Complete art of practical palmistry explained

A picture showing the palm of a hand

What is the meaning of a line in the form of a circle at the end of a Head line which runs into the mount of Moon?


This is a sign of danger of death by drowning, and if this indication appears in both hands the signification is sure.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

What is the. meaning of the Head line straight with the exception of its end turning towards Mercury?


This is an in­dication that the subject has very good business ability, but is grasping and penurious, using all his intellectual capacity for the purpose of procuring wealth.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

What is the meaning of a fork at the end of the Head line?


This fork is on or leading to the mount of Mars, it shows stratagem and ability to see all sides to a question, especially if the line of Fortune is clear.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

What is the meaning of a sloping Head line in one hand and a straight one in the other?


This is an indication that the possessor has strong intuitive perception, an intellec­tual love of the beautiful, with good occult powers, as shown by the sloping line, but this is held in abeyance by the de­ductive and logical powers as indicated by "the straight line in the other hand.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

What does a long narrow Head line indicate?


This means that the subject will be fond of speculations and run­ning risks in business, and if the second and third fingers are of equal length such a person may be safely called a gambler.If it slopes very much on to the mount of Moon, there will be too much imagination controlling the intellect and producing many eccentric ideas and habits.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

What does a Head line twisted and of unequal thickness indicate?


This is a sign of weakness of liver, and where thin also, it shows bad health for as long as the thin condi­tion remains: an unequal Head line also indicates a selfish disposition and lowness of spirits. If the line has the appear­ance of being knotted up, it is a bad sign, because it shows the subject to possess such a bad temper and cruel dispo­sition that he will have a tendency to commit murder on the spur of the moment.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

What does a wary Head line indicate?


It is a sign of weakness of brain power, unequal circulation of the blood in the brain, showing head sutiering; and if there is across on the line with dotted points near it, in the centre of the hand, it is a sure sign of epileptic tendencies.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

What is the meaning of a chained appearance to the Head line?


This shows a want of fixedness of ideas, and a tendency to falter and be undecided in matters of importance.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

What does the Head line indicate when turning in the direction of the Heart line?


This is an indication that the passions or affections domineer over, and unduly influence the reasoning power, and is therefore unfortunate: if this line should touch the Heart line and become merged into it, it is a sign of a deep affection which threatens to over-balance reason, culminate in madness, and bring the unhappy subject to an early grave.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

When the Head line turns in the direction of any mount what does it indicate?


This is an indication that the Head, or mental powers are too much influenced by the qualities of the mount to which it turns; for instance, if it turns towards