
Uncover hidden tea leaf meanings
The symbol of a frivolous and insincere nature, much affected by appearances and the force of example.
Your faculties need development and your projects need shaping out. Only experience can teach you the real value of that which is really valuable. The puppy in tea leaf readings suggest that you need to progress in life. As the puppy is young it indicates a cycle of youth. There is much luck and indecision around you at the moment. The puppy also is a symbolism of sudden change.
This may be some new beginnings and fresh starts ahead of you. There is also a key element of the unknown. Nothing is going to be left to chance, as a puppy denotes that past progress will payoff. To draw this symbolism indicates that there will be new relationships lifestyles and perhaps an expansion of events in life. The puppy is focused on not taking anything for granted. Make sure that you will have more focus on new beginnings going forward.
Detailed meaning of the puppy tea leaf symbol
Top of teacup: be yourself and strive to achieve your heart's desires. You can draw a plan - list all that you want to achieve in life then set timelines for each goal. From there, with the help of friends, start working hard to achieve. With determination, you will be able to go far and even surpass what you were trying to fake.
Middle of cup: a puppy in the middle denotes new challenges ahead. It is time to move forward in life and not think about the past. The middle position also indicates other people are going to be speaking about you behind your back. The puppy is a significant factor in childhood and youth-focused activities.
Bottom of teacup: a puppy at the bottom of the teacup is an indication that you must be yourself in life. You always strive to achieve your goals. This makes a difference in life and has resulted in being a great person in life that holds the respect of others. Your reputation has grown, and everyone around you is proud of you.
Scattered in the cup: more than one puppy in the teacup is an indication that your life is full of wonderful things. The problem is that you're using these things to conceal your real identity. Why can't you embrace hard work and change your life for the better?
Conclusion: in life, hard work and honesty will give you what your heart desires. Try to emulate those people who inspire you!
Do exactly what they have done in life. Talk to friends or God if you are religious of your heart's desire and it might just speed your pace to achieving it. Always be yourself is the key message!
By Florance Saul
Apr 5, 2013