
The Lovers Tarot Card Meaning
Seeing the Lovers in your reading is a favorable sign.
Often interpreted as romantic love referring to marriage or sexuality, it is also much more than this. The card being present represents the hand of the divine reaching down and blessing you in your life at this time. Now is a time of fruitful change and one in which you are encouraged to act. Changes that come up in your life at this time are usually for the better and bring with them good fortune, harmony, and a time of peace in your life.
The Lovers card represents love and affection at it’s highest point. The two figures on the card offer themselves naked to the higher being in the sky often referred to as God. Thy symbolism of growth and sexuality in the card leads the viewer to understand that the love that the card is depicting is not first love or the beginning stages of love. It is more pronounced and mature and often references marriage between the two on the card.
The Lovers card is one of the cards in the tarot that greatly depends on the other cards surrounding it. It’s important to view the location and the placement of the card in order for the true meaning for you personally to be understood. If drawn in a one card reading – like in the case that you are looking for inspiration for your day or wondering what energies are around you right now then it is truly a great card. It says that your day is going to be one of attention and uncharacteristically positive. Today is a good day to make choices, take risks, and be carefree. If in a more complex reading the Lovers card also heralds good news regarding communication and personal values. If you are seeking the answer to a specific dilemma rest assured that you are in the right and that you can trust your own opinions to be received in a positive light.
The Lovers in Love
The Lovers card is a grand card indicating relationship bonds and the affection of those around you. Often it will denote that you are in or headed towards a lasting relationship worth developing and committing to. Other areas of life are affected by this card as well. It confirms positive inclinations of the heart by telling you that you can trust the path you are on should continue moving forward. If you are looking for love and the Lovers card appears congratulations! This is a favorable omen about a relationship beginning. Most of the time the Lovers card appears when a relationship will be starting with someone that you already know and are already close or intimate with. It can indicate that a friend is actually interested in something more or that a lover is looking for a more serious arrangement.
In a relationship reading if you see the Lovers card combined with the Tower, the Magician or the Devil card it tells you that you must be wary in a relationship – usually love or close friendship – and that something is being hidden from you. With these combinations but the Devil card specifically in your reading, it is always best to seek a further explanation by asking for clarification from the deck and drawing another random card. This is because the Devil card and the Love card are actually closely related to card mythology. When you see these two together it can indicate an unhealthy obsession or unrequited love that should be avoided.
The Lovers As Feelings
This is a card which means the person you have asked about feels that you are his soul mate. The lovers is about that special person that you connect with. This is about passionate nights together, but also it is about choice. The choice to be together on a psychic level and also about how two people can be for each other. When the lovers appear as feelings it is about being full of emotion and that you both will be together in the end. I like to think of this as Romo and Juliet in terms of that love connection. This is about wanting sex with you, wanting love with you and just wanting you all around. The star sign with this card is Gemini which makes me feel there is a balance here, the history of the lovers card is about “love” in my view. That deep sensual love and lust that we feel in the beginning of a relationship.
The Lovers Tarot Card Yes or No
The Lovers tarot card for “Yes or No” readings is about the connection between love and hate, in my experience. Reading tarot for 30 years I believe it is not as clear as you might think when it comes to yes or no. I know that seems a bit sharp. In my view, this card is a reminder that sometimes we can block off or ghost at the drop of a hat, but if we love ourselves enough to take a step back and just wonder why has this happened. This card in love yes or no is a “Maybe” as it is a choice card, just like the seven of cups in my view. The lover's tarot card acts as a "moral reminder" of how important it is to be kind, show compassion and be understanding - even when it isn't easy. Learning to trust your intuition and act with integrity will get you the results you desire in any situation, especially when it comes to matters of the heart - so remember to listen to what your heart tells you.
The Lovers As Action/Advice
The Lovers card tells us to choose love and move forward with our own decisions, no matter how weird or crazy they might be. It calls for a complete bridge of two souls merging together in real strength across the rainbow. To use this connection wisely is to think positively, act lovingly, and do what your heart tells you is right. For love radiates not only as an emotion but through our actions too: Love itself can be seen like a verb or power we direct towards ourselves and others alike!
The Lovers As Past
When I see the lover's tarot card in the past position, I personally see this as bridging our hearts and souls together as one. I love this when it pops up in the past position. This can be past love or marriage partners. In the past, if you pull the lovers then I believe the union has already taken place. I do feel this is a great card for love in the future if you are single and the past has not treated you too well.
The lover's card in the past reminds me very much of Adam and Eve, in that there has been this amazing connection between you both - you are here because there has been a Union between two people - who are in LOVE. If you are currently alone or on your own and you draw the Lovers for the past it can mean that an everlasting love has entered your life.
I also believe that we have Temptations no matter what happens in our lives: temptations of how we go about a love affair or temptations to end a situation that we don't feel serves us anymore. so, I do feel that this card equals that love is likely to flourish and the fact that it appeared in your past means that love has happened between you and somebody else. I'm also going to say that nobody's actually perfect in life we all have our ups and downs. few are looking at finding out if somebody still wants to be with you and you draw the Lovers for the past.
The Lovers Tarot Card As Reconciliation
Standing together in my card the two lovers can get over any storm. The message if you are asking for love reconciliation from this tarot card is that love will happen again. Previously, the man and women were married by the Hierophant on the fools journey. Whenever I draw this card in my readings, I believe that love wins though all the rubbish that life throws at us. The lovers is about choice as I have said before but also decision. If this card pops up in a reversal for reconciliation then it is probably a no I am afraid.
The Lovers As A Person
It can mean that a person is thinking of you allot, and as this card is ruled by Venus then this could be connected to a Taurus. There is a focus on following your heart if this comes up as a person. I do think there should be some level here of giving a choice in love. And, I believe this is a good card if you want marriage from this person so this is the choice of marrying someone or not. The card is also deemed related to Gemini - so to me, this is about the fact that this person can be up and down about you. Sometimes you in there minds and at times you don’t. To me, this is all about crazy or things that will pass, and good decisions will be needed going forward in this relationship.
The Lovers in Health
The Lovers isn’t a common card for health readings, but if it does come up it is usually less about your personal health and more a reassurance that you have support at this time. Other times in health readings the Lovers card will indicate a health problem with a body part that has two parts to it – kidneys, lungs, arms, eyes and there being an issue with both. The Lovers is also indicative of all things revolving around the heart, metaphysically speaking. It will appear in times of grief or loss, but usually as a hopeful card showing that things will be better. When dealing with a loss.
The Lovers Work and Wealth
Attraction isn’t always between two people. The Lovers card represents attraction in finances and money as well. Think of the ‘Law of Attraction’ and apply it to your work or financial situation. Now is a good time for you to branch out and make something happen for yourself. If you have been thinking about a job change then now is the time to do it. When dealing with a delicate work or financial time, rest assured that there is assistance coming your way that is going to lighten your load. The Lovers card can also refer to the coming together of forces, such as in a business proposition, starting a company, or even when seeking a loan. It is an excellent time for you to be seeking out these opportunities.

Reversed Lovers in a reading
Even in the reversed position the Lovers card still represents attraction, coming together, and completion. However, when turned flip-side the coming together that the card speaks of is for all of the wrong reasons. In a relationship setting it refers to people being sexual but not connecting in other areas or can represent a marriage that is lacking substance. The two are not seeing eye to eye to eye concerning long-term goals. The reversed Lovers also gives an air of materialism, making rash monetary decisions, and being irresponsible in other areas of your life. Consider focusing on avenues that make you feel whole rather than those that merely make you joyous.
By Florance Saul
Jul 9, 2012