The Page of Cups

The Page of Cups Tarot Card Meaning
The Page of Cups shows up in your reading to represent either yourself and the role you have in the reading or someone else and the role they are playing.
You are sensitive, creative, emotionally resourceful, affectionate, tender and loyal. You are ruled by the desire to transform. Usually a youth or a girl under eighteen or even a young person who is unmarried with light brown hair or hazel eyes. There is a melancholy and passionate energy to this youth, one who studies hard but gets distracted easily by her imagination. This is representative of someone who isn’t necessarily just young, but is someone who doesn’t have as many experiences or is still developing in their character. We are all developing and changing throughout life, but this card refers to someone who is going through quite a few initiatory phases at once.
This could also be representative of someone who is willing to work hard for you if you are in need of assistance. There is a level of desire to be drawn to the arts, to meditation, to magic. The Page of Cups is young, true, but she is also exceptionally connected to her intuition. She feels things deeply and intensely. When this card appears in your reading, there is news, a message or even the birth of a child. This level of newness is rampant at this phase of the suit of Cups.
The image on the card shows a well-dressed youth or maiden who stands pondering a cup from which a fish pushes out of the water. This is a symbol of inspiration or an idea of the imagination. Behind the Page exists the flowing sea, a symbol of the subconscious. In this suit, water is the connecting force that is in all of us, and it connects us directly to the Earth and to the Moon and too many other transits. So albeit a young perspective, this is a highly connected time of your life. Even though right now you may feel frustrated or inexperienced, the time will pass, most assuredly. Now you must focus on what you are learning, so that you might become wise.
You are going to be receiving help in what is worrying you, and much in the form of cooperative energy. This is going to be an energy which moves you past the relatively emotional and young form of possessiveness or jealousy, even manipulation and you have begun to master the capacity to offer a level of loyalty. You aren’t really interested in the ways of the youth, the drama of what you used to experience with petty people and experiences. You are in a space of desiring to be clear of all of that, and the Page of Cups is allowing you to have that. What you must do right first is examine what it is that you get out of the petty drama that surrounds you, and then once you have been able to identify it, let it go because you have more work to do. You must begin now cutting those out of your life that are causing you to still deal with that kind of drama. When you have cut them out, your life will be more relaxed and you will be able to feel as though you truly have evolved from childlike things.
The Page of Cups blesses you with the ability to speak with emotional strength and sureness, and you are able to tell people what you do and do not want. Once you have let go of those that bring you down you develop an unencumbered existence that is full of sensual desire, as well as a balance between your fantasy life and how to make it possible.
One of the other benefits of having the Page of Cups benefit your experience is that you will begin to develop great ideas and psychic abilities through meditation and study. Important messages direct from God to you are on their way. Spend some time at the beginning and at the end of your day to ponder in quiet meditation so that you can listen to what is being said to you. The transformation side of your world emotionally opens the door for emotional opportunities. Consider who you can depend on, who in your life will allow you to express yourself freely. Then spend time with them.
The Page of Cups in Love
The Page of Cups in love and romance tells you that you are in the place in your life where you are transitioning from the child who has unending and fantastical crushes to someone who takes that energy and creates something real. If you are currently pursuing someone who you have been pawning over for a while, now is the time to take action and to try for it. The fantasies will serve you no longer. Push yourself to deal with what happens in reality. If they like you, then move forward. If they do not return your affection, then MOVE ON. The key here is to differentiate between what is good and real and exciting and what is only in your head.
The Page of Cups in Health
When the Page of Cups arrives in your Health reading, you have news coming your way. If you have been worrying about the results of a test or are just wondering the overall state that you are in physically, these answers are going to come in the form of information which will tell you the next move. Currently you have been living too much in your head about your physical health, so now is the time for you to take your concerns to the doctor and find out what is really happening. The news will be good, so push yourself to go GET the news.
The Page of Cups in Work and Wealth
The Page of Cups in Work and Wealth is telling you that you still have far to go before you can rest in your work life. There is a work ethic required in the professional world that you have not quite latched onto yet. Perhaps you are coming in just a little late, or not getting as much work done as you could. The Page of Cups reminds you to put your nose to the grindstone so that you can get all that you can out of your work situation. If you are an excellent performer at work, great things are in store for you.
The Page Of Cups in the Reversed Position

Reversed Page of Cups in a reading
Sometimes in life, we act without thinking and then we do something that isn’t really considered smart. This is what is happening now with the Page of Cups appearing in your reading in the reversed position. Perhaps you have not met the commitment that you promised, or you have been somewhat dishonest. Now is the time to gain liberation by righting the wrongs you have made, and then attempting to not make the same mistake again the future to build your character. The important part of your transition right now is the learning of the lessons. As long as you are learning, it will all be ok.
Upright Page of Cups meanings in keywords
- Emotional time in life
- Refreshing love
- Opportunities
- Energy and Life
- Mystical change
- Offer of love or marriage
Reversed Page of Cups meanings in keywords
- Creative future
- Universe of magic
- Envy and vulnerability
- Childhood worry or abuse
By Florance Saul
Jul 9, 2012