Complete art of practical palmistry explained

A picture showing the palm of a hand

How will short fingers affect the manifestation of Mercury's characteristics?


By  indicating that the ideas, actions and words of the subject are brief and concise, and the manner of doing all things impulsive and hasty: such persons are very often envious, though amiable generally, and for the sake of having success would be inclined to take up many different pursuits, especially if others were having success in them.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

What shape of hands are best for the favourable mani¬festations of Mercury's characteristics?


Rather long hands, fin­gers smooth and soft, and the type mixed; the finger of Mercury long and pointed with the First joint developed, and the mount cut with deep straight lines; this combination indicates much power of thought, ability to reason on scientific subjects, and capacity to succeed both in the commercial and scientific world.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

When Mercury leans towards the mount of Apollo what does it indicate?


Commercial instinct of an artistic nature and a love of speculation; it is also a sign of eloquence.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

When are the characteristics of Mercury most favourably indicated ?


When Mercury is equal in development with Jupiter or with Venus; but it is only when in conjunction with an equal development of Saturn that the evil aspects of this mount are manifested.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

When Mercury is equally developed icith the various other mounts what does it indicate?


When equal in develop­ment with Mars it indicates a love of argument and strife, especially of words; sprightliness, rapidity of thought and motion, and a tendency to disbelief or infidelity, but it is seldom that Mercury is seen in equal development with Mars.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

When Jupiter's mount is equally developed with each of the other mounts, what does it indicate?


Jupiter and Saturn both fully developed indicate that the fate is a decided one, which strengthens and aids the ambition and good intentions of Jupiter, thus proclaiming the goodness of the individual; it also shows love of general knowledge and science from an amateur point of view, with excellent power to individualize men and things. Equal with Apollo it is a sure indication of wealth and celebrity by scientific talent , as well as by fortune and dignity.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

What does a well-developed mount of Venusindicate on the different types of hands?


Since the mount of Venus in­dicates the desire to please, gracefulness, and love of melody, its development upon any type of hand shows an increase of that subtle something which in man is called 'manly' and in woman 'loveliness', 'grace, 'feminine charms, etc.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

What does a well-developed mount of Moon indicate on the different type of hands?


On the Spatulate hand it indicates an active imagination for the planning of new schemes, but it also embellishes the practical prosaic nature and shows poetic tendencies; on the Square type it indicates a constant struggle between the desire to act in accordance with the imagination, and the wish to deal with facts pure and simple; on the Psychical type it shows an increase of imagination, a heightened desire for perfection, and if the hand is soft the character will be dreamy, unpractical a

A picture showing the palm of a hand

What does a well-developed mount of Mars indicate on the different types of hands?


On the Spatnlate hand it indi­cates love of martial and field sports and a desire to over­come all opposition; on the Square hand it indicates vehe­mence to enforce method, order, etc.; and on the Psychical hand love of pictures representing battle fields, naval engage­ments, and soon.

A picture showing the palm of a hand

What does a well-developed mount of Jupiter indicate in the different types of hands?


On the Spatulate type of hand,it indicates love of rule and sway, amounting almost to tyranny and despotism; on the Square hand it indicates an increase of pride, self-respect and also love of show: but in the Psychical type of hand an increased love and art our for religion and religious exercises will be manifested.