

Uncover hidden tea leaf meanings

A Nurse is a skilled health care professional who uses skills and knowledge to care for others.

As a symbol, a nurse denotes respect, help, care, strong health and cure. If you happen to see a nurse in your teacup, there is a possibility that your help is needed somewhere to someone whom you have respect for. You are strong enough to take care of those who are weak both physically and spiritually and lead them in the journey of healing.

Detailed meaning of the nurse tea leaf symbol

Top of teacup: seeing a nurse at the top of the teacup is an indication that the time is here and your help is needed now.

Someone requires your help because they are sick and you are their cure. It might be someone who is having marital problems, problems with their business, or even a job which is very sick; take your time to get to understand what their sickness is and help them to heal. Your care is very important as it will act as a cure for whatever ailment.

Middle of cup: a nurse in the middle of the teacup is an indication that in due time, your help will be needed in a situation whereby someone is in dire need.

You have to be ready to help without attaching any strings to it. This is possible if you start preparing yourself and learn how to talk with respect to people around you and have the energy to tolerate any kind of problems and issues that are affecting people.

The person who will come to you will be emotional, physical or spiritually sick and you will need to help them on their way to recovery. It sounds tough, but with practice, you will be able to achieve the goal of being helpful.

Bottom of teacup: a nurse at the bottom of the teacup is an indication that you are a person who rarely gets involved in helping others in any way.

You are a self-centered person who thinks that you don’t need others in your life. With that perspective, you are doomed because nothing in this life can be achieved without associating with others. When you get together with others, it becomes easier to help one another. You should be ready to help others in order to make it in life.

Scattered in the cup: scattered nurses in your teacup denotes that at times you are ready to offer help to those around you; you feel sympathetic for situations affecting others.

Then when you are not in the right moods, you seem to be a don’t care person, ignoring those who dearly needs your help. This attitude has made you not to be a reliable person when people are seeking a responsible person whom they can offload their baggage on. Why not change so that you become helpful in the society where you live and you will receive blessings from the Divine.

Conclusion: when you are a caring, loving and respectful person, you tend to attract positive energies around you which in turn help you to progress in your life.

Helping people will help yourself as well. Nurses are beautiful blessings in a tea leaf reading.

By Florance Saul
Apr 2, 2013