation. In Tarot the Emperor is a reminder that contact is likely, he brings a strong message. If you are waiting for a message the Emperor contains the significance of "power." It indicates the necessity to create boundaries, discipline, clear rules, and use your very own power. Do not be scared to lay the law down.
It is not as difficult as you may think to apply card meanings to readings. What would take place if this card came up in a previous contact position in a relationship reading? It'd simply show that in the past there was a great deal of energy (think springtime, bunnies, rams, and birds), however, that was just a fling and was now passing.
We might compare energy in the near future position to find out the way the relationship was transforming. For instance, in case the future position was Queen of Pentacles, this could be the typical domestic "settling down" scenario. If it was the Hanged Man - then the situation might be shifting into a suspended feeling as if everything will be put on hold. How about the other way around? The Hanged Man before and also the Emperor to come? What exactly could that mean for a relationship reading...?
The Emperor is Aries Energy of the Spring Equinox, all blooming and bursting, waking up and being proud and loud of it. Therefore when a person asks about the time of an event, this card states "Spring Time." If you are waiting for contact it could be springtime or around then.
The Emperor reversed as a message
When it comes to love, it is unlikely the reversed Emperor will contact you with a message. This is because historically he might be Linked to the Byzantine Emperors or Hohenstaufen Emperor Frederick II who was among the dominating figures of Europe during the very first one half of the 3rd century. The crown which he wears on my card is the sign of his masculine potential, the creative power with which he creates as well as maintains his empire. The angels on my card signify his rational comprehension of the laws of the bodily piane which allows him to manage the world around himself and create rules by which other people are able to live. The blue mist signifies his dominion over brute strength as well as unorganized matter.