Complete art of practical palmistry explained

A picture showing the palm of a hand

What is the meaning of the Heart line being divided into branches under Jupiter?


Divided into three branches under Jupiter's mount it indicates strength of love, energy, friendship and general good fortune; a good upright humane disposition with a healthy condition of the heart: if the Heart line branches into two, between Jupiter and Saturn, it is still good, though not as fortunate as when immediately under Jupiter.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

What is the indication when the Heart line is absent?


A complete absence of this line is very rare and must not be confused with those cases where the Head and Heart lines are joined in one, forming a bar across the hand: when the Heart line is really absent it is an indication of heart disease, or great weakness of that organ, unless the lines of Life and Health are exceptionally good, when it shows a cold, selfish, avaricious, isolated nature, capable of malignancy and treach­ery, but for this reading it is necessary that other signs of badnes

A picture showing the palm of a hand

What does a double Heart line indicate?


A sister or double line always shows an increase of the power of the original line, therefore a sister line of the Heart which is a very rare occurrence indeed shows great tenderness in love, susceptibility to friendship, and a strengthening of the health so far as the circulation is concerned; and indicates the pos­session of much nervous force.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

What does a long Heart line indicate?


The strength of the affection is known by the length of this line, and therefore the longer the line, the stronger the affection.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

Of what formation should the Heart line be?


It should be straight and clear, not too broad or hollow, and should send out branches towards the mount of Jupiter. If this line passes the mount of Jupiter and turns round the edge of the hand (which is very rare), it shows excessive love and sacrifice of self for the object of that love.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

What is the best colour for the Heart line to be?


Of a healthy pinkish colour, for when very red it shows much passion and affection, a warm-blooded, enthusiastic nature, consequently impulsive and way ward in love affairs; and if Saturn's ring (or ring of Venus) is present and broken up it is a sign of hysteria.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

What does the Heart line signify?


It denotes the amount and quality of the heart's affections, and also shows the condition of that organ, etc., according to its length, colour, and formation.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

Where is the Heart line situated?


It runs across the hand under the mounts: it starts at the outer edge of the hand and generally reaches to the mount of Jupiter; occasion­ally it goes to the edge of the hand between the thumb and first finger, but this is of rare occurrence.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

Does a good Head line modify any evil or weak signs in the hand?


Yes, especially if the mount of Mars is well developed, because these two combined indicate good reason energy, constancy, coolness and power to resist; which forces will be enough to counteract much that is evil.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

What is the meaning of a semi circular line on or near the Head line?


When below the Head line and yet attached to it, it is the sign of a violent death through the fault of the person himself, but this sign is rare and must not be con­founded with an island.