Complete art of practical palmistry explained

A picture showing the palm of a hand

What are habitually bitten nails a sign of?


This is an indication of nervousness, a worrying disposition, and a con­stant state of unrest and mental irritation: such a person is usually an annoyance to himself and to those around; but it is also a sign of mental activity which has been ill-trained and wrongly used.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

What is the meaning of the hand which moves rapidly to and fro whilst walking?

A brisk moving hand is only the outward sign of a brisk, restless, active, and busy mind. One that must always be doing something, and is consequently liable to overstrain the system in the accomplishment of work. These are the kind of persons who have been and are of most service to the world.
A picture showing the palm of a hand

What is the meaning of the lifeless and listless hand which hangs limp during walking?

This is a sure indication (when not paralysed) of a slow dull, sneaking and suspicious nature, one who is too lazy to put forth any efforts to do either himself or anyone else any good, but who will not object to doing harm to another, if he has not to make any great effort. Such persons should be avoided.
A picture showing the palm of a hand

What is the meaning of hands which are almost always spread open?


This is an indication of an open and truthful nature, a spirit who being honest and sincere himself, thinks everyone else is the same, and consequently such a person is easily cheated and deceived by the unscrupulous. In love affairs the open-handed persons are sincere, straightforward, and can did, showing speedily both their love and disdain, the latter often to their disadvantage, as it is the cause of enemies springing up to their hurt.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

What do habitually closed hands indicate?



A very-cunning nature, with much suspicion, mistrust, and evasive power: such persons are very hard to deal with, as it is so difficult to get at their real feelings, wishes, or opinions. It also shows a mean and avaricious nature, and such persons make cruel and revengeful enemies.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

Has Palmistry a physiological basis?


Yes, it is a well known fact that certain forms denote certain character­istics in both man, beast, andthe vegetable kingdom: it is likewise true of the hands.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

Does Palmistry harmonise with Phrenology?


Yes, for instance, those who are large in that part of the cranium devoted to "love of applause", "self confidence” and "combativeness", are always fully developed in the mount of Jupiter, which indicates ambition, and in Mars which indicates courage and self-preservation; again, where"cautiousness" is large with an active imagination from a Phrenological point of view, the mount of Moon will be fully developed, which gives rise to morbid tendencies and wild imaginations of evil, danger, etc,

A picture showing the palm of a hand

What is the indication of the sign of any planet being seen on the mount of another?


This indicates the intensification of the qualities of the two mounts instead of one: for instance, the sign of the Moon on the mount of Jupiter indicates mysticism and error in action and use of power. Mercury seen on Ju­piter, indicates noble eloquence and administrative talents.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

What does the sign of a planet indicate when seen?


Their presence always shows an intensification of the qualities of any mount, whether they stand distinctly by themselves, or are woven in as if by accident with either the principal or chance lines.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

Is it true that the signs of particular planets are sometimes found in a hand?


Yes, but these instances are very rare: there are also instances of the sign of a planet being seen on another mount; such as Mercury seen on the mount of Jupiter, etc.