
Uncover hidden tea leaf meanings
The Ring is definitely an emblem of marriage. It symbolizes trust and fidelity for eternity. It signifies the conclusion of the project. A diamond shape of ring indicates incomplete business, or even a divorce or perhaps a long-term engagement.
In your teacup you may have
- Seen an ring symbol in your teacup.
- Seen an ring symbol that has broken lines.
- Witnessed the outline of a ring symbol.
- Could see a small ring within your tea leaf reading.
- Seen a big ring within your tea leaf reading.
Meaning of ring in your tea leaf reading
- Top of teacup: a ring indicates that a quick marriage is on the cards this is not necessarily your own marriage but of someone you know.
- Lines are broken: to see a broken ring means a broken heart. This may not effect you but someone you know.
- Side of teacup: for the ring to be positioned at the side of the cup means that a gift is going to be given. Most probably a friend.
- Many rings: to see more than one ring means more than one marriage.
- Near handle: for the handle to be close to the ring means the marriage will come in the next five months.
- Small symbol: change will be coming if you see a small ring.
- Large symbol: a new lover is anticipated.
By Florance Saul
Oct 20, 2012