A woman with blonde hair wearing a long dress standing up in the foreground and bulls, stars clouds and the expanse of space in the background
DEC 22 - JAN 20

This time will bring out the fighter in you. You are liable to bump heads with an authority figure. You are easily frustrated when others do not see things your way. But you will continue on within the constraints of your limitations. Try to exercise patience and work without relying on others for any resources that you may be lacking. Good colors are black and forest green. Good numbers are 15, 2 and 36.

The answer comes in a flash of insight during a dream. This weekend has powerful magic attached that will open the door way between your conscious and inner world. You may come up with some ideas that will challenge your mind. Steer yourself away from sugary and fatty meals, and make certain you receive a good night's relaxation. Quite simply, make sure you're mind is as sharp as razor so that you can think quickly at work, to get a solution.

(December 22nd – January 19th) Steady, organised Capricorn.

Those born under this sign can expect to be pushed by the desire to achieve, to complete, the drive to organize to become more efficient and to fix. Within this sign lies the authority of the planet at the will of the Capricorn. The drive for success, for love, for complete and utter organisation in life and in the future of the Capricorn is at their fingertips throughout their life. Capricorns are practical with the ability to handle many things at once, but unlike other signs that might lose momentum after beginning so many projects; this sign thrives within the busy-ness and does it well. Everything that the Capricorn touches will become a more efficient version of itself. Sometimes this is an infuriating concept for others to swallow because they don’t’ like getting told what is right and what is wrong in such black and white terms. But the Capricorn knows exactly how to cut to the heart of an issue and if you are the one at fault they will tell you, and if you let them, they will help you to become a more efficient version of yourself.

A highly evolved Capricorn will have an understanding that their advice is not always easy to take and that sometimes it takes others time to come to terms with what they have been told and they will patiently wait. Those not as evolved will try to push their input on another endlessly until both parties become alienated and angry. The right path is the path of least resistance. It all takes the time that it takes; there is no reason to rush. We all have to learn our lessons and we can’t take responsibility over others so much that it distracts from our own lives. This is a lesson for the Capricorn which can sometimes make them melancholy if they feel that others are not listening. But if the Capricorn chose to better their own lives instead of internalising the energy of others they would be very happy.

Capricorns are extremely disciplined and understand the importance of taking responsibility over ones actions. If you were born under the sign of the Capricorn you tend to keep yourself extremely busy and you don’t have a lot of time for frivolous pleasures. What brings you pleasure is that which brings you another step toward the accomplishment of your goals. You have an excellent sense of humour which is hilarious even in its standard and conserved doses. Capricorns tend to be excellent with money as they understand what good investments should be made and which shouldn’t.

The ruling planet of Capricorn is Saturn, the planet of lessons, obstacles, limitation, restriction and discipline…all energies in which Capricorn shines. They learn from the obstacles life presents and they work with discipline and restriction to take huge steps forward in life. The Keyword of Capricorn is ‘I Use,’ and represents the Capricorn’s ability to utilise all of the information/tools in this world to make the world in which they desire to live. The part of the body which is ruled by Capricorn is the bones, joints and knees. They should be specifically aware of bone and joint health by taking the proper care and multivitamins.

By Flo Saul
Mar 23, 2012