Complete art of practical palmistry explained

A picture showing the palm of a hand

What does a star on the mount of Jupiter indicate?


If a clear distinct line from the Head line ends with a star on the mount of Jupiter it is a good sign, for it promises success in whatever the subject undertakes; if a cross is pre­sent as well as a star, a rich alliance or riches through mar­riage may be expected. If the star is on the extreme side of the percussion it is a sign of danger of loss through fire, and if lower down nearer the Head and Life lines it shows danger of pleurisy.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

What does a cross on the mount of Jupiter indicate?


This indicates social position and domestic happiness, and is a confirmation of a happy marriage when the Marriage lines are distinct, but does not of itself indicate marriage.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

What is the indication of many confused lines on Jupiter's mount?


This is a sign of unsuccessful attempts to obtain greatness, and hence personal and domestic unhappiness ensues; for I have always found a confused condition of this mount in company with domestic unhappiness, and if the confused lines are crossed by deep ones the subject is impure whether male or female.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

What is the meaning of lines which run up the fingers?


One short deep line on each phalange of all the fingers is supposed to be a sign of sudden death, but corroborating signs should be looked for in other parts of the hand. One line running the entire length of a finger indicates an increase of power, energy and ardour to the individual qualities of the finger; if it is twisted, danger will accrue from the abuse of these qualities.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

Do the fingers partake of the same qualities as the mounts?


Yes, and they are dealt with in the same order, called by the same names; and the character, health, and abilities of the individual are shown according to their indi­vidual development: thus you see that a part of the hand corresponds with the whole, just as one part of the body corresponds with the whole, except in cases of disease.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

What do cross lines on a mount indicate?


These are signs of obstacles in the way of success, but if the vertical lines cut through the cross ones, it is an indication that the difficulties will be overcome in the end.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

What does one or more lines on a mount indicate?


One line on a mount is an indication of the good influence of that mount and is always a sign of good fortune and success in anything which the mount indicates: if there are two lines the success is not so sure, as the force is divided; and if there are three lines not very even, it is a sign of too much force and activity of the qualities indicated by the mount: if, however, the lines are even and regular both in length, depth, and colour the signification is good.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

When a mount is free from lines what does it indicate?


When there are no lines on the mounts, it indicates a calm and unrumed life, and the more raja and marks there are crossing them, the more worry and difficulty will have to be overcome, as they indicate so many cross influences which hinder the qualities of the different mounts from appearing in their best form.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

What is the meaning of Solomon's ring in Palmistry?


This is a sign of excellent clairvoyant and occult gifts; such a person is a good soul-reader, has correct impressions, premonitions, dreams, etc., and is a natural seer: but this sign being rare those who possess it are often most cruelly misunderstood, for they are to a certain extent a different order of beings to the majority, being blessed with the sixth sense and having progressed beyond their fellows in their Psychic nature.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

What is Solomon's ring?


It is a line coming round the root of Jupiter's finger and either going up between that and the finger of Saturn, or coming onto the mount ofJu­piter towards the Heart line. Sometimes it is composed of a string of small lines, at other times it is deep and clear in one groove; and in some cases it is a branch from the Heart line going round the root of the finger; but it is very rare indeed and "probably only marked clear and unbroken on the hands of one person in a thousand.”