Six of Swords as Action (Upright & Reversed) Tarot Card Meaning

The Emperor Tarot Love

For the general tarot meaning of the Six of Swords please click here

I can hear you, calling. Because you have been lost. Maybe you are wondering what action you need to take. And the Six of Swords pops up. Have you wondered if you have made the right choice? This is a good omen that you're free. This is the card of "moving on" - departure, leaving behind, and finally acceptance. What if this is the ACTION of someone towards you? Like will they text you? Will they be in touch? It is likely, but it will take time and you will be at peace with yourself when they do.

This is about ACCEPTING what is not serving you right now. You will see on my card, that man, a mere shadow, who is rowing a boat with a woman and child to another place. Where are they going? Are they going towards peaceful times? They have left that stormy and turbulent water behind them, and that little boat. It is moving towards happiness, and moving towards calmness. That is you. Moving forward. Moving towards better times. The action of this card is relaxed. Your troubles are over. But you have to leave this situation. The war is over. The battle is over. It is time to recharge your batteries. Yes, the scene is sad but they are moving forward.

Yes, I confess, I have spent hours thinking about this card in various ways. It is about moving on, leaving, leaving behind, and acceptance. Or moving towards something peaceful. If you have been wondering about what this means about “action” then I have had over 30 years of experience in tarot and a whole load of books on my shelf so my true meaning is that this card is about facing those troubles. So, are you wondering what action you should take? What action someone should take? Well, all I can say is yes it’s been stressful for you if the Six of Swords appears.

What is the deep meaning of the upright Six of Swords mean for action?

I remembered seeing the Six of Swords asking about someone’s action towards me and thinking "Oh, a return!" this person is coming back to me. It could be a journey or literally. And, yes the text from him - arrived a day or two later. You can see on my tarot card, and the rider the deck a man takes away the woman and child in a boat to another place. But, we don’t know where! They have their backs to us, like they are leaving something behind. Perhaps the woman and child are hiding? The scene on the tarot card is simple --- moving forward.

So, let me tell you -- we all are on a journey in the Six of Swords. Sometimes we find people who stay with us for life. We also sometimes get some people who pop into our life. Only for a while.  The card says move on. Don't keep what no longer serves you. We'll move on with all the lessons learned.

So, in my view, if you are asking what action you should take and you draw the 6 of Swords, that means you should move on from your problems or go on a journey or transition. That card means advancement - leaving behind negative situations or thoughts. 

If you have been in a bad job or relationship this card in action could mean that you need to take a physical journey, perhaps one which leads to personal growth and a new outlook on things. Maybe you have been googling holidays recently? Or even a new home or car? I often see this card appear when that happens - in terms of action, it means you need peace to move away in life.. As I look back on my life now, the Six of Swords as suggested to me there is a simple action of moving forward, progressing or transitioning from a difficult situation to one. This card also “urges” you to overcome your current battles and storms and move forward without doubt or worry. Yes, I feel the journey may be difficult, but the card promises improvement and release from the difficulties you face.

What does it mean in regards to relationship action? The Six of Swords in relationships for action means to be prepared for whatever the relationship might bring - a journey, transition or change -- a breakup -- or even maybe a ghosting. People often make changes and move in unexpected paths in relationships, the whole thing can sometimes be sad. If you pull this tarot card may therefore suggest that you accept changes of the relationship. For existing relationships, the Six of Swords suggests you really need to move past those PAST issues and work at a more positive future. 

For past relationships or ex partners - the Six of Sword for action says accept the end, move on and make new beginnings. If you ask for someone’s action towards you, it means they are coming forward but things will change. They will change. I feel they will change. Healing has started, and a new chapter is on it’s way.

For both career and financial matters, the Six of Swords in that “action” position means moving up the ladder in your career, finding new challenges or moving from a difficult work situation to a better one. This card might point to a new job or role change that leads to a better career. You may get encouraged to develop professionally.

What is the reversed meaning of the 6 of swords?

The story does not stop there. If you have drawn the Six of Swords of swords reversed, you might be stopping change or unable to leave a difficult situation. This card suggests you are stuck, unable to shake off past hurts or unwilling to change. 

Just like, we have technology now like the new iphone, it is saying go with it --- don’t resist the change. The Six of Swords as suggested action reversed may represent the need to face up to those issues you have been avoiding or resisting - what are they? This challenges you to stop worrying about your problems or putting off problems and start tackling them head on. It might be a hard process, but you must move when you draw this in reversed.

For love affairs, the Six of Swords reversed means you may need to resolve old issues or emotions before entering a new relationship. Perhaps this is about emotional baggage from previous relationships which are keeping you back. For existing relationships this card means working on internal issues that are holding the relationship back. 

If you pull this card it can also mean there are unresolved disputes that may be holding the relationship back. This is a card that can mean dealing with arguments honestly and together - finding a way out in life. When asking the tarot about an ex the Six of Swords reversed for action suggests unresolved issues or unresolved feelings. Maybe you are holding onto things from the past relationship may be keeping you from moving forward. It means confronting those feelings or issues and finding closure. On the career and financial front, the Six of Swords reversed means confronting problems or issues at work that you have been avoiding. It could be an unresolved argument with a boss or a project you've been putting off. I also seen this card be drawn for difficulties at work. 

For relationships/feelings, the Six of Swords reversed represents love but also moving on. Moving on is okay when a situation is not serving you or your needs anymore. That does not make the love we have experienced less valid. I want to tell you that you always hold the lessons learned from it in your heart.

In all the above, in regards to my interpretation - think about the question itself, your mood, the cards around it, the artwork, that little voice in your head and the little voices of attending invisible friends.

But moving away from troubles means you are moving toward some kind of peace. Some decks such as mine, the Moondust tarot --- show a boat moving toward smooth waters with turbulent waters behind it. I have also put the hat on the man to say that things have been hidden in the past.

Summary of the six of swords in the “action” position.

So, let me sum this up. The Six of Swords is a reminder to move on. Remember, not to keep what no longer serves you. I can see for action this is about moving on with all the lessons learned. In summary, I have detailed what I feel this card means in that you should go towards more peaceful time. Solve those present difficulties - or go on a journey or transition. 

My tarot card if you have the Moondust Tarot means advancement - leaving behind negative situations or thoughts. As I have detailed above I feel the Six of Swords it can mean going forward / progressing / changing from a bad situation to a better one. And, this card encourages YOU to overcome your current obstacles and move forward consciously. The journey may be rough (like rough waters), but the card on a positive front means --- promises improvement and release from those crazy times you face.