Emperor As Feelings

For the general tarot meaning of the Emperor please click here
The Emperor often pops up in the feelings position (or maybe you just drew one card) when there is strength, control, and focus on the relationship in question, to me, this card does not totally describe to me “romance” but it does say to me that there is something really solid here.
What do they actually feel when drawing the Emperor?
They want to build a life with you, they want to control you, they want to protect you are some of the thoughts that are coming through. These are also “father-type” feelings when it appear in a reading. The Emperor is connected to the planet Mars, and in my card, he wears a crown, with a sideway view - representing life. There are men, who feel that a woman needs to be: passionate, motivated, unbiased, and bold. And, that is his feelings for her. I also feel that this card is about being domesticated to some degree.
If you are asking tarot about someone's feelings towards you and you pick the Emperor card, it signifies that they have a strong sense of care towards you. He deeply values you, almost fatherly (as said before). He would go to great lengths to keep you safe and shield you from harm, he really is “yang” energy when it comes to Chinese astrology.
The Emperor, the Ram, as Aries, obviously follows the Empress. On one hand, he's Mars (the planet which rules Aries as I have already mentioned) to her Venus, her friend, and compliment, father to her mom, society to her nature, dictated order to her creative energy. He is the "All-father," giving his children the structure they require in their lives to allow them to be responsible adults.
The Emperor: His feelings towards you?
So what is he like as a lover? The Emperor is focused by a strong presence of masculine energy. He thinks he is the creator and protector of all beings. He shows his love by looking after his family and friends. He's still an emotional person even under his tough exterior - but he only reveals his emotions to those he most trusts.
As I said before, he is Aries. This is the very first sign of the Zodiac, metaphorically the "infant," and it is full of excitement, energy, and aggression Like a baby. He's direct, focused, and frequently tempting as a person (you want to spend time with him). Regrettably, he can also be a bit of a nightmare, similar to a child: impatient, annoying, and controlling.
The Emperor demonstrates his affection through physical gestures, while the Empress focuses on emotional connections. The Emperor is a dictator in the worst imaginable conditions, imposing his “opinion” upon people. He also reminds me of a smart and passionate person - that everybody would like to copy, the fantastic king life.
The Emperor card is the "Who's boss?" card. It's an important question. The meaning of this card is you control everything in your life, which includes your body, mind, feelings, your mood, and your love life. This particular card enables the holder to be bold, ferocious, brave, and in command.
I also believe he really loves providing for either you or your family. He would like to make certain you are well looked after, beginning with your financial situation. He is not satisfied with simply providing a wage. He is eager to provide you with as much money as he can make. He is not just satisfied with offering shelter, but he wants to provide additional support and care. He desires to treat you to a vacation at the most extravagant five-star hotels. He also aims to fulfill your sexual needs, naturally. He feels a strong attraction towards you if you are asking for feelings and you are female.
If you are single or in a new relationship, the reversed Emperor card suggests that your partner may not be fully committed to the relationship. Although they are strongly drawn to you, they might view you primarily as an object to be won. When I was 22 I married a man that was 45 and it did not go well. I found him controlling. This is the typical feelings card drawn in this situation. Turning the Emperor card upside down may also represent challenges in communication between both individuals. If that is true, it is important to set boundaries and make sure you know what a good relationship looks like.
The Emperor represents a sense of security and comfort in your presence. He values your thoughts and is willing to provide support and guidance whenever you encounter challenges in your life.
The Emperor: Her feelings towards you?
If you find yourself in a “situationship” or a relationship that is not yet defined (or someone has not committed to you), the Emperor card suggests a strong focus for her to progress in the relationship. This is because the other person views you as important and is eager to deepen the connection. She has love feelings for you, which is a promising indication for someone seeking a committed relationship. She is committed to looking out for you and is willing to go to please you in order for your approval and love. Now, the thing that might put you off is that the Emperor (she in this case) might not communicate her emotions in the most poetic way, but she is enthusiastic about showing his love for you in his very own unique way. If you understand and accept this, you're set.
For feelings, she wishes to demonstrate affection and dedication to you by actions, such as painting the hallway or even taking the dog for a walk. Understand how she expresses love, and be open to receiving it.
