The Heriophant Tarot Love Meaning

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The Hierophant in love readings
The Hierophant in love readings represents the traditional, the marriage the religious elements of love along with a reminder that our lovers must be dealt with lovingly and morally. If you pull this particular card for a love reading it could also indicate long-term commitment and marriage. Whenever I see the Hierophant I do not presume that the person I am reading for actually wants a commitment, the context of the person's love life is important. Statistically half of marriages end in divorce and that turns into a cult attitude so that the institution of marriage oppresses women and men for the sake of useless vows.
When many people see the Pope they get religious overtones or context and in the card the man is the Pope. The wedding business has grown to be a massive practice, taking advantage of many fantasies about marriage and making money.
What does this card mean for past love?
You or your partner had been raised in a conventional family with grandparents and parents. Simply because a regular family home is exactly what you're used to, you want this for yourself and don't think about alternatives. It's also possible that there had been a marriage for either you or your partner. Your present circumstance may or may not have ended, however this marriage has had an effect.
What does this mean for present love?
To draw this card means that you are deeply devoted to someone. The two of you might already be married, or likely to be engaged. Put simply, The Hierophant signifies advice from others.
around you have a great deal to say about the relationship. The drive to carry on tradition works in your favor, drawing this card means your partner appreciates tradition and wants to settle down. Seeing this in a blockage part of a spread means you aren't traditional enough for a partner or they're getting urged never to have a relationship with you.
What does it mean for a love outcome?
It's common for any Hierophant to represent marriage, especially if drawn in an outcome position. Whenever it shows up in future or outcome positions. As a result, it's usually an extremely welcome card for love as well as relationship readings. There is a chance this marriage won't be with your present partner, nevertheless, the Hierophant can provide you confidence that you are going to get all that you would like in life.
What is the emotions for your partner?
This is all about marriage and emotions. Matrimony as well as definite commitments is a path they defiantly see themselves headed in. That is not to say 100 % they wish to marry you, however, your prospects are favorable. They only have great feelings for you.
What does this mean for feelings?
This means you are prepared to walk down the aisle for your lover, they are the one you wish to marry. In terms of other people’s feelings. Others believe that you and your partner or potential partner may be in it for a long time. Your family and friends may be wondering why you have not tied the knot just yet. It's possible that one of you is regarded as old-fashioned when you aren't currently a couple.
In regards to a potential relationship / potential marriage partner drawing this card is relying upon your religious and spiritual beleifs - to navigate the situation. Your spiritual guides are providing you with clues and sending you signs regarding how to keep the romance. Additionally, you have family or friends who are delivering good things about you to your lover.
What does it mean for love advice?
You can get great advice from religious leaders and spiritual teachers who are close to you. They most likely wonder why you have not turned to them just yet. In the event they aren't, their doors are opened. In case you are faced with your relationship as well as the path it's going you need to look for this wisdom.
Hierophant summary
Deep down, you may worry about both traditions and commitments. There is a part of you who worries you may be your family members. Tradition is going to come into play in your relationship in some way. If your partner is dragging your feet, it is very probable that they are attempting to play by the book. The Hierophant card - affected relationships tend to be traditional, standard, and socially endorsed. It's probable that partners have similar beliefs.