
Uncover hidden tea leaf meanings
A binding or union of two similar forms by a thread or string indicates a close tie, such as love or marriage, existing between yourself and another.
What do you mean by bond? A bond is normally connected between two atoms therefore this symbolism is two circles with connections.
This tea leaf reading is associated with the chemical bond that we see within the tea leaf cup. Therefore, if you notice round circles with lines that join this is associated with a bond. So what does this mean from a symbolism perspective?
In Chinese tea leaf reading books the bond is connected to independence. Not only independence of one person but of the family unit. The circles represent people and the connections represent the energy that we have between these people. As already mentioned, the overarching meaning is independence. Sometimes it's just too much for one person to take on the world. As the bond is associated with connection we know that this symbol means that you will get on with others but you have been relying on others too much.
The bond appearing at the top of the cup: you will be able to cooperate on individual product projects but you will still need to have some type of independence. Within the top position the bond symbolises a domineering life lacking independence.
The bond appearing in the middle position: this is associated with possibilities in life. The only way to succeed is to rely on others rather than have the independence that you so definitely have a successful year.
Bottom of teacup: at the bottom of the teacup position - the bond is typically associated with intellectual power. This distinguishes you from other people. You are nearly always worried about something in life. Always want to hear what other people's opinions are. This is sometimes very positive but other times can be negative. It is time to move on your own and find your own way in life. Life is too short and it is time to take on life to be a bit more independent and secure.
In business it shows a partnership, and the surrounding indications will define its nature. To one in distress it shows a bondage or fettering by which the liberty will be curtailed and progress hindered.
By Florance Saul
Mar 29, 2013