The Emperor: Ex Boyfriend, Ex Husband, Ex Girlfriend or Ex Wife's feelings for you
If you are waiting for contact from an Ex and you draw the Emperor then it is saying that they will probably contact you soon. In terms of ex partners drawing the Emperor can indicate that this perosn has a lot of pride. The Emperor also can come up as a warning to consider whether their Empire has grown to be an unwelcome task. If he has, is they now a terrible leader, unreasonable, unreasonable, dissatisfied? It might be the time to abdicate the throne. In case you are focused on what is arriving in life. He often comes when someone (one of you) has to lay down laws, rules and discipline, to plan out the future and lead the way.
The Emperor: How Someone Sees You
The Emperor may also be a sign of a renewed effort to reconcile as well as rekindle a relationship if you are curious about the way an old love interest or ex-partner feels about you. The Emperor seizes what he considers to be rightfully his through his own determination and assertiveness. He may eventually reach out. Be patient as well as wait for him to approach you. He is motivated to excel in every aspect of his life, including a potential romantic connection with you.
When it comes to determining if a relationship is going to get “serious” maybe even commitment, marriage, or engagement, the Emperor card is connected to your own strong emotions and I believe is quite cool to pull this - and says you are going to be in a happy relationship really soon. How they see you is that they are prepared to make a commitment. They are confident in the strength as well as stability of your relationship and are prepared to progress to the next stage. The person you have asked about in question has strong feelings of love for you and believes in your love. I sometimes find the Emperor is about romance but also about who is in charge. Think of someone that is possibly pompous!
Feeling like the Emperor Reversed
Well, if you draw the Emperor reversed for a question about someone's feelings then this is a whole new meaning. I sometimes see the Emperor as all the kings together into one person. It is being super strict and firm in a relationship. This can also mean one party in the relationship is angry and jealous, causing you to feel like you need to walk on eggshells around them. This can also signify the need for control, or having a distant or abusive father who exerts a bad temper. In relationships, feelings resulting from attachment issues are often indicated by the Emperor reversed. If we look at the Empress reversed she is focused on losing that “nurturing” way and if the Emperor is reversed, to me it means a weak man.
I also feel, that they might perceive you or your father as exerting excessive, having dominance, and intimidation over them, if your Father is involved in the relationship. They believe that they are constantly expressing themselves incorrectly and that their actions will never meet your expectations. They are stressed, depressed and feel unworthy. If they do not receive encouragement and recognition, what's the point of motivating them to achieve success? They become quiet and isolated as a result. If you feel a connection to this, it may be beneficial to examine your own behavior and how it has played a role in the current state of your relationship.
These are father-related problems explained in simpler terms. A few of these emotions include feeling emotionally distant and apathetic, lacking dedication, seeking total control, experiencing anger and envy, and viewing individuals as mere objects of sexual desire. If you believe any of these things about yourself and your relationship, then you need to realize that childhood attachment problems can't be solved in the present. Only by fully accepting what has occurred before can these barriers be overcome.
When considering the level of commitment in a relationship, the Emperor card appears reversed, indicating a clear absence of dedication based on emotions. They have feelings for you but are not prepared to be somewhat - emotionally available for a relationship with you. They might not have a strong understanding of their own emotions, and they may not understand themselves. Like anything, if you aren't receiving clear answers about their commitment and have a feeling that they may not be sincere, trust your instincts. In fact, they might be more eager to explore their options at this time. While it's accurate that they may have numerous emotional challenges to address before they can fully commit, it's important to recognize that the individual themselves is ultimately responsible for their own personal growth and transformation. It has to originate from within oneself.
For ex-partners, drawing the Emperor reversed (in my view) suggests that they've closed themselves off and are not expressing their feelings towards you. They are happy to continue dating as well as keeping the relationship strictly transactional, but they are not interested in going by way of a reconciliation process. They are aware that reuniting will not resolve the issues that led to the breakup. You've both acted carelessly with your feelings, causing them to shut down their emotions completely. A genuine reconciliation cannot be achieved until the obstacle is eliminated.
Will the Emperor Commit?
When it comes to a love relationship and you are not in a committed relationship (as yet) suggests that it is important to carefully examine the way you interact with your partner. Are there any issues related to attachment at play in this situation? Are you in a relationship in which one person is always contacting the other, while the other person is constantly trying to distance themselves as soon as things start to get close? Is this a twin-flame connection? Are you constantly engaged in the same battle, do you argue over the most silly things? Can you see yourself with this person for a long time? While it can seem safe with this man he is very dominating.