
Uncover hidden tea leaf meanings
A bus appearing in your tea leaf reading is associated with a journey in life.
A bus is attached to having good fortune. When the bus is found inside your teacup, and is close to the top, this signifies you are trying to always wonder what you have done or are going to do. Frequently, you retain their own secrets, keeping these well-hidden. Additionally, you tend to be hardworking. A negative trait is that you keep your own feelings inside for a long time. You desire emotional closeness in your romances. The journey the bus makes is connected to your romances in life.
A bus indicates that you could to deal with a potentially harmful frustrating individual or perhaps circumstance. Fortunately, you will be in a position to overcome any danger within your current social group. Additionally, this kind of symbol means that your concerns becoming determined.
In your teacup you may have:
- Seen more than one bus.
- Seen dots around the bus.
- Observed a large or small bus.
Meaning of a bus positioned in your teacup:
Top of teacup: a bus featured at the top of your tea leaf reading reflects the course of action that you have been taking at the moment. As the bus is a means of public transport seeing this symbol at the top of your teacup indicates that you are anxious to reach a decision.
Bottom of teacup: to be featured at the bottom is a sign that your goal is going to take you a long time. If the bus is at the bottom of your tea leaf reading it indicates that despite the fact that you are motivated, goals will take a long time to happen.
Handle of teacup: this is a time of positive news.
Middle of teacup: to appear in the middle, indicates that there may be a period of time before you realise the importance your goals. This symbol indicates that many people have been kind to you and offering help. There may be a sign that somebody close to you has suffered rejection.
Large Bus stop: if a symbol is large it may mean that you're being taken for a ride.
Small Bus stop: to see a small bus represents that you going to receive some help that you have to pay for.
By Florance Saul
Oct 20, 2012