
Uncover hidden tea leaf meanings
A Teapot is a pot which is used to brew tea, and it has a sprout which is used to pour the tea into a teacup.
As a symbol, it denotes testing of the subconscious through communication. So if you happen to see a teapot in your tea cup, it is high time that you share with others what you are holding in your subconscious as it might just be what they need in order to go through the hurdles of life
Detailed meaning of the teapot tea leaf symbol
Top of teacup: a teapot at the top of the teacup denotes that, your help is needed and you have to use what you know about the issue at hand in order to help your friends and relatives. This is important since it will enable them to go through what they consider as hurdles in their lives. Whatever you know about the issue, put it on the table as it is crucial in sorting out the issue at hand.
Middle of cup: a teapot in the middle of the teacup symbolizes the future need for sharing. This will include what you know about life, to share with others that may need advice.
It might not seem important to you, but the fact remains that, that your subconscious mind may be telling you to that you need, to tell the truth. Do you have the detailed knowledge you can help someone? This could save a relationship or a business from collapsing.
Share advice with friends and family when they approach you. Take your time to go through it, organize life, so you provide useful information which will help resolve issues in a friend’s life. This is the time to prepare yourself for that moment when your help will be of utmost importance. Be generous without reservation. Try to help others and enable them to achieve their goals.
Bottom of teacup: a teapot at the bottom of the teacup denotes that, you should not rely on the advice of others.
Make sure that whatever life throws at you, this will not phase you. Try to seek the help of friends. Though it is making you progress well in life, there is always need to consult family or friends for advice or even just for company.
When you indulge in asking people for help in life, you may be shocked at how it will bring gifts to you. Your projects and targets will be achieved faster.
Scattered in the cup: scattered teapots in a teacup denote that, your reliance on friends and family will help you achieve your objectives in life. Without them, you will feel lost. Even though it is important to reach out to friends for help, overdoing it is not healthy. Learn to do some things on your own without having to consult others.
Conclusion: it is important to involve friends in our day to day activities, but at the same time, we should learn to do things on our own so that, in the absence of our loved ones, we will still be stable in our lives.
By Florance Saul
Apr 7, 2013